"Hello! Zhou Bureau..."

Lin Xiao had a bright smile on his face.

"Oh! Mr. Lin, what's up?" Zhou Changsheng was squatting on the hill opposite Nanlong villa, puckering his butt to peep. For a moment, he was afraid that Lin Xiao would find him. He hurried back and asked with a dry smile.

Lin Xiao looked straight at the hill outside the villa and said with a calm smile, "I want to apply for police protection. I think someone will kill me at the wedding tomorrow!"

"What, what?" The perimeter student thought he didn't hear clearly and reconfirmed, "do you apply for police protection?"

"Yes, yes..." Lin Xiao pretended to be melancholy. "A silly ratio has been staring at me near the hill these days. I suspect that a killer wants to do it when I get married, so I asked the police for protection!"

Zhou Changsheng subconsciously sweeps around. Is there a fool staring at you? Who? Why didn't I see it?

"But..." Zhou Changsheng hesitated. "Is there no substantive evidence?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao hurriedly said, "I have monitoring. I can see the situation of the hill opposite. Someone must be monitoring me. I guess it's a killer. Why don't I transfer the monitoring to Zhou bureau?"

Zhou Changsheng was silly. He suddenly woke up. SA Yazi ran down the mountain and said with a dry smile, "no, no, I believe Mr. Lin, I'll go back and arrange it. Tomorrow will ensure the safety of the wedding site."

"Ouch! Thank you so much. Please arrange it for me as soon as possible. I'm really afraid of being assassinated." Lin Xiao pretended to be very afraid.

Zhou Changsheng's face is black. You are the one who assassinates others. Are you afraid of being assassinated?

"OK, don't worry, I'll arrange it!" Zhou Changsheng smiled reluctantly.

Running down the hill, Zhou Changsheng glanced around vigilantly again and thought where there was a camera in this place. He was careless.

Lin Xiao's silly comparison just now obviously scolded Zhou Changsheng. Zhou Changsheng also knew that he had been found.

Lin Xiao took the opportunity to ask Zhou Changsheng to mobilize the police for protection. It seems that he is alert that something bad will happen tomorrow.

Zhou Changsheng wants something to happen to Lin Xiao's wedding, so he may be able to fish in troubled waters and find more substantive evidence.

With the evidence in his hand now, Zhou Changsheng almost wanted to catch Lin Xiao.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao's move directly disrupted Zhou Changsheng's plan.

Applying for police protection means that in case of an accident, the police will have to cover for Lin Xiao.

When they got on the bus, the two police officers were sleepy and woke up with a slap by Zhou Changsheng.

Pa Pa!

"Sleep, sleep, let you sleep?"

Zhou Changsheng shouted angrily.

As soon as they were excited, they were salivating. They vaguely saw that it was Zhou Changsheng, and their frightened souls were gone.

"Report to the weekly Bureau, there is no abnormality!"

"Zhou, Zhou Bureau, no, no abnormality!"

Zhou Changsheng laughed angrily and shouted, "drive quickly and go back to the Bureau."

The car drove out of the woods and sped down the mountain like a thief.

A drone flew back quietly.

Ling Yu, who commanded the UAV, jumped down from the hill as if talking to the air, "boss, he's gone."

Ling Yu's voice came from Lin Xiao's invisible headset. He smiled and said, "pay attention to the warning around today. I'm afraid there will be others peeping in addition to Zhou Changsheng."

"Hey! Zhou Changsheng, a fool, thought the desolate hill was not monitored, but he didn't know that this is the important base for us to monitor the whole Nanlong villa." Ling Yu smiled.

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "don't worry about him. He's moving a stone and smashing himself in the foot. The police will help us guard tomorrow, which saves us a lot of things."

"By the way, boss, Zhaolong will arrive at night. Our ceremony..." Ling Yu suddenly whispered obscene, "are you still doing it?"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao was stunned and hesitated, "do you really want to do it?"

"Of course! Isn't this our practice? Brothers have to do it when they get married. If you don't, how can you convince the public in the future?" Ling Yu couldn't suppress his laughter.

"Shit!" Lin Xiao was a little melancholy, "in case your sister-in-law finds out..."

"What are you afraid of? This is the last chance for a single nobleman. There will be no shop after this village. In the future, the boss is the one who enters the fence. Don't you cherish the last night?"

Lin Xiao, too, nodded and said, "OK!"

As soon as Zhou Changsheng returned to the police station, someone came to urge Lin Xiao to call for protection.

This man is still an important member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He died waiting in the police station. When will he arrange a good hand.

Zhou Changsheng originally just wanted to deal with the matter, but under the supervision of this important official, it was difficult to ride a tiger. He could only harden his head to mobilize the police force, even the special police.

Finally, more than 300 police forces were called and prepared to rush to Nanlong villa overnight to guard.

After the workers worked overtime all day, the brilliant auditorium and perfect surrounding facilities were finally completed.

The sun had just set, and when all the lights were on, the brilliant colors scattered from heaven quickly reflected the sky.

"How beautiful!" Nangong Jin walked out of the villa and couldn't help exclaiming at the beautiful scenery.

At Lin Xiao's request, the periphery of the auditorium is covered with colored lights and special LED lights. When night comes, there will be a special lighting division responsible for lighting, and then there will be a beautiful lighting scene.

"How's it going, wife? Isn't the auditorium and its surrounding facilities good? It's also great to have a dance or party in the future, isn't it?" Lin Xiao smiled.

Nangong brocade was lying on the railing, feeling infinitely wonderful, nodded and said, "did you design this?"


"Blow it, you still have this artistic cell?" Nangong Jin smiled narrowly.

"Look down on me, it's all Pediatrics..." Lin Xiao smelled beautiful, and his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the caller number, Lin Xiao suddenly said with a dry smile, "wife, I'm going to get together with my brothers in the evening. It's estimated that I'll be back very late. Go to bed early."

"Where are you going?" Nangong Jin was stunned.

"Well, maybe it's drinking and singing..." Lin Xiao's eyes turned.

Nangong Jin looked at Lin Xiao suspiciously, "really?"


"All right." Nangong Jin didn't think much, and suddenly said with a smile, "say goodbye to the last night of being single?"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao seemed to be a thief who was found stealing. He was immediately embarrassed.

"Hehe, remember to drink less." Nangong Jinbai glanced at him and walked back gracefully.

Lin Xiao connected the phone. There was already a roar of people opposite. Lang Yan cried, "boss, I'll wait for you. Twelve best girls are waiting for you."

Lin Xiao quickly lowered the phone voice and whispered, "right away!"

All the way, Lin Xiao came to a small bar called "lover".

"How did you choose such a place?" After Lin Xiao got off the bus, he was a little dumb.

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