Everyone cast their eyes respectfully. Those who should drink stopped and those who should smoke choked. They all looked respectful.

"I'm lucky to be invited to attend Lord Lin's wedding ceremony tomorrow. It's my honor."

There was envy in everyone's eyes.

Few people can get Lin Xiao's invitation.

"Today, I came from the wind market. One bodyguard and one attendant didn't bring them. I came to you directly. Do you know why?"

Just now, the complaining boy asked cautiously, "master Deng! I'm also very surprised. Your current position in the Jianghu of Fengshi is no worse than that of master Guo in the south of our town. You're so light and obedient, aren't you..."

"Yes, Mr. Deng, what a resounding name is Deng Kunlun of Fengshi's Deng family? Being invited by Mr. Lin shows your extraordinary status, but why did you come alone this time?"

"Does Lord Deng have any enemies in the south of town for fear of being found?"

"Bah! What are you talking about? Lord Deng's status, even if there are enemies, dare you be rude to him?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Everyone was full of gossip, but no one guessed Deng Kunlun's real idea.

"Ha ha..." Deng Kunlun took a cigarette. "A few days ago, I established a cooperative relationship with Lao Guo. From then on, Fengshi and Zhennan underground world will become a family. Moreover, according to Lord Lin, our future business will gradually turn to the right way. We must not touch pornography, gambling and drugs. If we violate them, we will be severely punished."

Everyone was awed.

These people are local snakes in all blocks and sections. They can't be regarded as ordinary gangsters.

Although they do not belong to Guo Tian's power, they are also in awe of Guo Tian.

At the beginning, Deng Kunlun quietly came to Zhennan to develop his forces and did a lot of things together with them.

I can hear what Deng Kunlun means today. It seems that there is something important to announce.

Deng Kunlun continued, "so this time I quietly came to Zhennan with light clothes and called all brothers for the first time, just to announce something."

"Lord Deng, please say!" The young man next to him seemed to guess what he was going to say.

"In the future, I will never do anything and business that Lord Lin doesn't like," Deng Kunlun said in a deep voice after taking a cigarette. "Therefore, some cooperation between me and my brothers has also been declared invalid."

As soon as Deng Kunlun said this, everyone changed his face.

Because many of the local businesses in Zhennan were robbed by Guo Tian, these wandering forces can only do some side business.

Such marginal businesses as making false certificates and issuing invoices on behalf of others, as well as selling pirated CDs and helping collect arrears.

Most of the cooperation with Deng Kunlun are dangerous businesses, such as smuggling, including the drug powder business.

If Deng Kunlun cuts off these channels, they will lose a lot of money.

"Lord Deng, but..." someone frowned. "Brothers all point to these businesses to eat."

Deng Kunlun smiled. "The reason why I came here alone today is to show you an attitude. I don't bully the small with the big, but hope to make money with harmony."

Deng Kunlun's meaning is obvious.

First of all, I'm here alone. I don't want to be said to oppress others with force and bully others with more. In this way, even if you agree to terminate the contract, you will be unconvinced.

Secondly, even if I come alone, it doesn't mean that I'm showing weakness and discussing with you, but telling you that this matter is a foregone conclusion.

If you agree, we are still good brothers and can cooperate. There will be better opportunities for cooperation in the future.

If you don't agree to play horizontal, Deng Kunlun must have a backhand.

Can Deng Kunlun be a fuel-efficient lamp to become the leader of the largest underground forces in the wind market?

"Do you understand?" Deng Kunlun also gave enough face to these boys. He looked at the young man next to him and said with a smile, "Zhang Cheng, you know, you should know what I mean!"

Zhang Cheng's eyebrows wrinkled slightly and loosened immediately.

The situation is such a situation that Zhang Cheng can't help it even if he is unwilling again.

"Lord Deng, I understand. I'll explain it to my brothers."

When Deng Kunlun attended Lin Xiao's wedding, his gift was to withdraw from the sensitive business circle in Zhennan and never do business that disgusted Lin Xiao.

Deng Kunlun's move is very clever.

No matter what material level gift you give, you may not get into Lin Xiao's eyes.

The only thing that Lin Xiao really likes in his heart will make him really notice himself.


Just then, a more hearty laughter came from the next door.

"Shit! Are these guys crazy?" Zhang was so angry that he immediately got angry at the harsh and noisy laughter.

"Manager!" Zhang Cheng roared.

The manager outside the door came in and said with a smile, "brother Dacheng, what can I do for you!"

Zhang Cheng played a big game, pointed to the private room across the corridor and said, "what's going on over there? What's the noise of a bunch of steamed stuffed buns? Let them keep their voice down. Don't you know that Lord Deng of Fengshi is here?"

The manager turned pale and said quickly, "brother Dacheng, I'll warn them right away."

"What are you doing? Hurry." Zhang Cheng shouted impatiently.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The manager's legs softened, quickly withdrew and hurried to the private room of Lin Xiao and others.

Lin Xiao and his brothers were drinking happily and began to talk about the past through the strength of the wine.

"Eliza didn't come today. She knows the event best. Zhaolong is miserable. Her hips are blooming." Lang Yan yelled, "if we hadn't arrived in time, I guess he would have been killed, ha ha..."

Song Zhaolong blushed with shame and his neck was thick. He stuck his neck and shouted, "Lang Yan! Don't talk nonsense. I was to stabilize the enemy so that you can save the hostages."

"Ouch! Do you still need to take off your pants to stabilize the enemy? When we went in, half of your pants were taken off, ha ha......" Lang Yanxiao's tears came out.

Even ah Fei couldn't help smiling.

Lin Xiao had a black line and coughed a few times. "What are you talking about? You see, the girls are embarrassed."

The little girls won't be embarrassed. They listen with interest.

It's all drunken men who play Niubi. There's nothing true or false. Just listen to it.

"Last time, the grandsons of the United Arab Emirates wanted to leave a few, a mercenary regiment of more than 100 people. They just let us go in and out three times. They not only saved the hostages, but also destroyed half of them." With a glass in his hand, Lang Yan said to the girl next to him, "have you ever seen such a scene? Lord Lang, I killed more than 20 people with a butterfly knife. That scene, tut tut..."

The little girl was stunned and joked, "Lord Lang, have you drunk too much? Can you be so powerful?"


The girls couldn't close their mouths with laughter.

"Eh? Don't you believe it? I tell you, if you want to hear the story, you have to drink the wine. There are many violent stories. Do you want to hear it?" Lang Yan waved his hand.

"When we drink, we naturally sacrifice our lives to accompany the gentleman. I respect you, Mr. Lang!"

"Brothers drink!"

"Little brother, you're cold. Would you like to drink together?"

"Brother, you are too strong, just like the mountain. Do you have an appointment at night?"


The bar manager suddenly opened the shaking half wooden door and came in with an embarrassed expression, "gentlemen, listen to me!"

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