"Can you do it?" Lin Xiao asked again.

Zhang Cheng couldn't think so much and immediately said, "don't worry, Lord Lin! Even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu comes today, I can't let him in."

"That's good!" Lin Xiao waved, "go."

Zhang Cheng was relieved, got up slowly and said excitedly, "Lord Lin! You're getting married tomorrow, can I..."

"If you can make it through tonight and tomorrow's wedding banquet, I'll give you three glasses!"

When Lin Xiao said this, Zhang Cheng was so excited that he didn't know who he was.

"Thank you, Lord Lin!"

Zhang Chenggen didn't expect that Lin Xiao's seemingly understated order almost killed him.

Under normal circumstances, no one will make trouble in the lover's bar.

But today's situation is too abnormal

When Zhang Cheng was sent away, Deng Kunlun, who stood where he was, was very embarrassed. He neither entered nor retreated.

"Deng Kunlun, I heard that the wind market has been wiped out by you?" Lin Xiao asked casually.

Deng Kunlun carefully replied, "yes!"

"So you came to Zhennan this time to expand your power?" Lin Xiao drank the wine slowly, and his tone was cold.

"Ouch!" Deng Kunlun panicked at once. "How dare I expand in Lord Lin's territory? This time I came to have a showdown with Zhang Cheng. All the transactions that couldn't be on the table in the past were cancelled. You can ask him. I just told him."

"Don't ask, I believe you." Lin Xiao said faintly, "but..."

Lin Xiao, however, made Deng Kunlun's heart thump.

"Lord Lin, is there something wrong with me?" Deng Kunlun's posture was low enough and asked calmly.

"But you brought a lot of people this time. I'm afraid they don't agree with you."

Deng Kunlun was stunned and didn't quite understand Lin Xiao's meaning.

Sitting by the door, Ling Yu took out his mobile phone and looked, "boss, they began to gather."


Just then, the projection screen on the wall of the private room flashed, and a video picture outside the bar appeared.

The picture comes from the shooting of several UAVs.

In the picture, a large number of people in black are gathering from the shadow corner, and the target is obviously the "lover" bar.

"These people..." Deng Kunlun's pupils shrunk slightly. "My people? What are these boys doing? I didn't let them move."

Deng Kunlun called his man Fengzhong directly.

"Hey! What are you doing, toyozuka? Who asked you to show up... Hey!?"

"Hey, Lord Deng, how's the wine? Have you talked to Zhang Cheng?" Fengzhong suddenly became disrespectful to Deng Kunlun.

"Feng Zhong, what the hell are you doing?" Deng Kunlun felt something was wrong.

Outside the bar, a strong man was carrying a mountain knife in his hand. He was surrounded by killers carrying a knife. With a toothpick in his mouth, he smiled at his mobile phone and said, "Lord Deng! I don't know what you think. If you don't do a good business, what else should you legalize? Did you get your head squeezed by the door?"

Deng Kunlun almost fainted in anger and angrily said to his mobile phone, "Fengzhong! I warn you, don't fool around!"

"Tut tut..." Fengzhong sneered. "Do you think it's useful to wash white now? What did you do in the past? Don't you have a number in mind? You want to please Lin Xiao. I don't like that."

"I just got a firm foothold in the south of town. Are you going to withdraw? What do you think I am? I really think I'm your dog?" Fengzhong suddenly became angry. "I've worked hard for you for ten years. It's not easy to have my own world. You said to withdraw? Have you asked me for my opinion?"

Deng Kunlun's face was livid. He glanced at Lin Xiao secretly and said angrily, "Fengzhong! You've had enough. Do you know what you're doing? This is Lin's territory. Don't you want to live?"

"Ha ha..." Feng Zhong laughed loudly, broke his toothpick and shouted, "Lord Lin? Bah! He doesn't look at today's formation. Does he think he can get out of this bar today?"

Deng Kunlun trembled. His mobile phone almost fell to the ground because of his mood vibration. He flopped and knelt down to Lin Xiao.

"Lin Ye! Fengzhong doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. It's none of my business."

"You can't even manage your own men well. How can you manage the underground forces of the whole wind market?" Lin Xiao smiled contemptuously, "if I hadn't been prepared, I might have suffered a small loss today."

Deng Kunlun was stunned on the spot and said hurriedly, "Lord Lin! Don't be careless. Before coming, Fengzhong told me to bring more people just in case. This time I brought at least 1000 people, but I didn't expect him to..."

"Just a thousand people." Lin Xiao smiled, "I don't know how many of these 1000 people are still loyal to you?"

Deng Kunlun looked embarrassed. He was really not sure how many of the 1000 people would not rebel.

Ling Yu looked at the picture and said, "according to the UAV monitoring picture, there are more than 790 people around the bar."

The team of nearly 800 people accounted for 90% of the number brought by Deng Kunlun's visit.

Deng Kunlun was paralyzed on the ground, and his pupils kept enlarging. "It's over, it's over."

Fengzhong put down his last sentence to his mobile phone, "Lord Deng! Just bury Lin Xiao."

Throwing away his mobile phone, Fengzhong shook his machete and said to his opponent, "listen, kill Lin Xiao and reward millions, catch Lin Xiao and reward millions, and cash it immediately!"

For these people, millions and tens of millions are huge money. Everyone is crazy to hear the reward of so much money.

"Fengzhong!" Just then, Zhang Cheng roared, rushed out with dozens of brothers and blocked the entrance of the bar, "are you crazy?"

"Zhang Cheng!" Fengzhong sneered, "kill Deng Kunlun. I'll cooperate with you in the future. Let's expand the business together. How about it?"

Zhang Cheng knows Lin Xiao better than Feng Zhong. There is no good fruit to eat if he makes trouble in Lin Xiao's territory.

And for Zhang chenglai, this is an opportunity. If he can stop Fengzhong, he will be Lin Xiao's man in the future.

Following Lin Xiao is a hundred times better than working with some shit Fengzhong.

Wealth insurance.

Zhang Cheng knows more about risk and return than Feng Zuka.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you want to enter this bar, you have to step over my body." Zhang Cheng stepped back and pulled out two triangular sharp knives from his waist.

His brothers also stepped back and formed a circle.

"Hey, you don't know how to live or die. I'll give you a Kangzhuang road. You have to go to the single wooden bridge..." Fengzhong said loudly, "cut them all to death!"


"Kill them!"

The two gangs fought together in an instant.

Zhang Cheng and others resisted the enemy through the gate of the bar and did not rush forward greedily. Thirty percent of the team kept watch and helped each other, but also temporarily blocked the attack of Fengzhong.

The fighting and killing of the two groups were very restrained. In addition to the light and shadow of the sword, even if they screamed, they were deliberately suppressed.

Not far from the block, an unlicensed Santana stopped by the side of the road, and someone in the car was observing with an infrared telescope.

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