"Zhou Ju! They're fighting. Do you want to go?"

Zhou Changsheng smoked leisurely and said with a smile, "what's the hurry? Let them fight for a while."

"Can you stop fighting again? In case there are too many dead..." plainclothes said anxiously.

Zhou Changsheng sneered, "what are you afraid of? I just can't find Lin Xiao's handle. This incident can all be put on his head..."

Several SWAT officers looked at each other in plain clothes and smiled helplessly.

"What? You can't watch it?" Zhou Changsheng took a puff of smoke and vomited into the car. "If you want to catch big fish, you naturally have to sacrifice. Don't worry. I won't let things get out of control."

In the bar.

Lin Xiao and others are still drinking and boasting happily. They seem to be unaware of the tragic battle taking place outside.

Deng Kunlun was already flustered. He sat in the corner, thinking about it, but he couldn't help it. He came up to Lin Xiao and said carefully, "Lord Lin! Fengzhong brought nearly a thousand people, if these people rush in..."

"What are you afraid of?" Lin Xiao was guessing boxing and drinking with the little girl. He glanced at him impatiently. "Naturally someone will solve it for me. Just stay honest."

"But..." Deng Kunlun bit his teeth.

"If you're afraid, you can go first. There's a back door in the bar cellar." Lang Yan came over and pushed Deng Kunlun away. He sat next to Lin Xiao and continued to drink.

Deng Kunlun was almost pushed down and retreated to the door with an embarrassed expression. He looked pitiful. He didn't look like a big man in the wind market.

"Come on, let's continue drinking. Where did you just say?" Lang Yan raised his glass and said, "speaking of Lao Zhang sleeping with the wolf king all night, right?"

Lao Zhang picked up the cigarette pot and knocked the head of Langyan, "smelly boy, you saw it with your own eyes? You know a fart!"

"Ouch! Our wolf smoke King Kong is angry, which proves that I'm right." Lang Yan yelled, "kill the officer for a wolf. No wonder our Lao Zhang will be fired from the army and almost go to jail. If he is not the boss..."

"Lang Yan! You always talk about Lao Zhang's embarrassment. What about yourself? Do you want to hear about Lang Yan peeing his pants?" Tangshan laughed, got up drunk and took a little girl's hand. "Do you want to hear it?"

"Pee, pee your pants?" The little girl laughed, "is it true?"

"Of course it's true." Tangshan said with a nose and eyes, "at that time..."

"Lying trough!" Lang Yan directly rushed over and covered Tangshan's mouth, "don't talk nonsense to me!"

"Hmmm... I'm not talking nonsense. Ah Fei knows this best, doesn't he?" Tangshan shouted to ah Fei.

Ah Fei looked up slowly and said briefly, "yes!"

"NIMA..." Lang Yan's face was black.

I think he's the most valuable young master in the audience except Lin Xiao. If it's said that he peed his pants, he'll lose his hair.

"You see, you see, everyone knows that ah Fei never lies. He said that if he knows, it must be true." Tangshan laughed.

Langyan blocked Tangshan's mouth, "come on, you almost got it."

"What I just said is very clear. Everyone wants to make an embarrassing discovery. Don't try to play Lai, Lang Yan."


A little girl asked in a curious whisper, "why does this wave master pee his pants?"

Tangshan was afraid that others could not hear him. He said loudly, "when I first went to the special forces training camp, I threw a grenade throwing training in the wrong place and directly threw it into my crotch. It scared him. My hair was about to explode..."

"Is it true?"

"And then?"

A dozen little girls subconsciously looked at the lower body of Langyan

Lang Yan's face is as black as the bottom of a pot, and he looks like he wants to eat people.

"Later, it was found that the grenade was fake and didn't explode at all. Hahaha... Then he was scared to pee."

There was a howl of ghosts and wolves.

They clapped the table and smashed the stool, laughing back and forth.

"Deserved it!" Song Zhaolong gloated at Langyan.

The embarrassing story of Langyan will make people laugh every time.

"OK, Tang, expose me in public, don't you? It seems that you don't remember when you made a fool of yourself?" Lang Yan raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

Tangshan's embarrassed smile stagnated on his face.

"I'm going to explode a cruel material, girls. Let me tell you, this handsome and strong boy is actually incompetent!"


All the wine Lin Xiao had just drunk gushed out.

"Ah?" The little girls cried out in collective exclamation.

Tangshan blushed and rushed towards Langyan with open teeth and claws.

Bang bang!

They each received a panda eye.

"Tangshan, if you expose the shortcomings of others, you have to think of the consequences. Why?" Lao Zhang took a puff of smoke, ate peanuts leisurely, and said faintly.

When talking about Lao Zhang's embarrassment just now, Tangshan and song Zhaolong worked hard. Now it's his bad luck.

"Do you know why I say that?" Lang Yan raised his hand and smiled.

Tangshan couldn't stand this, howled and rushed up, "I'll fight with you!"

"Tangshan, let him talk, I also want to know, you..." Lin Xiao smiled.

Lin Xiao really didn't know about it. Even he was interested.

"Boss..." Tangshan's face was black.

Lang Yan got Lin Xiao's support and became more unscrupulous. He jumped his feet and said, "once I went to the island country with Tangshan on a mission and hid in a bathroom at night. Do you know the mandarin duck bathroom in the island country? The sister inside is called a Shuiling..."

"In order to act realistically, we pretended to be guests and called two little girls. Later, Tangshan took the girl back to the room. We just wanted to do a play, but we didn't expect the little girl to see him..."

"Hey, hey, dry firewood and fire, do you understand?"

All the people cried and howled, and the one who laughed one by one was obscene.

"Guess what?" Lang Yan's exaggerated expression successfully attracted everyone's attention in the past, "at the critical moment, he is soft, soft... Understand?"


Everyone laughed crazy.

Tangshan's expression was very embarrassed. The ghost screamed and rushed to Langyan.

Deng Kunlun was a little confused.

"Don't these people... Know the danger? There are so many killers outside to kill, and they are still in the mood to joke and drink?"

Deng Kunlun really can't understand what these people think.

Lin Xiaoduan sat in the first place without any urgency. He seemed to forget that there were people outside ready to kill in.

Zhang Cheng and his brothers were so miserable that they could hardly hold it.

After all, in the face of the impact of hundreds of people, they can't last long even if they are brave enough to die.

"Shit! I won't let you in even if I die today." Zhang Cheng roared.

There were only five or six brothers around him, all with injuries, shaking and waving the robbed machetes, which also had a deterrent effect.

Feng tsuka stood in the crowd and walked out step by step, sneering, "Zhang Cheng! You're looking for death yourself. No wonder I!"

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