When Lang Yan drove, his hair was blown to the back of his head against the wind. He happily shook his hair and shouted, "boss, do you see Zhou Changsheng's expression? It's as ugly as his dead daughter-in-law, ha ha..."

"The boy always wants to figure out the boss. This time he's moving a stone and hitting himself in the foot." Lao Zhang youyou said.

Lin Xiao smiled. "Zhou Changsheng doesn't know Deng Kunlun's personal relationship with the General Administration of Jiangnan district. It's estimated that he will be unlucky because of this. We'll wait to see his jokes."

"Zhou Changsheng, acting smart, thought he could catch the boss. This time, he fell into the pit."

"Fortunately, the boss was smart and took the plan. He didn't succeed!"

"It's estimated that he will be so angry that when he finds out that he has caught a hot potato, he may be crazy."

"The most important thing is that he will personally help us stand guard tomorrow and do a good job of protection, ha ha..."

Zhou Changsheng almost died of anger.

Within an hour after Deng Kunlun was arrested, someone called and asked Zhou Changsheng to handle the matter carefully and not to involve the innocent.


No matter how obvious this was, he directly ordered Deng Kunlun to be released.

Finally, Zhou Changsheng was forced to release Deng Kunlun and Zhang Cheng together.

As for the unlucky man, Feng Zuka was not so lucky and became the real number one scapegoat. It is estimated that his sentence is not short.

Depressed all night, Zhou Changsheng led his men to Nanlong villa early the next day.

In addition to Zhou Changsheng, many leaders from all over the world have entered Nanlong villa.

Lin Xiao's wedding is finally about to open.

In the room, Nangong brocade was surrounded by a group of makeup artists. Beautiful makeup artists methodically helped her make up, try on and accessories

"I think Miss Nangong looks best with this necklace. The red gem makes her skin more white..."

"I think gold necklace is more suitable. After all, today's Day is different. Gold represents red..."

Everyone was full of gossip and quarreled about what jewelry Nangong brocade should wear.

"All right!" Nangong brocade said faintly, "I want to wear these three..."

Nangong brocade took out the sapphire three piece set given to her by Lin Xiao and gave it to the makeup artist, "help me put it on!"

"This, this is the heart of the ocean?"

The man who knew the goods let out an exclamation.

The heart of the sea represents the top quality of sapphire. Moreover, these three pieces are carved from a whole flawless sapphire. Its significance and value are far better than ordinary sapphire.

Lin Xiao once said that the three sapphires were exchanged for a gold mine in Tiangang district.

At that time, Nangong Jin thought he was bragging and didn't care. Now when I think of it, what Lin Xiao said is really true.

"It's so beautiful..."

After Nangong brocade put on the three piece suit, the noble temperament of the whole person immediately improved to a higher level, which was admired by everyone.

"Miss Nangong is so lucky."

"Envy us!"

"It's almost time. Hurry to make up and try on the wedding dress!"

Someone reminded me that everyone is busy immediately.

On the other side, Lin Xiao was full of energy. He was also surrounded by a group of makeup artists.

Like nangongjin's team, these makeup artists are carefully selected professionals, who are outstanding in both appearance, common sense and professional skills.


At the moment, Lin Xiao, wearing only one underpants, stood in the middle of the room, looking a little embarrassed.

Being stared at by more than a dozen beauties, Lin Xiao is actually very nervous.

After all, the whole body was seen thoroughly. The feeling that there was no secret made him very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for Lin Xiao's strong demand, his underpants would have to be pulled off.

When these women saw Lin Xiao's figure, they immediately turned into a female coyote and chattered.

"This figure is perfect!"

"Well, that place is so magnificent!"

"Mr. Lin, how do you keep fit? The one in my family has been working out for ten years. Compared with you, it's a heaven and an earth."

"Tut tut tut...... is this scar too sexy?"

A beautiful woman couldn't help touching Lin Xiao's back.

Lin Xiao's face was dark. "Hey, don't you change your clothes? Take me off and look at me as a monkey?"

The girls laughed together.

"Mr. Lin is also shy."

"So old masters, are you afraid of the girls?"

"Come on, stop it. It's time to change your clothes and get ready."

Lin Xiao didn't expect that just getting married was more complicated than fighting a war.

The auditorium at the back of the villa is even more noisy. The staff are busy arranging the venue.

From the outside of the auditorium to the inside of the auditorium, a straight, wide and bright red carpet is the most eye-catching. On both sides of it is a passage of bright flowers.

Around the flowers, there are tables and chairs for guests. They are also luxury goods bought at a high price. Each chair is valuable.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle. Has the audio equipment been adjusted? The public amplifier should be higher and put the loudspeaker on the open side..."

The wedding master of ceremonies plus Lang Yan, the on-site conductor, wearing a coquettish white tuxedo, with a golden and red flower hanging on his chest and a ceremonial stick in his hand, is jumping up and down on the scene.

"Straighten the chair for me. This is the Secretary's chair. Why did you get it here?"

"Ouch! How many times..."

Different from the excitement in the villa, it is very quiet outside the villa.

Zhou Changsheng and a hundred police officers stood outside Nanlong villa, standing guard against the burning sun.

"Shit! Don't you even give me a mouthful of water?" Zhou Changsheng fanned the heat with his hand and kept wiping the sweat on his neck. He was not angry and went to the prison.

"Zhou Ju! You said Lin Xiao got married and made such a big show. Let's stand guard for him? What's the matter?" A policeman was quite angry and said bitterly on his face.

Zhou Changsheng glanced at him. "Isn't this an opportunity to monitor him?"

"Should anyone really make trouble, shall we step in?"

"It depends on the level of trouble." Zhou Changsheng lit a cigarette and said in a deep voice, "let the brothers go to the foot of the hill to find a cool place to rest. Don't take any action without my order."

"Yes!" His men turned and left in doubt, thinking when to make trouble and grade it?

Zhou Changsheng took a smoke and walked into Nanlong villa.

Along the way, Zhou Changsheng saw many well-known bosses, not only famous bosses or big people in Zhennan, but also dignitaries in other regions.

These characters often appear and disappear on TV, and any relevant news can rush into the top ten of hot search.

In front of them, Zhou Changsheng, the seat of the police station, was not so conspicuous.

"Lin Xiao knows so many famous people?"

Zhou Changsheng walked among the guests and said hello to some people. Seeing that no one cared about him too much, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, he is also the seat of Zhennan police station. He is an important official. These guys don't have particularly obvious respect when they see him. They just say hello at will and drink a glass of wine at most.

Zhou Changsheng, who was in a lost mood, went to a wine table and poured himself a glass of wine. He was about to drink down. Suddenly, a beautiful woman in a blue skirt came next to him.

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