”There are several messages, but they are useless. They are all images left a few days ago. "Xiang Wu turned over the wechat sent by his hand in his mobile phone and said to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao took it over and looked at it for a few days. He found that the white bone had arrived in Zhennan a few days ago. To his surprise, the white bone also went to nanhuai temple.

But there was no monitoring near nanhuai temple, so there was no news of him after the white bone disappeared in the ancient building.

”Ancient building? Does this white bone have anything to do with consciousness? "Lin Xiao's heart sank, and he quickly dialed lie Yangzi's number.

Lieyangzi and Chuanjing have arrived in Shaolin and handed over their consciousness to the elders and monks of the law enforcement hall.

”Brother Hua, you go to see consciousness, and then open a video with me. I'll ask him something. “

Lieyangzi said carelessly, "what's going on? Juezhen has just imprisoned juezhen in the hall of subduing demons. “

”There's something urgent. Just go. “

”All right. "Lieyangzi hung up the phone, looked at nun Chuanjing suspiciously and said," what's the matter with brother Lin? “

”Let's go and have a look first. Master Juzhen hasn't gone far yet. “

They stopped for a moment outside the main hall, went straight to the depths of the inner yard, and soon came to the demon subduing hall.

Although juezhen wondered that they had just handed over their consciousness to the temple and returned, they didn't say much.

Take them into the hall of subduing demons. After turning to the main hall, there is a side room.

Consciousness sits in the room meditating.

Although he was seriously injured and blocked by Lin Xiao, he has recovered his energy with his strong physical quality. At the moment, his face is indifferent and he can't see that he is a useless man.

Strong Yangzi opens the video, and Lin Xiao's image appears on the mobile phone screen.

”Awareness! "Lin Xiao's voice opened his eyes slightly.

”Do you know this man? "Lin Xiao showed a picture of white bones.

Conscious, his eyes were calm, and there was no fluctuation at all. He shook his head slowly and said, "I don't know! “

Lin Xiao frowned, "are you sure? “

”Of course! “

”Then why did he go to nanhuai temple in Gulou a few days ago? Don't tell me he went to incense. "Lin Xiao shouted coldly.

”Amitabha! Good, good! Lao Na has never seen this person. Maybe martial nephew Jueming has seen him, but Jueming has been killed by the benefactor. I'm afraid I can't find out why. “

Lin Xiao was stunned by his words. Because what he said is likely to be true.

Since consciousness couldn't ask anything, Lin Xiao had to give up.

A clue was interrupted again.

”Shit! Which bastard is playing tricks! "Lin Xiao's eyes were terrible.

Even Xiang dance dare not say a word at this time.

Even a word of comfort would disgust Lin Xiao.

The day passed quickly.

Lin Xiao was going crazy because he still had no clue.

White bones seemed to evaporate from the world.

It's getting dark.

Although it was still cold in April, everything had recovered, the riverside water was more and more jubilant, and the water and grass on both sides gradually spread under the bridge.

At the junction of water plants and piers, a dark space extends. The space is surrounded by cold walls, and only a candle flickers slightly.

After the candlelight, white bones sat upright.

Just at this moment, the skull scarf and hat had been taken off, revealing his bald head.

"Why did you catch me?"

Nangong Jin curled up in a corner of the wall and looked calm. Perhaps after a day's precipitation, no matter how much surprise and fear were dissipated.


Bai Gu took out an iron gourd, removed the cover, took a sip, and said mindlessly, "do you know Lin Xiao's real life experience?"

Nangong Jin was stunned for a long time.

The strange man caught her but kept silent all day. When she had enough trouble, she suddenly asked such an irrelevant question. It was really surprising.

"I don't know what you mean." Nangong Jin said tentatively.

After taking another sip of the white bone wine, he smashed it into his mouth and said, "look at your expression, you should know something!"

Nangong brocade frowned and her eyes were full of doubts.

She thought about the whole process carefully, and until now she still felt like a dream.

The other party forcibly blocked the way and caught her, but did not escape. Instead, he jumped directly off the bridge.

At that time, Nangong Jin thought he had met a madman. With this jump, he fell into the river at a height of tens of meters, which is not much different from falling on the concrete ground.

However, on the way, Bai Gu suddenly threw out an iron claw in his hand, hung it directly under the pier, floated gently, and then came to this space.

According to Nangong Jin's guess, this place should be inside the pier, and there are secret doors outside.

To be clear, this should be an unknown narrow space under the bridge.

The space may be deliberately built. It seems airless on all sides, but it won't hold its breath. It is surrounded by a trace of cold from the river.

Nangong Jin doesn't understand the other party's purpose, but since he hasn't started after so long, it shows that the other party has no intention to embarrass himself for the time being.

He was a little calm in his heart. Nangong Jin said in a weak tone belonging to a woman, "elder, I don't know where I offended you. What are you going to do? Can you tell me clearly?"

Bai Gu sipped the wine and said faintly, "Lin Xiao is the descendant of the front hall of the king. You should know, right?"

Nangong Jin's small mouth was slightly open, with a surprised expression.

"Hehe, the king's front hall and the heaven and earth court are entangled with gratitude and resentment for thousands of years. Unfortunately, many people only know one and don't know the other." The more white bones drink, the more they get on top, opening the story telling mode.

"The front hall of the king is strong because of one thing." The white bone raised a withered finger.

Nangong Jin stared at him and waited for him to finish.

Nangong brocade naturally knows about the life experience of the descendants of king Lin Xiao's front hall, but Bai Gu doesn't know that Nangong brocade is the descendant of heaven and earth yard.

"The limitless skill of the king's front hall is the source of the strength of the king's front hall. You may not know what the limitless skill is, but it is the only way to make people become the supreme power in this end of the law era."

Nangong Jin doesn't understand each other's meaning, but she knows what is supreme.

Nangong Jin has long been amazed by the powerful power of the supreme puppet, and Lin Xiao's experience and experience in the desert also let her know some secrets.

Nangong Jin probably knows how strong a supreme level master will be.

At the moment, Bai Gu said the effect of the so-called limitless skill, which inevitably made Nangong Jin stare in surprise.

"Now that I know that Lin Xiao is the descendant of the king's front hall, I naturally know that he has the limitless skill. However," the white bone said, "the limitless skill must cooperate with the blood of the direct descendant of the king's front hall to have an effect. If I just grab the limitless skill, it's useless, so I'll catch you. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I don't understand!" Nangong brocade really doesn't understand.

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