"Hey!" Bai Gu smiled, "you are very important to Lin Xiao. Only by holding you in his hand can he be obedient."

Nangong Jin reacted and said, "what do you want to do?"

"It's actually very simple. Let him hand over the limitless skill and exchange blood with me! This can save your life." White bone seemed to be saying something unimportant.

However, in this atmosphere and environment, Nangong brocade only felt a gloomy breath.

Change blood!

It's a blood change, but the look in Bai Gu's eyes is not so simple.

If Lin Xiao really falls into the hands of Bai Gu, I'm afraid his whole body's blood will be drained. In the end, it's not only a matter of changing blood, but also a matter of changing life.

There's no life without blood.

Nangong Jin doesn't think Bai Gu has that kind heart. He will exchange his blood for Lin Xiao.

The most likely is to drain Lin Xiao's blood and then input it into the white bone through special methods.

This idea is similar to Nangong Jin helping Lin Xiao treat blood poison.

The purpose is to change blood, but the method of Nangong brocade contains the use of rare drugs. It can clean up the toxins in Lin Xiao's blood through the action of herbs.

And Bai Gu is completely for himself and won't consider Lin Xiao's life or death at all.

Probably the only similarity is that they are completely sincere about the obsession of wanting to change blood.

"You won't succeed." Nangong Jin struggled slightly with her bound hands.

"Ha ha," Bai Gu looked up and drank up the wine in the gourd and said faintly, "it's almost time. Now I want to see how much you weigh in Lin Xiao's heart. You should also want to know?"

Nangong brocade began to struggle violently and hit the wall.


The collision broke his head and blood.

Bai Gu didn't expect Nangong Jin to be so strong, so he quickly stopped her behavior.

"Aren't you afraid of disfigurement? It's a pity to destroy such a beautiful face." Said the white bone youyou.

Nangong Jin's forehead and temples were dripping with blood. The blood flowed down her cheeks, making her expression more sad and beautiful. "Asshole! You don't want to threaten Lin Xiao with me. Even if I die, I won't let you succeed."

Bai Gu smiled, "you don't have to worry first. Lin Xiao may not agree to my terms. Maybe you don't weigh so much in his heart."

Nangong brocade was stunned and suddenly felt a little empty.

Yes, Lin Xiao is facing the choice of life and death. Will he really compromise?


In the dark corner, Bai Gu groped and pressed the switch, and a laptop started.

Bai Gu turned on the computer, logged in to a strange page and sent an email to Lin Xiao.

At this moment, Lin Xiao is standing at the end of the bridge.

After a day's speculation and analysis of clues and evidence, he basically determined one thing.

Bai Gu didn't walk out of the Binhai bridge after taking nangongjin.

At that time, 146 vehicles passed the Binhai bridge. Lin Xiao investigated all the vehicles through transfer monitoring and follow-up investigation.

Since Bai Gu didn't get out of the Binhai bridge, there was only one possibility. He escaped from the bridge.

If you escape from the riverside, the surrounding monitoring can't detect at all, and the nearby river channel is completely in a dead corner state.

So Lin Xiao was a little desperate and the clue was broken.

He stood on the bridge in the middle of the night, trying to find even a clue, but he even searched the bridge openings and piers and found nothing.

While Lin Xiao was in a mess, his mobile phone vibrated.

Take out your mobile phone and open your mailbox. There is a secret email from the dark network.

Lin Xiao hesitated for a second and decisively opened the mail.


A skeleton flew out. The animation lasted two seconds, and the picture of Nangong brocade appeared.

Nangong brocade, full of red fruits, was tied up and curled up in a dark corner.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao almost blew his lungs.

But he observed carefully and found some doubts. This video was only cut and processed by PS, which synthesized the head of Nangong brocade with another unknown naked person.

"Don't be angry about a little prank."

A joking voice came out of the mobile phone.

This is an audio mail. Lin Xiao can only listen but can't talk.

"If you want your woman to be safe, do as I say, otherwise the next video will be a real picture without synthesis. And I will upload the video online to let people all over the world enjoy your woman's wonderful body."

Lin Xiao's teeth rattled and pulled the mail directly to the bottom.

"At 12 noon tomorrow, come alone with wujigong. The address is on the top floor of the TV Tower of the film and Television Center."

"I found that any sign of redeployment will make you regret it all your life!"

"Remember! You can only be alone! Take the limitless skill."

Lin Xiao felt a chill in his heart. Unexpectedly, the other party was thinking of his limitless skill.

Zhennan TV Tower is 243 meters high. It is not only the pillar building of the local TV Tower, but also a famous tourist attraction in Zhennan.

On its top floor, there is only a small space, no more than ten square meters.

And in that place, any wind and grass will be clearly observed.

In other words, Lin Xiao could not sneak up with unbeaten, nor could he ambush many people to secretly coordinate.

"When you receive an email and open it, you have 30 seconds to reply. When the time comes, the email will be destroyed automatically. If you don't reply, you should be online when you see your woman again."

"Of course, there will be something inappropriate for children in the video. I can't guarantee that you can measure it yourself."

Almost no one knows the existence of Wang QianDian and Wuji Gong. The other party's goal is so clear that he has insight into all Lin Xiao's secrets.

Only 30 seconds to think about it.

The importance of limitless work has been very clear since the last meeting with limitless.

That's the only powerful secret that has a chance to win the supreme.

Since the white bone target is in Wuji Gong, he probably knows about Lin Xiao's blood.

Limitless skill is perfect only when it matches with blood.

If it were Lin Xiao, he would not only steal the limitless skill, but also take the other party's blood.

Seizing blood sounds easy, but it's hard to do.

In terms of medical technology under modern technology, it is also difficult.

But there is not no chance of success.

If we can have a strong surgical expert and a master of traditional Chinese medicine who is proficient in regulating qi and blood, there is a great chance to complete blood transfer through blood exchange and bone marrow transplantation.

Of course, after this transfer, it is naturally not as good as the fit of the original noumenon. It is more difficult to win the supremacy through this way.

However, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Tut Tut," Bai Gu said to Nangong Jin, staring at the countdown displayed on the computer, "thirty seconds will arrive soon. He hasn't replied yet. It seems that he doesn't want to save you."

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