There are about 20 men and women in this team. They wear uniform formal clothes and are surrounded by a beautiful and moving Western beauty at the head of the row.

Medusa turned pale and came step by step with a simple wooden box in her hand.

"Medusa?" Lin Xiao was stunned and motioned Langyan to receive him.

Berman was not in the team, which surprised Lin Xiao.

Langyan walked through the crowd to meet Medusa.

The guests also turned their heads curiously.

Everyone was a little surprised at this late team.

"Medusa! Where's your father, Duke Berman?" Lang Yan asked with a smile.

Medusa bit her lips and said with difficulty, "I, my father, he..."

Langyan frowned. He looked behind Medusa and found that the expressions of the bodyguards or attendants were very strange, serious and serious. It seemed that he didn't come to the wedding, but came to the funeral.


Medusa finally couldn't hold on. The wooden box in her hand fell to the ground, the box cover was hit and fell, and a bloody head rolled out.

"Er!" Even if she had been prepared, Medusa couldn't control her mood when she saw her father's head again. She rolled her eyes and fainted to the ground.


Lang Yan quickly stepped back and looked warily at the bloody head.


There was some commotion in the crowd.

Even Lin Xiao, who had long speculated that there might be a change, changed his face.

That's Duke Berman's head.

Duke Berman helped Lin Xiao a lot in the United States.

When he was on a mission in the United States, Duke Berman provided him with many conveniences.

In particular, Medusa, the daughter of Duke Berman, has special feelings with Lin Xiao.

"Sister in law! Come with me!" Lao Zhang, who had been arranged for a long time, quickly came to the stage and said to Nangong Jin in a deep voice.

Nangong Jin got used to these scenes, stared at Lin Xiao seriously and said in a deep voice, "husband! Be careful!"

"Nothing!" Lin Xiao was moved and said softly, "go back first."


Nangong brocade obediently followed Lao Zhang back, while Zhou Bo and Ling Yu took the little blacksmiths in a circle as peripheral protection.

The party protected nangongjin and quickly entered the auditorium.

Apart from Lin Xiao and his confidants, no one knew that there was a secret passage leading to a secret room under the auditorium.

The wedding was not only arranged by Lin Xiao to fulfill his wish, but also a premeditated campaign of suppression.

Lure out the enemies hidden in the dark and concentrate them on destruction.

Lin Xiao announced his marriage in such a high profile and invited friends from all over the world. This behavior is a signal to the secret enemy.

Come out and hit me.

I believe as long as you want to kill Lin Xiao's guys, you won't waste this opportunity.

The blood stained skull in front of you is the best proof.

But Lin Xiao didn't expect to involve Duke Berman.

The next second, Lin Xiao's eyes became very cold.

"Don't panic, come with me!"

Lin Xiao's men began to evacuate the crowd, all towards the auditorium.

Zhou Changsheng's eyes flashed a few times. He quickly commanded the peripheral police officers to act immediately and surround the auditorium.

In the name of protecting Lin Xiao, a large number of police officers gathered to surround the auditorium.

At the same time, an attendant in Medusa's team slowly raised his head and revealed a pair of pupils as deep as the sea.

"Lin Xiao! How about this gift?"


Lord John waved his hand and his men immediately lined up for attack.

"Lord John!" Lin Xiao gnashed his teeth and shouted, "why should our gratitude and resentment involve others?"

"Hehe, I killed Berman for your reasons and his own reasons. But whatever the reason, it doesn't matter. Hand over the puppet technique and super medicine bath formula, and I can give your relatives and friends a yard."

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao laughed angrily. "Lord John, it's up to you? Do you really think you're a great master?"

"Ha ha..." Lord John was calm. "Your master's sword Wuji has gone. What chance do you have to win? Don't make unnecessary resistance."

"Old miscellaneous hair! What are you?" Lang Yan shouted, "if you come today, don't want to go!"

Kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick kick

A large number of elite medicine dragons rushed out from the dark, hundreds of them, all well-equipped and murderous.

Zhou Changsheng was stunned. "Where are these people hiding?"

Zhou Changsheng was cold for a moment. He suddenly felt that today's game was not very good.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Changsheng pulled out his gun and aimed at Lord John. "I'm a policeman. Put down your weapons for me."

Lord John smiled involuntarily. "I appreciate your business, sir, but today's business is private. If you intervene, you will only lose your life for nothing. Are you sure you want to lose your life for business?"

"How dare you threaten me?" Zhou Changsheng smiled, "this is my territory, what I say..."


A dark light flashed, and the gun in Zhou Changsheng's hand suddenly disappeared.

When he looked at Dingqing, he found that the pistol had broken in half and fell to the ground.


No one saw how Lord John did it. It was incredibly fast.

"You still have a chance to leave." Lord John looked at Zhou Changsheng and said faintly.

Zhou Changsheng's pupil shrinks fiercely. Is this the great master? How strong!

Zhou Changsheng subconsciously glanced around and found that most of the guests had evacuated. Those who dared to stay at the scene were some fierce guys.

These people looked at Zhou Changsheng with a smile, which made him hair straight in his heart.

"Jiyun! It's none of your business here. Leave quickly." Song Zhaolong knew Zhou Changsheng and knew his details, and said slowly to him.

"OK!" Zhou Changsheng said with a dry smile, "if you make any trouble in my territory, don't blame me for being merciless."

After putting down a scene sentence, Zhou Changsheng quickly retreated to the police team.

It's urgent for Zhou Changsheng to catch those "bandits" among the guests. He can't pay attention to Lin Xiao for the time being.

"Come in with me and protect the masses!" Zhou Changsheng pretended to shout orders.

The guests have all retreated into the auditorium. Zhou Changsheng ordered to protect the guests. In fact, he wanted to go in and catch people.

Lin Xiao looked at Zhou Changsheng and showed him a meaningful smile.

With these police officers entering the auditorium and the manpower arranged by Lin Xiao in advance, it is enough to protect Nangong Jin and others.

Nangong Jin hurried into the tunnel with Langyan and asked, "my grandpa has arranged it?"

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. The old man has long been informed. He is now with your father and under the protection of Baolong Group. It must be no problem."

"Yes!" Nangong Jin'an was relieved and suddenly complained, "Lin Xiao didn't tell me such a big thing in advance, which made me worried."

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