Lang Yan said with a smile, "the boss is afraid of his sister-in-law. He didn't leak a word, because the enemy will be strong and take a lot of risks."

Nangong Jin pretended to be angry and said, "this bastard! What do you think of my wedding?"

"Hey..." Lang Yan shrunk his head and said with a dry smile, "boss, this is also to lead out those enemies in the dark."

"No wonder he said he would personally give me puppetry and super medicine bath formula as wedding gifts at the wedding site. It turned out to be this purpose." Nangong Jin finally reacted.

When Lin Xiao told her about it a few days ago, Nangong Jin was still a little confused.

She thought, what's the use of puppetry and super medicine bath formula?

However, since Lin Xiao chose to give Nangong brocade, she wanted to keep it for him. Anyway, she was already a husband and wife and had no points with each other.

Today, Nangong brocade is completely determined. Lin Xiao is laying out in advance.

The news of holding a wedding and giving the treasure to Nangong brocade was also spread in those days.

Although it makes people angry that Lin Xiao didn't tell her the truth in advance, Nangong Jin also knows that this is to avoid her worry and fear.

Lang Yan sneered, "the boss is far sighted. He expected that those grandchildren would not give up. This time, they must come back."


Suddenly, a vibration came from the ground.

Nangong Jin stopped anxiously, "are you really all right?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Lang Yan shook his head quickly.

Wedding guest area.

"Lin Xiao, hand over the things!" Ding Qiu shouted loudly with a broadsword across his shoulder and long hair.

Ding Qiu suddenly killed him and destroyed a large area of tables, chairs and sofas in the guest area with a knife, showing a terrible attack.

"Ding Qiu, you're late." Lord John said faintly.

"It's better to come early than to come. It's just right now!" Ding Qiu said faintly.

Lin Xiao smiled, "Ding Qiu, are you trying to bully me?"

"Lin Xiao! You can't turn out any water today." Ding Qiu pointed to the long knife, and his eyes burst out, "hand over the puppet script and the super medicine bath formula."

"Puppet script?" Lin Xiao glanced. "I've burned it. The super medicine bath crystal is also covered with my saliva. Do you still want it?"

"Give me less glib." Ding Qiu walked slowly in the direction of Lin Xiao.

The medicine dragon elite immediately dispersed and formed a defense formation.

Lord John waved, and his men began to approach.

Footsteps came again outside the yard, and a loud drink exploded in everyone's ears.

"Lin Xiao! Today I want to avenge my father!"

Meng Yuanwu rushed in murderously with 20 elite and 100 Qinggou village guards.

But Meng Yuanwu was a little confused as soon as he came in. The field was full of well-equipped medicine dragons and elites, spreading the whole yard like ants.

They were followed by grand master olanda in a green robe.


There seemed to be a strong wind in the yard out of thin air.

Plop, plop

One after another, people fell to the ground, and all the police officers who stayed outside were poisoned and fell down, but the elites of the drug dragon had no effect.

Olan was stunned.

"Oran?" Lord John frowned and glanced at his fallen men, "what do you mean by sharing?"

"Ha ha..." olan smiled. "Just smoke. What are you nervous about?"

"Hum! Anyway, I must get the puppet secret skill today." Lord John snorted coldly.

"Easy to say!" Olan said with a smile, "all I care about is Lin Xiao's head. Others are free."

Meng Yuanwu rushed to Lin Xiao and others with 20 elite.

"Hey! A lot of people have come." Lang Yan shook his butterfly knife and came out leisurely.

Yang Jun, Tangshan and Lao Zhang also had smiles on their faces. In the face of the great master, they did not have a nervous expression. Instead, they were highly belligerent and had the meaning of going to war immediately.

"Hahaha... Whoever catches Lin Xiao first will own the things." Ding Qiu laughed a few times and jumped into the air.

Lord John and OLAM, unwilling to fall behind, rushed to Lin Xiao one after another.

"The sword is everywhere. This boy is a turtle in a jar!"

"Be careful of his intrigues. The loss of consciousness shows that the boy has some means."

"What more intrigues do our three great masters need to guard against when dealing with a hairy boy?"

"Abandon him first!"


The three figures rushed to me almost at the same time.


Lin Xiao retreated quickly, as if he meant to escape.

"Don't let him escape!"

"Boy, don't you think it's too late to escape?"

Ding Qiu approached step by step. He didn't care what plot Lin Xiao had. Under the absolute power, any trick was in vain.

The finished font of the three trapped Lin Xiao in it, just like three tigers looking at a weak and helpless lamb.

"Kill!" Meng Yuanwu led the elite of Qinggou village to rush to Langyan and others, "none of them can be let go."

In the face of more than 20 top silver soldiers, Lao Zhang and others dare not be careless even if they have made great progress.

As soon as the two sides started fighting, they immediately entered a scuffle.


Ding Qiu used his sword fiercely, and his sword Qi seemed to cut everything in the world and fiercely cut off Lin Xiao.

This knife is not intended to kill people, but to cut Lin Xiao three ways. As long as it is cut, the two legs will be gone.

With the gap between the two sides, Lin Xiao can't stop it at all.

However, Lin Xiao's behavior was stunned. He suddenly took out the magnetic knife and waved it against him.


Lin Xiao's knife speed is faster. He can only see the double shadow flash, and the three knife sounds almost converge.

The powerful destructive power of the three consecutive cuts of the magnetic knife stubbornly blocked Ding Qiu's attack.

"What?" Ding Qiu was stunned.

A golden warrior, even in the face-to-face confrontation, blocked the great master's knife.

Even if Ding Qiu didn't do his best, it was enough to show that Lin Xiao's three knives were unusual.

It's not over yet. After Lin Xiao's three sabres were cut in succession, he bullied himself and took the initiative to cut out the sabre, and the three sabres in succession hit Ding Qiu's head.

Lin Xiao even launched a counterattack when Ding Qiu didn't care. Ding Qiu was in a hurry. He stepped back and turned back to the horizontal knife.


Lin Xiao drifted away.

In the experiment, he just borrowed the essence of iron fist and came to the magnetic knife triple wave, and found that the effect was surprisingly good.

There is a big gap between the top gold soldiers and the great masters.

According to Lin Xiao's calculation, ordinary top gold soldiers have a force of 1000 kg, and the destructive force that breaks out with all their strength is at least 2000 kg.

But a great master's ordinary power is more than 3000 Jin. Under the outbreak, he can have a destructive power of 5000 Jin.

Lin Xiao used the magnetic knife to make waves with his unique power skills, and his attack power was close to that of the great master.

However, this kind of triple wave is very energy-consuming and easy to damage muscles and bones. After all, it is a way of self damage to improve the attack and kill ability.

In his ecstasy, Lin Xiao immediately gave up his plan to call out "invincible" and was ready to take a risk to fight with the great master himself.

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