The beauty wears a sun hat, smiles and chants. Her skin is particularly good under the sunlight.

"Zhou Ju, how about drinking alone?"

Zhou Changsheng glanced at her and asked warily, "who are you? Do we know each other?"

"My name is Fang Qing. Don't you know me now?" Fang Qing threw a wink at Zhou Changsheng and took the initiative to pick up a wine glass full of wine and come closer.

"Fang Qing? No impression. What can I do for you?" Zhou Changsheng leaned against the wine table, shook half his long hair at will, and drank the wine slowly.

"Just want to know the great hero Zhou Bureau in the south of our town. Does this also need a reason?" Fang Qing's eyes were like silk and leaned lazily over, "aren't you going to have a drink with me?"

"Not interested!" Zhou Changsheng is not in the mood to flirt with his younger sister. He pays close attention to Lin Xiao's trace.

Fang Qing didn't care. She leaned side by side with him and said faintly, "I know you're staring at Lin Xiao. I have a secret about him. Do you want to hear it?"

"What secret?" Zhou Changsheng was slightly stunned.

Fang Qing shook the glass. The crystal wine glittered and said with a smile, "big secret!"

"Don't sell off, say it quickly!" Zhou Changsheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Don't worry!" Fang Qing said in a low voice, "as long as you promise me a condition, I'll give you enough secrets to get Lin Xiao in. How about it?"

"Oh?" Zhou Changsheng became vigilant and thought that he had come to talk about conditions, so he asked tentatively, "how do I know what you want to say is useful?"

"Hey! If it's useless, I'll naturally withdraw the conditions and the Zhou Bureau will consider it myself!"

Zhou Changsheng hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "come on, what conditions."

"Let Wang Wei go! I'll tell you."

Zhou Changsheng was stunned at first, and then angrily smashed the wine glass on the table, "are you with Wang Wei? How dare you talk to me about this condition?"

Fang Qing quietly and gracefully took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "why should the Zhou bureau be angry? Wang Wei is just a small role. You catch him and want to deal with Wang Lun. But even if they add up, how can they compare with Lin Xiao?"

Fang Qing talked about Zhou Changsheng's heart, but he felt that he was seen through by a woman. He couldn't keep his face.

It's not impossible to let Wang Wei go. You just need to do something about the program.

But the premise of letting Wang Wei go is that Fang Qing has enough capital to let Lin Xiao in.

"You can say it." Zhou Changsheng thought about it and said in a deep voice.

"It's inconvenient here. Let's go outside!" Fang Qing pointed her head slightly outside the manor.

Zhou Changsheng threw away his cigarette butts and said coldly, "go!"

Almost all the guests have arrived, and Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin, the bride, are ready to come out of the villa under the guidance of a group of beautiful little dolls.

After many ups and downs, Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin finally got their wish. Now that they have really entered the palace of marriage.

At this moment, Nangong brocade seemed very nervous. If there were deer bumping against her chest.

After a brief introduction by Lang Yan, a couple stood on a special wedding platform.

The audience held their breath and looked at them with some complicated eyes.

All the friends present here are those Lin Xiao values or has a good relationship. Some of them are very mysterious and rarely appear in public. However, in order to participate in Lin Xiao's wedding, they went all the way to the south of town.

"Friends..." Lin Xiao grabbed the microphone and bowed slightly. "Today is a happy day for me to marry ah Jin. Many people didn't expect that people like me would choose to get married and enter this place called the grave by many people."

The beautiful Nangong brocade beside him looked at him white, and then gently took his hand.

Lin Xiao responded tenderly, clenched Nangong Jin's hand, silently looked at her shining eyes and continued, "but I think this is not a tomb, but heaven. Only after this seemingly tacky ceremony can I express my inner desire for this marriage."

It was quiet under the stage.

No one applauded or coaxed. He listened carefully to Lin Xiao's speech.

For some people, what Lin Xiao said may be sending a signal.

There are many tycoons in the audience. The tycoons in the underground world may not have as far-reaching influence as the four heavenly kings or the trial parliament, but they will never underestimate it.

Others don't know Lin Xiao's identity, but they know it very well.

The medicine dragon king, the first of the four heavenly kings in the dark world, has always been ruthless and ruthless. But today Lin Xiao's performance shows another side that he rarely shows.

At this moment, they felt that Lin Xiao seemed even more terrible.

A person can be ruthless and do things by all means, but it is more rare to keep the tenderness of human nature at the bottom of his heart and have his own bottom line and persistence.

Such a person will be a close friend when he is a friend and a mortal enemy when he is an enemy.

At this time, Zhou Changsheng walked back from the outside, and Fang Qing who left with him disappeared.

Holding a list from Fang Qing, Zhou Changsheng frowned deeply.

"Shit, what the hell does Lin Xiao do? Why do the guests here today compete with each other? He's not so good just because he's a former captain of the dragon and tiger team?"

Zhou Changsheng has some jealousy in his eyes, but more resentment.

If Lin Xiao hadn't rejected his quota at the beginning, Zhou Changsheng would be much better than this bureau even if he was not a big man in the army.

Fang Qing's secret lies in this list.

There are some very sensitive people on the list.

These people don't show their appearance and don't show their colors. They look like serious businessmen. In fact, they are "bandits" who have been listed by the police.

However, these people rarely return home, and it is extremely difficult to catch them.

Taking the opportunity of Lin Xiao's marriage, these gangsters gathered together, which really surprised Zhou Changsheng.

Seeing that there were ten characters on the list, Zhou Changsheng slowly became excited.

If these people are arrested, Zhou Changsheng will make great contributions. It is estimated that this credit will enable him to be directly promoted to the public security headquarters.

Moreover, Fang Qing also gave a detailed account of Lin Xiao's transactions and transactions with these people.

Zhou Changsheng doesn't know the origin of Fang Qing. He doesn't understand how she can get these impossible things, but as long as it is favorable evidence.

"Attention, teams!" Zhou Changsheng lowered his voice and ordered, "shrink the team immediately. From now on, no one is allowed to leave. Do you understand?"


More than a dozen police teams and a police force of hundreds of people began to act secretly.

Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin had finished their speeches and showed a wave of love, while Lang Yan and a priest announced that they were officially married according to the marriage procedure.

Although they had already received their marriage certificate, this wedding made them a serious couple.

Applause, cheers and gun salutes interrupted Zhou Changsheng's orders.

At this time, a team came late in the guest channel.

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