If Ding Qiu really kills Lin Xiao, ten percent of them can't run out, because Lin Xiao's desperate counterattack will certainly make him invincible.

Therefore, Lin Xiao had no risk in this war. Even if he lost, his life was not in danger.

This is a duel that can be fought without taking care of your life. It is of great benefit to martial artists, especially those like Lin Xiao.

Fighting a great master's life and death doesn't need to care about the danger of life. Lin Xiao can give full play to 100% or even 200% of his energy to fight.

In contrast, Ding Qiu needs to pay attention to many things.

First of all, we should protect the injury from worsening. Secondly, he can't die when fighting. He should give Lin Xiao a little hand.

The gap between the two has been completely flattened.

"Come on!" Ding Qiu put the knife across his chest, pointed at the sky obliquely, and said in a very contemptuous tone, "for the sake of your younger generation, let you do three moves."

Lin Xiao sneered, "let me do three moves? I think you want to find out my way?"

"Whatever you think, this is the rule for Ding Qiu to fight with his younger generation!" Ding Qiu was not influenced by Lin Xiao. Since he decided to go all out to fight, he would become calm and put his emotions into the fight.

"Boss, come on!"

"Boss, you can do it!"

"Come on!"

Lin Xiao's brothers consciously formed a big circle and trapped him and Ding Qiu in the circle.

Lin Xiao slowly restrained his smile and carefully adjusted his breath. Everything in front of him seemed to disappear except his opponent Ding Qiu.

"Then I'm welcome." Lin Xiao lowered his body and walked slowly towards Ding Qiu.

The scene fell into silence, only the sound of Lin Xiao's feet rubbing the ground slightly.

Ding Qiu was motionless, just like a statue, with a pair of gloomy eyes staring at Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao suddenly moved greatly. The magnetic knife in his hand shook several arcs in the air and fiercely cut Ding Qiu's head.


As expected, Ding Qiu kept his promise and did not attack.


The two knives seemed to stick together. Under the fierce friction, they sent out a series of dazzling sparks and rushed straight into the sky.


Lin Xiao was shocked back several steps by the anti earthquake force. He felt that the tiger's mouth was bitter and numb. He marveled that he was really a great master. Even if he was seriously injured, he was still strong.

"The second move!" Lin Xiao roared, his body turned in place, his knees bent slightly, his feet pushed his waist and lifted it from bottom to top.


Ding Qiu's body bent at a strange angle and forcibly deflected in the direction. The knife leaned close to his face and cut upward.

Several hairs floated down in the wind.

Lin Xiao drew back his knife.

Ding Qiu reached out and grabbed one of her hair. She seemed surprised to put it in the sun and looked at it. Youyou said, "broken hair is like a broken head..."

"Another move!" Lin Xiao pointed at the front of the blade, and the cold awn was exposed.


Lin Xiao stabbed in front of the knife. This knife is not fancy. It's a simple stab, but it's very fast, faster than the two knives just now.


This move is unavoidable. Ding Qiu can only take hard measures to block Lin Xiao by erecting a large ring knife.

Pedal pedal

Lin Xiao withdrew more than ten steps.

Ding Qiu also took two steps back, his chest swelled a few times, and pressed down the blood that almost broke his throat.

However, a great master is a great master. He can do nothing by defense alone.

"Three moves have passed!" Ding Qiu moved slowly, making people feel that he was like an insurmountable mountain, oppressing Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao shook his wrist and said with a smile, "it's really a great master. If you're hurt like this, you still have the power of a war."

"Kill you enough!" Ding Qiu's face trembled, and her steps trembled a little.

Lin Xiao looked at his front feet and moved up along his legs. He found that his waist twisted awkwardly when walking.

In addition, Lin Xiao also found that Ding Qiu's chest was slightly bulging, making the height of his chest on both sides unbalanced.

"Hey!" Lin Xiao looked into Ding Qiu's eyes and understood that Ding Qiu's injury was urgent, so he smiled and said, "the winner is not certain."

"Come on!" Ding Qiu was a little anxious and couldn't wait to fly over.

The more anxious Ding Qiu is, the more calm Lin Xiao is. He knows that the other party is at the end of a powerful crossbow. As long as he delays time, he can lose.

However, Lin Xiao didn't want to win too despicable. It was difficult to find such a good opportunity, so he took a deep breath and rushed face to face without hesitation.


The two men hit each other with two knives and sent out a harsh explosion.

The onlookers frowned and retreated one after another. Some people's blood was not so strong. They felt that the eardrum membrane was torn and hurriedly covered their ears.


Lin Xiaozhen, who went all out, was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He pressed Ding Qiu and made him almost out of breath.

Ding Qiu's war was probably the most oppressive one in his life. He was beaten by a golden soldier and couldn't fight back with all his strength. If he was a little more serious, he might affect the wound.

After fighting for five minutes, Lin Xiao, who was sweating profusely, roared happily, and his speed suddenly increased by at least 30%.

"Huh?" Ding Qiu was stunned. He didn't expect that Lin Xiao had the strength to speed up for so long. His physical quality was beyond imagination.

Ding Qiu was also unambiguous, fighting for the risk of aggravating the injury, he also raised the speed. They were like two phantoms, entangled back and forth, and would fight a few times from time to time.

All the people saw it very dangerous, and they were all sweating for Lin Xiao.

Anyway, Ding Qiu is a great master. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. If the old boy hides any bad intentions, Lin Xiao may be calculated.

"Boss, take it easy." Lang Yan shouted nervously.

Many medicine dragon elites are also nervous, and they are ready to rescue at any time.


Suddenly, the two figures on the field suddenly separated.

The picture suddenly changed from dynamic to static, which surprised the people. They quickly looked at Lin Xiao.


"Are you okay, boss?"

"Who won?"

"I can't see..."

The crowd talked, and surprised eyes swept around them.

Both of them stood straight and pointed the knife at each other. From the surface situation of the two people, we can't see who won and who lost.

"Lin Xiao!" Ding Qiu shouted.

Everyone was worried. Ding Qiu still had such a strong middle spirit. Did he win?

Langyan and others ran towards Lin Xiao with a nervous face.


"Boss, are you okay?"


Lin Xiao suddenly raised his hand to stop everyone from coming. He took back the magnetic knife with a smile and said faintly, "I'm fine!"

Everyone is relieved.

Lin Xiao is lucky to be all right. Winning or losing is not so important.

"Boss, who won?"

The crowd slowly gathered around and looked at them intentionally or unintentionally.

There was no clue from their expressions, and they dared not speak and waited quietly.

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