Lang Yan looked back and said lightly, "it's the manager. Come and have a drink."

The manager's expression was very hesitant and said with a bitter smile, "bosses, keep your voice down. The guest next door was angry and said you were too loud..."


Lang Yan patted the table, "what do you mean? My brothers are happy today. What's the matter? Are we not allowed to drink, chat and play Niubi?"

The manager took a deep breath and deliberately looked at Lang Yan with a warning look, "boss! The Lord over there is not a good annoyance. Brother Zhang Cheng and brother Cheng know?"

"I don't care what he is. Tell them that grandpa is happy today. Don't want to talk nonsense with him. Just get out of here!" Lang Yan said impatiently.

"Ouch!" The manager was worried. He was afraid that if Zhang Cheng came to trouble these people in case of anger, he would be unlucky as an experienced person, so he hurried, "boss, give me face, or I'll buy this order today!"

Lang Yan smiled, "please? You don't have money, do you?"

"No, no, no," said the manager anxiously, "the master over there is really difficult to provoke. Have you heard of master Deng in the wind market?"

Lin Xiao's ears moved, gently put down his glass and asked suspiciously, "Deng Kunlun?"

The manager quickly turned his head and said with a bright eye, "the boss is well-informed. Do you know Mr. Deng? That's easy to say. Mr. Deng is in the private room over there."

The brothers were noisy and didn't pay attention to Lord Deng at all. The manager had to look at Lin Xiao for help, "boss, do you understand now? It's not that I don't give you face. It's really that Lord Deng over there is not easy to provoke."

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and said with a smile, "well, call Deng Kunlun."

"What, what?" The manager didn't seem to understand clearly and asked again, "I don't understand what you mean."

"My boss means to call Deng Kunlun over. Doesn't he want us to keep our voice down? Come and say it in person, okay?" Lang Yan gave the manager a white look.

"I......" the manager was about to cry. "Isn't it difficult for me? Lord Deng will certainly kill me. How dare I disturb Lord Deng?"

"Get out of here," Lang Yan waved angrily. "Don't affect our brother's drinking."

Yang Jun's huge body stood behind the manager. The manager immediately felt great pressure. He almost peed his pants and ran out in a hurry.

The manager thinks these people are not easy to mess with.

But at the thought of brother Dacheng's orders, the manager lingered at the door for most of the day, gritting his teeth, ready to fight to offend Lin Xiao and finish brother Dacheng's orders.

"You guys, call everyone together and come with me!" The manager waved to the first floor.

Soon, a dozen security guards with big arms and round waist gathered on the second floor and rushed outside the private room under the leadership of the manager.


The manager kicked open the half closed door and said in a cold voice, "bosses, don't blame my brother for offending me."

The room was quiet for an instant.

Everyone's eyes turned together.

In this private room, there are many frightening big people in the world.

King Kong Langyan, ghost King Kong a Fei, Flying Dragon King Kong song Zhaolong, lightning King Kong Ling Yu, double gun King Kong Tangshan, iron and blood King Kong Yang Jun, wolf smoke King Kong Lao Zhang.

Except for two dragon generals and one commander, almost all the main forces of the drug Dragon Temple gathered.

Recently, through the refining of super medicine bath, the physical quality of these people has been greatly improved and reached the edge of the golden warrior.

With their fighting qualities, the golden soldiers will not lose the slightest.

There is also one present, the first king of medicine dragon, the king of darkness

Of course, the manager can't imagine what kind of perverts he meets.

Several security guards angrily scattered and separated, holding iron bars and pointing at the people.

"Are you serious?" Lang Yan's face showed a strange color and smiled with the manager's evil charm.

The manager said coldly, "bosses, don't toast and don't drink. Since you don't understand people's words, I'm not polite. Please leave."

"Hey!" Lang Yan looked at his brothers and said with a smile, "there are really people who are not afraid of death..."

Everyone was happy.

In a few seconds

The men and women dancing heartily on the first floor suddenly heard a scream.


Then they found that a lot of "black clouds" fell down on their heads and fell like dumplings.

Bang Bang

Six or seven security guards and managers were thrown down from the second floor and fell directly to the floor. They were dizzy and looked like stars.


The crowd dispersed in horror and looked up blankly.

I saw a very strong man standing on the second floor, staring at the manager coldly, "if you make trouble again, I'll throw you out to feed the dog!"

There was a dead silence.

Who dares to fight in other people's territory? Don't you want to die?

"Asshole!" The manager stood up angrily and glared at Yang Jun, "you wait!"

Yang Jun smiled, "waiting for you!"

The manager ran back to Zhang Cheng's private room with the limping security guards.

"Hey, these boys, they are finally down-to-earth and don't cry anymore." Zhang Cheng glanced at them and said with a smile, "you can't scare them without scaring them."

Deng Kunlun naturally didn't care about such a small matter. He took a glass of wine and said, "come on, brothers, when I see Lord Lin tomorrow, I will recommend you to him, and everyone will make a fortune together!"

"Oh, Mr. Deng, thank you so much. We little people have no chance to see Mr. Lin. if you are really willing to introduce me, ah Cheng won't frown when I go up the knife mountain and down the fire sea in the future." Zhang Cheng picked up the bottle and said loudly, "I'll do it directly."

"Brother Cheng!"

"Brother Cheng is domineering!"

Zhang Cheng drank up a bottle of Baijiu.

"Good!" Deng Kunlun's eyes were bright, "I'll accompany you!"

"Come and drink together!"

Since Deng Kunlun promised to introduce them to Lin Xiao, the loss of the suspension of cooperation would not count. If you can follow Lin Xiao, your future will be bright.

"Lord Deng, I respect you..."


The door was knocked open.

The bruised manager limped in and shouted, "brother Da, brother Da Cheng, those boys not only don't pay attention to you, but also don't pay attention to Lord Deng. They beat us all out!"

"Huh?" The wine bottle just picked up by Zhang Chenggang froze in the air and hit the table in an instant.


The wine bottle is broken.


Zhang Cheng's men also stood up one after another, and their eyebrows were full of hostility.

"Eat bear heart leopard courage? Where are they?" Zhang Cheng said angrily.

The manager shook his head. "I don't know. A bunch of silly guys are crazy about money."

"Come with me!" Zhang grew up, tore open his shirt, exposed his tattoo on his chest, and shouted angrily, "I'd like to see who's so arrogant."

The manager said quickly, "I'll take brother Dacheng!"

Zhang Cheng turned back and said respectfully to Deng Kunlun, "Lord Deng, wait for me for a few minutes. I'll catch these guys who don't know heaven and earth."

Deng Kunlun didn't care either. He took out his mobile phone to receive information. When he heard the speech, he replied casually, "Hmm!"

Zhang Cheng stormed out.

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