early morning!

After Lin Xiao supervised Xiaosu's early practice, he asked his hand to pick up the construction team.

A huge auditorium should be built at the back of Nanlong villa for marriage.

Such a big project can be completed in five days.

The human and material resources required are huge.

Of course, Lin Xiao doesn't need this money. He just wants to bring a perfect wedding to Nangong Jin.

The venue, furniture, accessories, tables, chairs, benches and other things should be arranged.

The list of main guests has also been sent out. There are only a few hundred qualified to participate in Lin Xiao's wedding.

Plus other staff, guests, family members and other personnel, up to 1000 people.

There are more than enough venues to accommodate thousands of people.

After Lin Xiao planned the specific site, he went to the laboratory of Nanlong group.

After moving back the magic eye grass cultivation base, some settings and arrangements are needed. Lin Xiao invited a scientific team to maintain the laboratory with Linglong.

Linglong is also at the stage of doing academic papers for postgraduates. She is going to write this research on magic eye grass as the main direction of the paper.

When Lin Xiao came to the laboratory, Linglong was carefully recording the data and discussing the next step of catalysis with several researchers.

If magic eye grass wants to be planted in a large area, in addition to simulating its growth environment, it also needs to catalyze the activity of magic eye grass to divide more cells and tissues.

Of course, Lin Xiao only knows a little about this profound academic problem.

For Lin Xiao, he just wants to see the results.

"How's it going?" Lin Xiao interrupted the whispers.

"Boss!" A researcher stood up with a smile. "It's basically done. Miss Linglong's idea is very novel and advanced. Maybe... We can create a new discipline."

"Really?" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up, "I knew Linglong must be all right. This girl is smart."

Linglong smiled awkwardly, "brother Lin, will you go to school later? Give me a ride? I want to go back and get some information."

"Yes, I'm just going to train those boys." Lin Xiao smiled.

"That's good!" Linglong wants to stop talking. Maybe there are too many people in the laboratory. She doesn't speak well.

Seeing her abnormality, Lin Xiao said hello to the staff, asked them to finish the cultivation as soon as possible, and walked out of the laboratory with Linglong.

"Linglong, is there something wrong?"

Linglong hesitated for a few seconds and whispered, "brother Lin, can you let Linghu go to work in your company? Anything can be done. He has nothing to do at home. I'm afraid he'll fool around with people outside again."

Without hesitation, Lin Xiao nodded, "yes, what's his major?"

"He studies management." Linglongyi is careful.

She felt that she owed Lin Xiao too much, so she even seemed timid to ask for a favor.

The more than one million misappropriated public funds still haven't been paid back. Linglong has always felt guilty in her heart.

Aware of Linglong's care, Lin Xiao smiled and suddenly took out a card, "the reward is for you."

"Ah?" Linglong didn't reach out for it. She didn't dare. She thought she should do it. She was just a hobby. She never thought she would make money in this way.

Lin Xiao has benefited a lot from Linglong's love for ancient herbs and plants, which makes Linglong have wonderful ideas that many professionals do not have.

Cary has ten million.

For Lin Xiao, a drop in the bucket, but for Linglong's family, which is not poor but not rich, it is an astronomical wealth.

With this money, Linglong can take her parents to live in the city and live a good life.

Food and clothing, even quite rich.

And in terms of Lin Xiao's character, as long as there are no mistakes, Linglong will be rich and valuable for the rest of her life.

But Linglong doesn't want it.

With this money, Linglong's relationship with Lin Xiao really became an employment relationship, even an interest relationship. Even if she doesn't say it, Linglong doesn't dare to say another word in front of Lin Xiao from now on.

"Brother Lin, do you think I'm a friend?" Linglong sighed and asked very seriously.

"Why do you ask? We are friends." Lin Xiao had a big nerve and stood at a different angle. He couldn't guess Linglong's careful thinking.

"Since you are a friend, are you outspoken in giving me money? I promised to help you because we are friends..." Linglong was more careful. She was afraid that Lin Xiao would be upset because of a sensitive remark.

Lin Xiao blinked and said dumbly, "the money is a reward for you, but it also means to let you improve the laboratory. After all, I can't do everything myself. All the magic eye grass can only be entrusted to you."

"I know!" Linglong smiled mischievously, "friends should help each other, and the laboratory really needs money to run, but it can't use so much money. I calculated yesterday that it will take about 470000 to run all of it. Of course, including my running expenses..."

Lin Xiao slowly took back his bank card. He was quite surprised.

When ordinary people see this huge sum of money, their first thought is to take it as their own.

No one does not love money. Even Lin Xiao has an inexplicable desire for money.

Because money represents identity and status at any time.

With money, you can have resources and contacts, and then form a virtuous circle with your ability.

This is why the richer the rich, the more capable people will make money.

Linglong's eyes are pure, spotless and without any affectation.

For such a simple girl, Lin Xiao felt that it was really inappropriate to measure with money.

"All right!" Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, "you have taught me another lesson. You take 470000 of the money and put the rest in the laboratory. If you need anything, just take it directly."

Linglong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, brother Lin, I'll record the expenses clearly."

"Hehe, Linglong, you have ability. Ability is wealth. This is the money you earn by your ability. Don't think so much. And... I've always taken you as a friend and didn't mean to buy you with money." Lin Xiao still explained.

"I know!"

"Then go!" Lin Xiao handed the card to Linglong. "Let your brother report to the company tomorrow, and I'll help him arrange his position."

"Thank you, brother Lin!" Linglong followed happily.

In the next few days, Lin Xiao went to Zhonghai university to train Jiang Hua and others, while supervising the construction of the wedding site.

Lin Xiao's upcoming wedding also spread like wildfire in various channels.

Kunlun mountain!

Ding Qiu has been badly hurt and has been soaking in the cold pool recently.

Iceberg and cold pool, with the help of special drugs, Ding Qiu's injury recovered very quickly.

"Mr. Ding, if you take two more medicines, you can fully recover from your injury."

The old man who accompanied Ding Qiu in the cave was Fu Taiyin, Fu Taiyang's brother.

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