"Boss, why did you come?" Song Zhaolong is a little drunk and has been standing at the door waiting for Lin Xiao.

"Why are you here?" Lin Xiao greeted him with a smile.

"Lang Yan said that there are too many acquaintances in his territory, and those big bar KTVs are flattering villains. It's relatively quiet here, and no one bothers us." Song Zhaolong took Lin Xiao in.

There were five or six strong men guarding the bar door. When they saw Lin Xiao coming in, they didn't have any particularly obvious expression, and even had some vigilance.

The interior of the bar is far less simple and desolate than it looks outside. It is surprisingly spacious.

Noisy music, blurred lights, and the smell of alcohol in the air, coupled with the excited crowd, constantly stimulated Lin Xiao's hormones.

The first floor is a dancing place, and the second floor is a drinking place along a special rotating staircase.

"Boss, this way!" Langyan lay on the railing and waved to Lin Xiao.

More than a dozen beautiful little girls wearing very little clothes stood on both sides to greet them with a slight twist of their hips.

"Hello! Girls, call Ye Lin!" Lang Yan shouted loudly.

"Good Lord Lin!" The girls laughed neatly.

"Hey!" Lin Xiao grinned and said, "there are rewards!"

"Boss! Today's meaning is different." Ling Yu dragged ah Fei over, "we have to let ah Fei open the meat and save him from being unhappy. It will be bad if it goes on like this."

Although ah Fei didn't say a word, his little face turned red imperceptibly.

A strange color flashed on the half face covered by hair.

"Ha ha, you see, ah Fei blushed!"

Yang Jun, Lao Zhang and others quickly stood up and joked one after another.

"Ah Fei! Although today is the boss's single day, how about brothers take care of you and let you choose a girl first?"

Lang Yan whistled, "girls, come here and let our brother ah Fei take the palm and eye!"


The girls are very excited today.

Lang Yan is generous, one million per person.

They have never seen such generous guests. It is conceivable that they will do whatever they are asked to do tonight.

A group of Yingyan came around and confused ah Fei.

Let ah Fei kill him unambiguously, but he hid from the girl as if he had seen a ghost.


The crowd roared with laughter.

Lin Xiao scolded with a smile, "come on, don't bully ah Fei. Don't you know he has a woman phobia?"

Ah Fei's eyes were a little gloomy and he put up a smile at Lin Xiaoqiang.

"Let's go in. Our task this evening is to drink and boast about Niubi!" Lin Xiao waved his big hand and took his brothers into the largest private room on the second floor.

A group of beautiful girls also followed in. They knew who was the leader of the group and rushed to Lin Xiao with great eyes.

"Eh? Don't squeeze! Stand up and wait for the boss!" Lang Yan turned his eyes and stopped many girls.

The girls dare not make a mistake and stand in a row honestly.

Lin Xiao sat down on the sofa, not ambiguous, and directly chose a long legged sister in the middle.

Today is his bachelor party day, which is also the habit of the dragon and tiger team.

When a brother got married, he came to the bar the night before, had an affair with a girl, drank some wine and boasted about Niubi. It was the last Carnival of a single dog.

"Boss!" The long legged sister was so happy that she sat in Lin Xiao's arms.

"Hey!" Lin Xiao patted the seat next to him, "sit here."

"Look at you. You're still implicit at this time. Don't you like others?" The little girl's pitiful appearance is distressing.

"No!" Lin Xiao put the little girl aside and said with a smile, "I'll take care of the money. You can drink the wine with me today."

If at ordinary times, the little girl meets such a request, of course, she can't get it, but after she sees Lin Xiao, there is a fire in her bones.

How wonderful it would be to have a spring night with this uncle?

"Boss, where are you? You all look so dignified." The little girl opened her chatterbox and said hello.

"Do some small business." Lin Xiao said casually.

"Small business?" Girls don't believe it.

Can small businesses throw tens of millions and share them a million per person?

"Yes!" Lin Xiao was pregnant with beauty, but he was not distracted. Even he felt that he had a good concentration.

Since Nangong brocade was installed in his heart, Lin Xiao seemed to have a natural firewall for other women.

Even if a charming woman sat in her arms, Lin Xiao could restrain that impulse.

"Come... I'll choose one!" Langyan stood up carelessly, pointed to a mature and sexy girl and said, "just you, come and sit on my lap!"

"Ouch! People will be shy!" The mature girl came over with a smile and sat in Langyan's arms without saying a word.

Ling Yu said with a smile, "Lang Yan, this wave goods, looks very serious. In fact, he is coquettish in his bones."

"Get out! I'm serious, okay?" While laughing and scolding Ling Yu, Lang Yan touched the little girl's smooth thigh and made the girl giggle.

"Good, itchy..."

"You say I'm serious?" Lang Yan blew a breath at her.

The mature girl tilted her legs up and said coyly, "it's very serious."

Tangshan looks more implicit. He sits next to Yang Jun, who is more than two meters tall, like a miniature villain. He laughs, "brothers, I haven't been drinking together for a long time. Don't patronize women. Give a toast to the boss first!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Song Zhaolong grabbed the wine cup. "Before coming, Yanghui and Haijian said, let me have a few glasses of wine for them. I'll be drunk tonight!"

Lin Xiao asked, "how about the wound of Haijian?"

"I have to rest for a period of time. I was hurt too badly last time." Song Zhaolong smiled bitterly.

"Hmm! I asked someone to send back the medicine. Let him bubble more super medicine baths recently. It will be better and faster." Lin Xiao told me.

"Don't worry! Yanghui is watching." Song Zhaolong raised his glass to the other brothers and said, "come on! Let's respect the boss and wish him... Have a son early!"

"Yes, have a baby early!"

"Hahaha... The boss has long wanted to hold his son, but his sister-in-law won't let him go to bed."


Lin Xiao's face was black at that time, and he said, "who said that? I should just keep my promise, otherwise I would have done it long ago."

"Come on, boss, Xiaosu told me that you can't make love several times..." Lao Zhang finally told the truth and suddenly felt the air a little quiet.

"Cough..." Lin Xiao coughed violently, "little millet, this smelly boy!"


Everyone laughed crazy.

The noise here is too loud. You can hear it in the semi open private room on the second floor.

In the private room about four or five rooms away, there are a large group of young men with fashionable clothes, colorful hair and tattoos.

"Fuck!" Sitting on one side, the strong young man shouted angrily, "it's so noisy. Who is this? How can we drink when he's so noisy?"

"Maybe it's a group of lords who haven't seen the market. It's hard to come to the bar for a drink. They're probably crazy with excitement."

"Hey, maybe I haven't seen a woman. I know that Shuiling, the sister in the lover's bar, is probably too excited."

Sitting in the first place, the middle-aged man in black tunic was holding a cigar and smoking slowly. As soon as he spoke, everyone was quiet.

"Listen to me..."

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