Fu Taiyin, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is no worse in academic research than the old man Yao in Yaowang villa, but he is poor, and he is lack of medical practice.

However, the medicine he developed is quite effective. After bathing, the injured can quickly recover from internal injury.


Ding Qiu stood up from the cold pool, did not wipe her body, and walked out of the pool in a robe.

"Dr. Fu's medicine is really effective," said Ding Qiu in a cold voice. "It's unreasonable that the old guy in yaowangzhuang refused me when he asked for medicine."

"Old Yao and Lin Xiao are good friends. It's normal not to sell Mr. Ding medicine." Fu Taiyang stroked his beard and smiled calmly.

"Hum!" Ding Qiu moved his muscles and bones, and his bones and veins made a crackling impact, "I heard that Lin Xiao is going to hold a wedding. It's very publicized..."

"Yes, the day after tomorrow." Fu Taiyin said quietly.

Ding Qiu put on his robe and tied his long hair in a bun. The Dragon Tiger stepped onto the stone seat and said in a deep voice, "he robbed the puppet supreme and super medicine bath. Do you think Ben Zong will give up?"

"Lin Xiao is really hateful. He threatened my eldest brother a few days ago and made him humiliate and reconcile. Fu Taiyang, the great martial god, can't lift his head now..."

Ding Qiu sneered, "robbed the treasure and wanted to marry and have children safely. Indeed, the ignorant are fearless."

"Is Mr. Ding ready to act?" Fu Taiyin's eyes brightened.

Ding Qiu's eyes were faint and sneered, "I heard that jianwuji has gone. Since he is not here, I'll find his apprentice's trouble. Who can stop it?"

"Hey! Lin Xiao can't compare with Mr. Ding." Fu Taiyang smiled.

"In any case, I will not give up the puppet supreme and super medicine bath formula. And Lin Xiao... He doesn't have such a big appetite to swallow it all." Ding Qiu sneered.

"That's natural. Lin Xiao has made public anger this time. He must pay a price." Fu Taiyin said without salt.

Ding Qiu said quietly, "he robbed my baby, bullied my family, and wanted to get married and have children leisurely? It's ridiculous..."

"Mr. Ding, what can I do for you? This boy runs against our Chinese Medicine Association in the south of Zhennan. I've been unhappy with him for a long time, but he is powerful and powerful. I'm too old to compete with him."

"What is your brother Fu's attitude towards the sun?" Ding Qiu suddenly asked.

"My brother?" Fu Taiyin frowned. "He made peace with Lin Xiao and said he was tired and didn't want to compete with the younger generation. I think he was afraid!"

"Hum! He promised to send Fu Shaohua up the mountain. At the critical moment, he was afraid of wolves and tigers. It was an insult to the name of the God of martial arts."

"Hey!" Fu Taiyin sighed, "my grandson was also hit by Lin Xiao. He is a little decadent. He has been closed and closed himself these days."

Ding Qiu shook his long sleeve and said in a Yin voice, "Fu Shaohua is also my half apprentice. I naturally want to find his field."

Fu Taiyin's eyes brightened. He knew that Ding Qiu was making a high sounding excuse for his actions.

Go to attack Lin Xiao rashly. If his teacher is unknown, he will be vilified by people from all walks of life in the Jianghu. If you make a move in the name of robbing the baby, you will eventually be labeled as a bad hat.

Different from foreign countries, we should act according to the rules of Wulin at home, otherwise the corruption of reputation will be small, and being attacked by others will be the future trouble.

"I will stand by Mr. Ding in this matter." Fu Taiyin stated his position.

"Good!" Ding Qiu got up and looked at Fu Taiyin. "I have to go to Shaolin before I go to Zhennan!"

"To Shaolin?" Fu Taiyin was stunned.

Ding Qiu's face gradually became calm. "I realize that thieves are bald and kill my disciples. How can I stand by and let Shaolin bear the price."

Fu Taiyin nodded thoughtfully and said quickly, "we really should ask for a statement."

"I'll start right away without delay. Please help me prepare the remaining soup and medicine." Ding Qiu said in a deep voice.

Fu Taiyin fumbled in her arms, took out two paper bags and respectfully put them on the table. "Half of these two bags of medicine will be taken orally and half will be soaked externally, which can consolidate Mr. Ding's trauma in two days."

"Thank you!"

Ding Qiu took the medicine and strode away.

There was only Fu Taiyin left in the cave. He sat still thinking about something.

If Ding Qiu takes Lin Xiao this time, he can take this opportunity to ask Lin Xiao about various traditional Chinese medicine formulas.

Lin Xiao's medical skills are amazing. Fu Taiyin has long coveted his medical skills. This is an absolutely rare opportunity.

Qinggou village in western regions.

In the square of twin towers, there are twenty capable guards standing neatly.

A young warrior in silver armor stood facing the team with a gun. After looking around, he said coldly, "Lord olan is about to leave the customs. He will set off for Zhennan today to recover the face of humiliation that day. My father has trained you for a long time, and it's time to use the army."

"Don't worry, young commander! We must avenge the righteous commander with blood and hatred!"

Neat and thick shouts soared into the sky.

Twenty silver soldiers, all of whom are very brave.

They fought against jackals, bears and leopards in the mountains all day, and their combat effectiveness was extremely fierce.

The young general with a gun is the son of Meng Yi's commander. On that day, Meng Yi was killed by Lin Xiao, his heart was pierced by an iron arrow, and his death was tragic. Meng Yuanwu, the son of Meng Yi, has long wanted to avenge his blood hatred. However, he knows that his strength is low. If he goes to avenge rashly, he will only sacrifice in vain.

This time, Lord Oulan personally ordered to take the elite of the family to fight against Lin Xiao in the south of the town. Meng Yuanwu immediately asked to lead the team and vowed to avenge blood hatred for his father.


The ancestral house gate was opened, and the two tiger head gates moved slowly to both sides.

Olan, dressed in a green robe, looked a little pale, but it didn't matter.

He used Gu Shu to cure diseases. There are some sequelae, but for the great master, this sequelae will disappear slowly.

If it hadn't been for the news that Lin Xiao invited guests and friends to hold a wedding, olan wouldn't have left the customs ahead of time.

He wants to take this opportunity to ask Lin Xiao for an explanation.

Along with his party in the Aragon desert, olan returned home after a big defeat, and was punished by the hospital master.

Saint Wan Rou returned to the inner wall of the hospital to reflect on her sins, which made olan look shameless.

Olan's gloomy eyes swept over the guards standing in front of him and said in a deep voice, "Lin Xiao killed your commander and humiliated the saint of heaven and earth court. This revenge will naturally be avenged."


"Kill Lin Xiao!"

Meng Yuanwu turned to face Ou LAN, bowed to the ground and said in a trembling voice, "Lord, I will kill Lin Xiao this time and avenge my father."

"Yuan Wu, don't worry. I won't let Lin Xiao escape again this time. Without the sword, Lin Xiao is a grasshopper after autumn. He won't jump for long." Olan sneered, "get ready and start right away."

"Yes!" Meng Yuanwu's voice was loud, and the byte notes almost roared out of his throat.

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