There are many sneaky figures hiding nearby.

These people were masked in black and showed only hot eyes.

They wanted to fish in troubled waters, but they were stunned to see Lin Xiao's one enemy and two still not losing the wind.

"Has Lin Xiao become a great master?"

"Impossible? Such a young master?"

"No! Olan and Ding Qiu seem to be hurt."

"Even if you are injured, you are a great master..."

A group of people in black, who were just eager to try, now played a retreat drum.

I thought Lin Xiao must be doomed this time, but I didn't expect a puppet supreme to directly turn the situation around.

Then another puppet supreme was killed. The battle between the two supreme level strongmen made them tremble and almost ran away.

At this moment, seeing Lin Xiao so brave, how can he have the courage to stay and step back and run away.

"The boy is too difficult." Ding Qiu's injury is deteriorating rapidly. After fighting with Lin Xiao, he feels that the tiger's mouth is faint and numb, and the wound on his body begins to crack.

Olan's situation was better, but limited. He was chopped by Lin Xiao. He only dared to use a whip to relieve his strength, but he didn't dare to fight close.

"Are you two really great masters?" Lin Xiao deliberately sneered, "Why are you like two turtles?"

Excited by Lin Xiao, Ding Qiu became more angry and shouted, "boy, when I'm well hurt, I'll kill your family."

"Lying trough!" Lin Xiao was stunned at that time. "Are you going to make me work hard and leave you behind?"

Ding Qiu was just angry. He knew that it was no good to annoy Lin Xiao now. His breath was slightly stagnant, and his tone was a little soft. "In short, I am at odds with you!"

"In that case, I can't keep you!" Lin Xiao took a deep breath, held the knife in both hands, and made a vicious rotation with his waist as the axis. After forcing them back, people looked as if they were ready to fight with all their strength.

Ding Qiu immediately got on alert and was ready to meet Lin Xiao's full attack.

But Lin Xiao opened his mouth and shouted, "invincible! Kill the old boy first!"

Unbeaten is fighting with the red puppet. The two puppets are inseparable. Hearing Lin Xiao's order, unbeaten rushed back like a gust of wind.

Frightened, Ding Qiu ran away and shouted, "despicable boy!"


Ding Qiu ran out desperately, but the seriously injured body couldn't run fast if he wanted to run. He was chased in front of him by unbeaten and kicked away with one foot.

Ding Qiu flew for more than 20 meters in mid air before he fell to the ground.

"Take him back!" Olan took the opportunity to order the red puppet to capture Lin Xiao.

"Help me!" Lin Xiao won't suffer. He shouted immediately.

Unbeaten, he turned back and fought with the red puppet.

Lin Xiao rushed to Oulan while hitting, and the magnetic knife cleaved down.


Olan opened the whip to block the knife, and his body trembled with great power.

If he hadn't been seriously injured just now, making his arms almost cracked, he couldn't have been forced to this job by Lin Xiao.

"Angry old man!" Ou Lan was beaten by Lin Xiao. The grand master felt that he had lost his face and almost vomited blood.

"Invincible! Kill the old man!" Lin Xiao roared again.

Unbeaten is really obedient. He rushed back without hesitation and jumped directly at olan.

Olan didn't expect Lin Xiao to come. His pupils widened and screamed, "help me!"


The red puppet then ran to the.


Lin Xiao rushed forward, kicked olan's ass and kicked him into a dog's excrement.

Olan got up and was about to pick up the fallen whip when he found Lin Xiao rushing forward like a tiger, riding directly on him and smashing his fists like raindrops.

Bang bang!

"Old man, I'll kill you!"

Lin Xiao's fist was like rain, while Ou LAN could only protect his head with both hands and wait for the opportunity to fight back.

He was dazed by Lin Xiao's old fist. Olan finally took a breath and beat Lin Xiao back. He heard Lin Xiao shout again, "invincible! Get rid of him!"

Unbeaten, kill olan again.

"Help me!" Olan was tired.

"Fuck him!"

"Help... Me!"

The two puppets seemed crazy. Under the orders of the two people, they fought together and attacked separately.

The onlookers looked lively, their heads turned around rhythmically, and they all had an impulse to laugh.

After being fooled by Lin Xiao several times, olan almost became a pig. He couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "fuck, go!"


The red puppet was not in love with war this time. He directly picked up olan and ran out of the manor like crazy.

The eight King Kong and others have ended the battle. Meng Yuanwu was trampled to the ground by Yang Jun. the other elite of Qinggou village are dead, wounded and almost wiped out.

Ding Qiu was the only outsider left at the scene.

Ding Qiu struggled for a moment and finally stood up. Her body was shaky, as if it was even difficult to stand.

Lin Xiao stared at Ding Qiu with a smile in his eyes.

"Ding Qiu, you are alone“

Many elite medicine dragons slowly leaned towards Ding Qiu. They carried knives and guns, and all had an excited smile on their faces. In front of them are serious great masters. Usually they need to look up to their existence.

But today, they have the opportunity to kill a great master by themselves. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Hum!" Ding Qiu snorted coldly, forcibly connected the broken arm bone, slowly picked up the big ring knife, and said boldly, "you bastards dare to threaten me?"

"Ding Qiu! You're dying. Dare you be arrogant?" Lang Yan stared and shouted.

Lin Xiao stopped Lang Yan who was going to do it and walked to Ding Qiu with a magnetic knife. "Ding Qiu, if you stay in your Kunlun Mountain and our well water doesn't offend, the river will be safe. You have to go down the mountain and die yourself."

"Lin Xiao! Even if I'm seriously injured, it's easy to kill you!"

After all, he is a great master. Ding Qiu's magnanimity and unhurried are admirable.

Ding Qiu's strength is really outrageous. He can stand up when he is beaten like that by the puppet supreme, and he has no fear in the face of many strong enemies. It's hard for anyone to match him in courage and spirit.

"I don't bully you either." Lin Xiao shook the magnetic knife in his hand and pointed it at Ding Qiu from a distance. "I won't let the puppet supreme hand. Let's fight together. If you win, let you go. If you lose... Kill yourself."

Ding Qiu's pupil contracted slightly, and a trace of joy flashed at the bottom of her eyes.

If the puppet supreme moves, he will die.

But against Lin Xiao, Ding Qiu had a victory rate of more than 80%.

Ding Qiu looks seriously injured. In fact, most of them are pretended. In addition to several fractures in his body, he still has the strength of a war.

"Is that true?" Ding Qiu shouted in a deep voice.

"Of course!" Lin Xiao licked his lips and said with an excited smile, "just the two of us, others will never interfere."

"Good!" Ding Qiu threw his dagger, "if you lose, I will spare your life today."

"Ha ha......" Lin Xiao laughed.

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