The powerful heart that has fully warmed up pumps blood like an engine.

Blood surging!

Through the three yin meridians of the hand to the hand, then through the three yang meridians of the hand to the head, then through the three yang meridians of the foot to the feet, and finally through the three yin meridians of the foot to the abdomen, through the twelve meridians, complete a week between the internal organs and organs of the body.

The cultivation of martial arts is to consciously control Qi and blood in various ways to strengthen the ability of various organs of the body.

The powerful exercise and shaping effect of Wuji Gong endows Lin Xiaoyuan with extraordinary physique and blood running ability.

At this moment, the three even heard the rushing sound from Lin Xiao's blood.


Lin Xiao lifted his knife again and fell into an ethereal state in an instant. His sensing power expanded infinitely, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

Choking, choking!

Lin Xiao made a series of sabres and forced Ding Qiu to retreat.


Ding Qiu was angry and slashed Lin Xiao back. "Asshole! I really thought I didn't dare to kill you!"

Lord John's pupils narrowed slightly and said coldly, "if this boy doesn't get rid of it, it's a big trouble after all."

"It's a little interesting!" Olan's gloomy expression was a little excited. He gently waved his wrist and released a toxin.

Lin Xiao had already taken the understanding poison pill for his brothers, and he put several kinds of antidotes on his body, especially to deal with olan.

But this time, olan's poison seemed a little different. After dispersing into the air, it spread to the blood vessels of the whole body along Lin Xiao's breath.

After all, the physique of the golden warrior is somewhat different from that of the great master. Even if Lin Xiao is different, he can't completely level this gap.

This time olan's poison seems to be specially made for Lin Xiao. The faster the blood gallops, the greater its power.


Lin Xiao felt that his eyes were dark, his body staggered and almost fell. He shook his head hard, as if he saw more than a dozen people in front of him.

"Abolish the boy first, and change later!" Seeing the effect of Gu poison, Ou Lan's eyes brightened. He immediately stepped forward and rushed over. He wanted to control Lin Xiao in his hands at the first time.


Lin Xiao unconsciously cut three knives, which were all flashed away by Ou LAN.

"No! I can't play!"

Lin Xiao trembled in his heart. If he continued to play, he might hang up.

Taking advantage of the retreat, Lin Xiao quickly released the induced fragrance.


"Invincible" came straight out of the ground.


The underground secret cave built in advance carries "invincibility"

For the first time to rescue, Lin Xiao didn't dare to let "unbeaten" go too far.

Just now, we deliberately led three people to this position to avoid the situation that there was no time for rescue.

The sudden appearance of the puppet supreme frightened the three people.

"What happened?"

"Is this the puppet supreme?"

"He's alive?"

"How, how is it possible?"

Wearing a black suit, black sunglasses and a bald head, he was invincible. His appearance alone was very deterrent. He roared and stunned the three great masters.

"Invincible! Kill them! Especially the yellow hair in the middle, kill him!" Lin Xiao shouted and slipped away.


Unbeaten stared and hit it like a shell.


Lord John, who was standing in the middle, was knocked out.

Bang Bang

Lord John just had a short contact with unbeaten, his sternum broke several, suffered a strong impact, and rubbed on the ground for tens of meters before slowly stopping.

At this moment, Lord John was frightened.

The other two great masters were equally frightened.

The puppet in front of him is a real Supreme Master. It's easy to deal with them with all his strength.

"This boy has made the puppet supreme alive."

"How is that possible?"

Only Oran's expression flickered, and a sneer that was not easy to be noticed was aroused in the corners of his mouth.

"Roar!" Lord John flew unbeaten and immediately turned and jumped at Oran and Dingqiu.


Ding qiufei quickly threw out his knife and tried to stop the invincible attack, but he was directly hit to the ground with a knife.


Ding Qiu spewed blood and tried to escape.

Unbeaten took a step forward and stepped down.


Ding Qiu was directly trampled a foot deep underground and almost lost her breath.

Unbeaten turned and looked at olan. His dark eyes flashed a very penetrating light.

"Hum!" Olan retreated quickly with a calm expression.


Unbeaten, catch up very quickly and hit with a fist.


Olan gathered all his strength on his arms, took the punch, floated back and ran away.

"Don't let him escape!" Lin Xiao shouted.

Unbeaten is a very obedient killing machine, without saying a word.

Olan flashed left and right, but his escape speed was a little slow, as if he was consciously delaying time.

Invincible is only a puppet, not a real person. In terms of cunning, it can't be compared with the great master. His blindly chasing and beating gives olan more dodge time.

It's just that this evasion behavior can't last long and requires a lot of energy and spirit.

Lin Xiao is very strange. He doesn't understand what the hell olan is doing.

It is reasonable to say that olan should run for his life as soon as he is pursued and killed unbeaten.

His practice of dodging but not trying to escape is simply unreasonable.

Olan touched his finger and ejected a lot of colorless and tasteless toxins through his finger, all of which fell on the puppet supreme.


The venue is too spacious, so olan has enough space to dodge, but he can't attack for a long time. He is manic and keeps roaring.

"It seems that olan has hidden his strength before. He is stronger than Ding Qiu and Lord John..."

Ding Qiu fell to the ground as if he had no breath. Lord John also half knelt on the ground and kept adjusting his breath.

At the right moment, OLAM was chased and killed unbeaten. Lin Xiao turned his eyes and resolutely walked towards Lord John.


Lord John sprayed another mouthful of blood. He was obviously seriously injured and was constantly adjusting his Qi and blood. He suddenly looked up after hearing a slight sound of footsteps.

Seeing Lin Xiao coming with a smile, Lord John took a deep breath and stood up slowly.

"Lord John..." Lin Xiao looked at him with a smile. "Was that punch uncomfortable just now?"

"Lin Xiao! You have thrown yourself into a trap..." Lord John wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said grimly.

Lin Xiao skimmed his lips and said foolishly, "you can't protect yourself now? Don't pretend. How can you fight when your sternum is broken and your arms are cracked?"

Lord John's eyes narrowed slightly and said faintly, "even if my muscles and bones are broken, it won't take much effort to deal with you..."

"Ouch! Stop bragging." Lin Xiao smiled, shaking his wrist and shaking his magnetic knife, "when you kill Berman, you should know what your end is..."

Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, the whole man jumped up and down like a big eagle.

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