Lin Xiao looked at Jiang Quan and said with a smile, "what are you nervous about?"

"Ah? No, I'm not nervous!" Jiang Quan blurted out without thinking.


Xiang dance was amused.

Lin Xiao said faintly, "don't be afraid, I won't deal with you. But there's one thing, I'll leave it to you. Is it all right?"

Jiang Quan was stunned for a long time and quickly replied, "don't worry, I'll do it properly."

"That's good." Lin Xiao smiled, "I hope you don't let me down."

Jiang Quan's expression was very sad. I was the special envoy of the trial Council. Why did he do things for you and make you satisfied?

But Jiang Quan didn't dare to show his true expression, so he had to respond obediently, "I will let tieliu spit out all his property to his home."


Lin Xiao scattered all kinds of property rights certificates on the table, picked out one at random, opened it and said with a sneer, "the means of tieliu is clever. He even changed all the property rights certificates to his name. It was a conspiracy for a long time."

"Hum! This iron six wronged my father as a good brother. I didn't expect to do such a thing." Xiang Wu angrily opened the property rights certificates and fell angrily on the table.

Jiang Quan sized up the situation and immediately replied, "don't worry, miss, Qian Liu won't pose a threat to you in the future. I will thoroughly investigate his power structure and remove all hidden dangers."

The trial Council has always been ruthless. Jiang Quan is submissive to Lin Xiao and dare not cause trouble, but he will never be merciful when dealing with other underground forces.

"Good! I'm relieved to have special envoy Jiang's words." Lin Xiao waited for Jiang Quan's promise. In this way, the trial Council can only be blamed for Qian Liu's accident. At that time, the underground forces in Zhennan will not say anything to Lin Xiao.

After all, this line also has rules and reputation. If you deal with the same forces in vain, you will also be despised and excluded.

Lin Xiao grew up. "In that case, I won't disturb special envoy Jiang's work. I hope I can hear your good news when I get up tomorrow morning."

There is still half a day, enough for Jiang Quan to do these things.

As for the problem that the relevant departments do not work, it is not within the scope of Lin Xiao's consideration.

"I see!" Jiang Quan's eyes were cold.

Lin Xiao swayed out, and Xiang Wu followed him out.

Jiang Quan breathed a sigh of relief and whispered coldly to his men, "go and bring Qian Liu in."


Qian Liu was too scared to stand. His legs were as soft as noodles. He was dragged in by two people.

"Look at your promise," Jiang Quan said angrily. "You are such a waste. Do you want to be the boss of Zhennan? Bah!"

Qian Liu fell to his knees.

If Qian Liu could be the boss, he would not have been pressed against the top five before.

Now Qian Liu is gone. He knows that his ending will be terrible. Naturally, he is frightened and can't even say a retort.

"You guys, cooperate with Qian Liu to return all the home assets. These things must be done early tomorrow morning, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!" Jiang Quan is naturally majestic in front of others.


Jiang Quan knelt down in front of him.

Xiang Wu pulled Lin Xiao out of the pawn shop with a smile, "you helped me again."

Lin Xiao gave her a white look, "nothing in return?"

"Yes! I've said it many times. It's a pity that you don't agree." He pretended to be innocent and said to the dance.

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry and hurriedly said, "forget it! You can buy me a meal and take it as your reward."

"OK! Let's have two bowls of clear soup and large bowls of noodles. Anyway, you're not picky about food." Xiang Wu dragged Lin Xiao all the way out of Qian Liu's territory and came to the opposite snack city. "I heard that the fried cold noodles and snacks here are very good. I'll take you to have a try."

"... do you like it? Don't you mean big bowl of noodles?" Lin Xiao was speechless.

"Anyway, it's all food. Why do you care so much? I'm talking. I'll invite you to dinner. Of course I decide!"

Lin Xiao was stunned. "Isn't it right that the person who should be invited should be the master?"

"Oh! Who are we and who are we? Are you a big man and mother-in-law interesting?"


Lin Xiao was dragged into the snack street by the dance company.

Any woman will be tempted by delicious food, not to mention Nanyun snack city, which gathers delicious food all over the world. Just walking around the block, she can be fascinated by all kinds of fragrance.

Lin Xiao was also aroused by bursts of pungent fragrance. With Xiang dance, he couldn't wait to penetrate into the noisy crowd.

At the entrance of the snack city, a man wearing a hat and covering himself whispered to the wireless headset, "the target has entered the snack city. Group two keeps up, group two keeps up."

"Group two received!"

Two men and a woman, dressed as tourists, crowded in and touched Lin Xiao and Xiang Wu.

"The three groups stare at the exit and report any abnormalities immediately."

The man then turned to stick to the wall and stood to one side.

At this time, the boy next to him asked, "team Zhou, why are we in such a hurry to come out and watch? One group is enough?"

Zhou Changsheng pursed his hair behind his back, showed a mocking face, chewed bubble gum and said vaguely, "you know a fart! Who did you say I saw just now?"


"Jiang Quan! The new special envoy of the trial Parliament." Zhou Changsheng sneered.

"So, so what?" The man seems to be a fool and keeps asking.

Zhou Changsheng said angrily, "who does Jiang Quan represent? The trial Council, what organization is the trial Council? The biggest black and evil force in China."

"... team Zhou, your heart is too big. Do you believe such things? They are all folk rumors. Where is the trial Council? They are deliberately said by a group of guys to confuse the public."

"Hey... We are investigating the trial of the parliament. Lin Xiao is mixed with their special envoy Jiang Quan. This is a big deal. Once we get hold of it, we have a better chance of winning." Zhou Changsheng said excitedly.

"I always feel a little risky. Our arms can't beat our thighs. What if Lin Xiao bites us back?"

Zhou Changsheng knocked him on the head. "Don't talk nonsense. You can do whatever you want. What are you still doing here? Hurry to work."

"Oh!" He ran in plain clothes.

"What a mallet!" Zhou Changsheng chewed gum, opened his mouth and vomited out.


Chewing gum flew more than ten meters away and landed in the dustbin accurately.

You can't be aboveboard if you want to trouble Lin Xiao, but Zhou Changsheng is patient.

He has collected a lot of evidence. This time, no one can protect Lin Xiao from top to bottom.

At least, let Lin Xiao go in and squat for ten years.

If you're lucky, you might stay for 20 years and don't have to come out in your life.

You are brilliant? You ran away? You escaped?

OK, let you run away and become a lost dog. Whoever dares to protect you will be unlucky.

The circumference lit a cigarette, with a cold smile in his eyes.

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