After Xiang Wu was taken away by HARVIN for shielding Lin Xiao last time, Interpol headquarters launched an in-depth investigation and found that Xiang Wu had many violations, which was put on file for review by the supervision department.

Now, Xiang Wu has been locked up in an overseas women's prison.

"What the hell? I was put in prison before I found out?" Lin Xiao's sword eyebrows were cold and his eyes were gloomy.

Nangong Jin glanced at Lin Xiao, "why, I'm distressed?"

"No, no," said Lin Xiaoshan, "after all, Xiang Wu has helped me a lot. Of course I'll be nervous when she has an accident. Besides, she's also your friend."

"I can't afford an official as big as the Deputy Secretary General of Interpol." Nangong brocade turned his eyes.

"However, Xiang Wu really needs help when something happens. I'll ask someone first." Lin Xiao patted Nangong Jin's little hand, "OK?"

Nangong Jin chuckled, "I'm just kidding you. How can I be so stingy?"

"Hey! I knew my wife was the most atmospheric." Lin Xiao understands that Nangong Jin's taking out his mobile phone to show him news actually means that he is not really jealous.

"OK, I'm less poor. The news was yesterday. After a good day, I'm afraid Xiang dance will become more complicated." Nangong Jin looked at his watch. "I'll go to the company and come back for dinner in the evening. Today's ancestral family came."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "People from the ancestral family? What's the matter?"

"It seems to be about the project. Nangong Xiaotian, one of the thirteen members of the parliament." Nangong Jin said.

Lin Xiao's eyes turned. "It seems that the ancestral family attaches great importance to this project. They urge you three times and four times. Now they send someone to supervise it?"

"Even the ancestors attach great importance to tens of billions of large projects, and I always feel strange to establish a film and Television City in places like the western regions." Nangong Jin said thoughtfully.

"Oh? What do you say?"

The two willow leaves of Nangong brocade frowned gently, "do you think, the western regions are vast and sparsely populated. If a film and television city is built in that place, can the crowd flow meet the standard?"

Lin Xiao pondered, "not necessarily. The film and television city can be rented to film and television companies to make TV and movies. Moreover, the surrounding service projects will attract a large number of investors and mobilize the local entertainment industry. The official will certainly support a good deal of killing three birds with one stone."

"Even so, there are always many difficulties and obstacles in working in that wilderness, and the closing investment ratio is too low." Nangong Jin shook his head, "I always feel uneasy."

"It's all right! I have everything. Just let go, wife." Lin Xiao encouraged.

"Well, I'll go to the company to prepare some materials first." Nangong brocade goes out.

Lin Xiao was concerned about Xiang Wu. He took out his mobile phone and considered it for a long time. Finally, he dialed a very lengthy phone number.

This number not only has the international area code, but also has a series of encrypted serial numbers. This number must pass through a special satellite to access the relevant frequency band.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Xiao seldom uses this number, because he will be found by someone after accessing the satellite. He doesn't want to be found by that person.

However, in order to Xiang Wu, Lin Xiao still needs to use some means to let the giants of some international organizations come forward to solve it.

Xiang Wu is locked up in an overseas women's prison. Her treatment is not bad, but she has no freedom.

She wanted to contact Lin Xiao before she was locked in, but it happened so suddenly that HARVIN didn't give her a chance to respond.

Xiang Wu leaned against the white wall and looked up at the energy-saving lamp.

The lighting is not dazzling, and the indoor environment is also very good, clean and tidy. The walls are made of sound-absorbing foam and special alloy. The prison door is controlled by electronic system. There is an LED display screen on the door, and some educational short films are playing.

If it's not that you can't get in and out freely, it's a good place to rest.


At this time, the LED display screen changes and a person's head appears on the screen.

"Dance to me!"

The voice of the figure is very heavy, with a strong nasal sound.

He frowned at the dancer and said, "I have nothing to say. You don't have to spend more time."

"After all, we are colleagues. Why should we be so embarrassed? As long as you tell us the whereabouts of the wooden tower, I will naturally let you go. Don't worry, our conversation is very secret and no one will hear it."

"Ha ha..." Xiang Wu showed a strong sarcastic smile, slowly looked up at the hypocritical face and said faintly, "Ha Wen! I didn't expect you to hide. I thought you really arrested me for Lin Xiao."

"The matter of your shielding Lin Xiao has been studied by the Council, and there will be a result. However... As long as you cooperate with me and tell me the whereabouts of the wooden tower, I promise you that you will be reinstated."

Xiang Wu leaned against the head of the bed, crossed his legs and sneered, "do you think I'll tell you?"

"Do you really want to be locked up here all your life?" HARVIN's expression slowly cooled down. "You are in your prime and have a bright future. Are you willing to die here?"

"Sorry, I should be out soon. So your threat is of no use to me." He glanced contemptuously at HARVIN.

HARVIN said lightly, "are you too confident? Who has the ability to get you out? Lin Xiao? He can't protect himself now. Can he care for you?"

"Then wait and see." Shrug your shoulders indifferently to the dance.

"You are still counting on Lin Xiao to save you..." Ha Wen youyou said. "Do you think this women's prison is comparable to Luocha prison? Luocha prison is a private prison, and here represents the whole East Asian official group. Its defense strength is not what you can imagine. Just rely on Lin Xiao?"

Xiang Wu closed his eyes and obviously didn't want to talk more nonsense with him.

"Hum!" HARVIN was irritated by Xiang Wu's indifferent attitude and shouted, "I tell you! If Lin Xiao dares to come, I'll just give him a turtle in a jar."

Xiangwu said coldly, "you don't have to do it yourself to save people? You underestimate him. He's not a reckless man!"

"Hey! I really like your blind self-confidence sometimes," HARVIN continued, seemingly deliberately attacking Xiang Wu's self-confidence in order to put more pressure on her, "This women's prison is a prison jointly established by more than a dozen big countries in East Asia. Qualified people are women with status like you. If you want to mention someone from here, you need at least six senior officials to order at the same time. I don't think Lin Xiao has so much face."

Seeing Xiang Wu's face changed, HARVIN continued to sneer, "in addition, the consent of the warden is also required, so that you can be released."

"Lin Xiao can neither break in nor get orders from senior officials. How do you think he can get you out?" HARVIN kept hitting Xiang Wu's confidence, "and what you've done is enough for you to sit through the bottom of the prison, okay?"

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