Xiang dance is a rare gluttony.

She ate the snack city all over, and her belly was bulging, propping up her tight little leather clothes.

"You look like a pregnant may body. Can you digest so much?" Lin Xiao's mouth was full of meat kebabs and he was still teasing Xiang dance.

Xiang Wu took a cup of hot milk tea and gave him a hard look, "what? I want my mother to give you a baby?"

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah Lin Xiao smiled.

"Hey!" He smiled at the strange dancer, "what do you think those guys in the crowd want to do?"

Lin Xiao sneered, "it's estimated that Zhou Changsheng's men have nothing to do all day. They don't know what to do with me."

"Oh? The new Bureau seat? I heard it's a big story." She sipped milk tea at Wu and said with a smile.

"Do you know him?"

Nodded to the dancer, "yes, I found his information at Interpol headquarters."

"You still know a lot. Why haven't you said it before?"

"Before? You didn't ask before..." rolled his eyes at Wu.

"Tell me about his origin." Lin Xiao swallowed a mouthful of meat and asked with a little interest.

Xiang Wu paused. "When the dragon and tiger team was established, were there three reserves?"

Lin Xiao nodded. "You can't say he is one of the three reserves? I don't remember the word Zhou Changsheng."

"Ha ha..." Xiang Wu said with a smile, "Zhou Changsheng, formerly known as Jiyun, worked as a secret service for several years after he retired from the army. Then according to the principle of special protection, the official changed his name and sent him to the city as a police officer."

"Jiyun?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

He knows the name Jiyun naturally.

The three soldiers in the reserve are all outstanding soldiers, but the dragon and tiger team chose the best, and finally Jiyun lost the election.

Lin Xiao didn't participate in the selection competition. Naturally, he didn't see Ji Yun's true face.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yun changed his name to Zhou Changsheng.

"So, is perimeter staring at me for revenge?" Lin Xiao frowned, "it's too stingy."

He smiled to the dance, "man! Your biggest future has been destroyed by you. Can you not be angry? It's normal."

"Can you blame me for my lack of strength? I remember when I looked at the data records, his achievements were good, but the single shot hit rate of the pistol was slightly lower, 0.5, just 0.5." Lin Xiao gradually remembered the situation when he was selected.

He glanced at the dance, "that's 0.5. Let him fall from the sky to the ground. What would you think if it were you?"

Lin Xiao was stunned.

The glory of soldiers is naturally proud of entering the highest level operational force.

The dragon and tiger Corps was the sacred palace that all soldiers yearned for.

No matter his secret level, combat effectiveness or responsibility, he is the highest level.

Ji Yun was also arrogant at that time.

"But now he's doing well. He's in the Public Security Bureau of the Municipal Bureau. No one else will think about this position all his life." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Maybe this is the heart of the people. What you can't get is always stupid. You never cherish what you see." Xiang Wu looked at Lin Xiao thoughtfully.

"If he is really against me because of the past, I am more and more sure that he chose the right one." Lin Xiao sneered.

He glanced at the crowd and said with a smile, "there are some boys coming together."

"Hey!" Lin Xiao's eyes turned and suddenly stood up, "wait for me for a while."

"Eh? Where are you going?"

Before Xiangwu's voice fell, Lin Xiao went out of the crowd at the stall.

Startled, the three plainclothes quickly turned around and pretended to be diners.

Lin Xiao walked around the crowd and came out.

Xiang Wu doesn't know what Lin Xiao is up to.

A few seconds later, however, someone shouted, "where's my wallet? Where's my wallet?"

Some people lost their wallet, which immediately caused confusion among the surrounding diners. Many people looked in the direction of the sound.

A young man was walking around in place, nervous and desperate. He kept looking at the nearby crowd and shouted, "there is a thief! Be careful, there is a thief. My wallet was still there when I paid for it just now, and now it's lost."

The crowd suddenly became alert.

Lin Xiao returned to the dance and said with a smile, "look at the good play!"

"What do you mean?" I was confused about the dance.


Lin Xiao flexed his fingers and flicked a small stone around and hit a plain clothes fart pocket.


The wallet half in his pocket fell to the ground.

As soon as the young man who lost his wallet brightened his eyes, he immediately roared and rushed over.

"Shit! You stole my wallet!"

"Catch the thief!"

Plain clothes confused.

The other two plainclothes were also stunned. Seeing that their companions were entangled, they inadvertently looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao smiled and waved to them.

As soon as they saw it, it was over. It was discovered

what the fuck!

"Catch the thief!"

The crowd's mood escalated.

Three plainclothes were instantly submerged by the crowd.

"We are the police!"

A few minutes later, the three plainclothes with bruised nose and face squeezed out of the crowd and showed their police certificates in a very bad mood.

"Police, why did the police steal my wallet?"

Plainclothes was angry. "I stole your uncle. We are on official business!"

When they looked back, Lin Xiao and Xiang Wu had long disappeared.

"Zhou bureau! People ran away!"

Zhou Changsheng was leaning against the wall smoking. When he heard the report, he threw the cigarette butts away and angrily said, "are you waste? You can lose them with individuals?"



The three faces are black. They dare not say that they are regarded as thieves and their actions are hindered. If the news is sent back to the Bureau, it is estimated that they will be laughed off by their brothers.

Lin Xiao and he had already got on the bus and slipped away.

"You should guard against the circumference. It seems that this boy has been plotting for a long time." On the bus, Lin Xiao looked at the scene of a pot of porridge in the snack city, with a faint sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Xiang Wu casually put his long legs on the front pedal, showed a provocative posture, and said with a smile, "what are you afraid of? If you ask the one who saved me to say a word, who dares to touch you?"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "Shit! You know what? In order to save you, I wasted a great favor!"

"How big is it?"

Lin Xiao bit his teeth. "It's very big! Maybe I'll help him. I'm very reluctant to listen to him, okay?"

"Giggle..." smiled to Wu, "it's rare that you are very angry. It seems that you have been tortured by that person."

Lin Xiao looked up at the sky and said nothing. It was more than torture.

When commanding the dragon and tiger team, Lin Xiao was basically regarded as a mule envoy.

He smiled at the dance and suddenly said seriously, "thank you!"

"Hypocrisy!" Lin Xiao's lips curled.

Nodding to the dance, he suddenly asked, "when are you going to find the wooden tower?"

Lin Xiao's eyes coagulated. "Are you sure you want to tell me?"

"Who am I talking to?"

"What's the secret between the fifth master and the red eyed king?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

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