"Fengzhong! You have the ability to compete with me!" Zhang Cheng wiped the blood off his face and shouted at Fengzhong.

"Alone? Do you think I'm stupid?" Feng Zhong sneered, "I just want to kill you with the crowd tactics. What can you do to me?"

"Asshole!" Zhang Cheng wants to split his eyes.

Fengzhong was about to rush up with a grim smile.

Suddenly, a gunshot broke through the space in the night.


The fight stopped instantly.

Zhou Changsheng rushed out of the dark with a large number of plainclothes and criminal police.

"Don't move!"

"Stop it!"

Zhou Changsheng, who was so manly, shouted while smoking, "who dares to shoot on the spot? It's arrogant. Dare to use a knife and a gun under my nose and catch them all."

Hundreds of police officers had been impatient for a long time, but they didn't dare to attack casually until they were ordered to go to the peak.

Finally, when I got the chance to go out, I was almost beaten, and more than a dozen people died. The scene was tragic.

"What, what's going on?" Fengzhong was cold and surprised.


The police rushed up to unload their weapons and asked everyone to kneel down.

Facing the armed police, they dare not resist, obediently throw away the knife, hold their heads in their hands and kneel to the ground.

Zhou Changsheng came to the door of the bar and looked at Zhang Cheng. He deliberately asked, "who is the leader? Do you have any laws and rules when you go here to fight?"

"Zhou, Zhou bureau?" Zhang Cheng couldn't believe that it was Zhou Changsheng, the new Bureau seat, who personally led the team. When the plea came to his mouth, Sheng swallowed it back.

"Is your boss in there?" Zhou Changsheng said in a deep voice.

"My boss?" Zhang Cheng was stunned. He didn't have a boss. Here he is the boss.

If you have to say boss, Lin Xiao should be his boss.

Lin Xiao said that as long as Zhang Cheng can block people from outside, he will drink to him in public tomorrow. The meaning of this is naturally clear.

"Ask you something, is your boss in there?" Zhou Changsheng stepped forward and motioned his men to rush in at his command at any time.

As long as Zhang Cheng admitted that his boss was in there, Zhou Changsheng immediately led the team in. Without asking, he controlled Lin Xiao. As long as there is reason to catch him back to the police station, he will have a chance to make a final decision for him.

Zhou Changsheng is good at seizing any opportunity, and this time the opportunity is also very good.

Zhang Cheng is so fierce and fearless to block the door of the bar. Nine times out of ten, he gets Lin Xiao's order.

As long as Zhang Cheng looses his mouth and Lin Xiao is his boss, the reason for today's fight will be decided immediately.

Zhou Changsheng was fully confident and let Lin Xiao fall into investigation because of this matter.

Then, the evidence collected by Zhou Changsheng will also play a role. At that time, a spirit will force Lin Xiao to subdue the law and finally throw him into the darkest and terrible prison in the world.

Zhou Changsheng knows that someone will protect Lin Xiao, but Wang FA doesn't tolerate it. Once all kinds of criminal facts about Lin Xiao are settled, he can't get away easily.

Even if Lin Xiao can't be sentenced to death, he will be sentenced to a long sentence.

Zhou Changsheng set up a bureau step by step and finally caught the opportunity today.

"It's the Zhou Bureau, ha ha..."

When Zhang Cheng almost spoke, Deng Kunlun came out laughing.

"Deng Kunlun?" The perimeter frowned, "how did you get out?"

"Zhou bureau! Aren't you looking for Zhang Cheng's boss? His boss is me. This fighting incident is related to me. I caused it. I volunteered to go back to the bureau with Zhou Bureau for investigation." Deng Kunlun shouted.

Zhang Cheng saw someone carrying the pot for him, so he quietly stepped aside. He would rather be a little transparent than push himself to the forefront of the storm.

Zhou Changsheng frowned, stared at Deng Kunlun and asked, "are you Zhang Cheng's boss? Why don't I know."

Zhou Changsheng knows Deng Kunlun, but he wants to pretend to be confused because his goal is Lin Xiao.

Deng Kunlun smiled, "you can ask Zhang Cheng."

Zhang Chengfu turned his eyes to his heart and immediately shouted, "Zhou Ju, today's matter is a misunderstanding. Originally, my boss Deng was going to negotiate with them. I didn't expect a mechanical fight to happen. Please raise your hand..."

"Shut up! What are you talking about with me? You're not comfortable?" Zhou Changsheng shouted angrily.

Zhang Cheng said with a dry smile, "yes, we cooperate, we will cooperate..."

Zhou Changsheng was in a dilemma. He looked at the dark door and sighed in his heart that Lin Xiao's luck was really good.

"Take them all!" Zhou Changsheng stepped back and shouted in a deep voice.

Deng Kunlun cooperatively held out his hand and let the police handcuff him without any intention of resistance.

At this time, Lin Xiao walked out of the bar with his brothers.

Seeing Zhou Changsheng, Lin Xiao deliberately widened his eyes, "Ouch! Isn't this the Zhou bureau? Why do you lead the team to the police in the middle of the night? It's really professional. I just applied for police protection, and you came. Thank you so much..."

The circumference said with a smile, "Hey! Mr. Lin was there too..."

"Zhou Bureau doesn't know I'm here? It's impossible. What are you doing with so many hands? Isn't it just to protect my safety? Fortunately, you're here, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be killed by the killer today." Lin Xiao pretended to be very afraid, but his slightly exaggerated acting skills made Zhou Changsheng react.

Lin Xiao deliberately asked Deng Kunlun to come out to top the cylinder, which is an excuse not to make trouble for Zhou Changsheng.

"Zhou Ju, remember that tomorrow is my wedding. It may be hard for you and your brothers. You must protect my safety." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I'll make them be more careful..." Zhou Changsheng said meaningfully.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Lin Xiao left with his brothers.

Staring at Lin Xiao's back, his circumference was as heavy as water.

"Deng Kunlun! What benefits did Lin Xiao give you?" Zhou Changsheng suddenly turned back and stared at Deng Kunlun fiercely.

Deng Kunlun innocently said, "I don't know him!"

"No?" Zhou Changsheng laughed angrily. He knew he couldn't ask any more questions. He roared, "take all these boys back. If the police can't put them down, they'll be locked up in the detention center. If the detention center can't put them down, they'll be thrown into the reform through labor factory. I think who can protect them this time."

Deng Kunlun doesn't care about Zhou Changsheng's threat. He can dominate the wind market. Of course, he has a strong backing from the government.

Even if you get caught, you'll be released in 24 hours at most.

So Deng Kunlun didn't care at all. He crossed Zhou Changsheng directly and consciously walked to the police car.

Zhou Changsheng was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

For Deng Kunlun's handling, he had to contact the market first, and perhaps he could go to the next step only with the official approval of Jiangnan district.

"Close the line!" Zhou Changsheng shouted angrily.

Lin Xiao and others drove three sports cars back to Nanlong villa.

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