
Meng Yuanwu is very fast. As a top soldier in silver, he is also a leader even among the warriors.

As a newborn calf, Meng Yuanwu deliberately forgot Lin Xiao's strength and thought he would avenge his father.


Meng Yuanwu, who rushed to the front, didn't even lift his hand. He was lightly pinched by Lin Xiao's throat, and then suddenly mentioned it in the air.

"Er..." Meng Yuanwu was surprised.

Lin Xiao asked with a smile, "you said you had a secret about olan. Now you can say it."

"Of course..." Lin Xiao added, "you said, I promised to duel with you!"

Meng Yuanwu was extremely speechless. I didn't make any moves. I was caught like a chicken. What's wrong?

"I, I lied to you. There's no secret at all." Meng Yuanwu's face turned red.

Lin Xiao frowned.

"Go back and tell olan to prepare the medicine and baby I need within three days, otherwise he will see a pile of cold bodies in three days, okay?"

Meng Yuanwu, who had no resistance, wanted to struggle, but he could do nothing under the palm of Lin Xiao's iron hoop.

"Go away!"

Lin Xiao threw Meng Yuanwu away as soon as he shook his wrist.

Meng Yuanwu was filled with grief and anger. He stared at Lin Xiao and wanted to rush back several times, but he didn't have the courage.

Just now, Lin Xiao seemed to be facing grand master olan. His frustration was aggravated by the incomparable strong breath.

"Not yet?" Lang Yan stared and shouted.

Meng Yuanwu retreated slowly and was about to escape when Lin Xiao stopped him.

"Wait a minute," Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I haven't said my request yet. You remember..."

Lin Xiao said a long list of herbal names, which confused Meng Yuanwu.

"I don't care if you remember. In short, if you can't see anything in three days, all these people will die." Lin Xiao's tone sank.

"Hum!" Meng Yuanwu glared at Lin Xiao fiercely. He didn't dare to stop this time. He ran faster than the rabbit.

"This guy who overestimates his strength..." Lang Yan looked back at the depressed soldiers and asked quietly, "boss, are these guys really worth so much money?"

The herbs mentioned by Lin Xiao just now can be priceless, which is very difficult to see in the market.

Langyan was also frightened by Lin Xiao's lion's mouth.

"Hehe, don't worry, olan will redeem them."


"The western regions are rich in medicine, and there are all kinds of herbs in the Kunlun Mountains. Otherwise, I wouldn't have built the base there. Olan has been in the western regions for decades. Can he have no inventory? So he doesn't care about those things. He cares about these top silver soldiers who are difficult to cultivate."

"That's what I say. If olan doesn't want to change, we really want to kill them? That's a real top silver soldier..."

"If I don't use it, what's the use of even a great master? It must be a disaster to keep it. Then I will abolish their martial arts and become an ordinary person in the future." Lin Xiao glanced back and said faintly.

"Well, you too!" Lang Yan feels the same.

Lin Xiao nodded and said with a sly smile, "let's wait for the goods to be received.

"That's right." Lang Yan said in a low voice, "there's something about Zhou Changsheng. Yesterday, in the middle of the wedding banquet, Zhou Changsheng went out with a woman in a blue skirt. When he came back, he had a few more pieces of paper in his hand, which should be the guest list."

"Blue skirt woman?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Did you get her face?"

"Yes, it should be Fang Qing you mentioned!"

Lin Xiao frowned, "what's the origin of Fang Qing? It seems that the comer is not good."

"Shall I inquire?"

Lin Xiao shook his head. "No, I'll find her myself."

"Boss, you seem to know Fang Qing very well." Langyan suddenly asked with a smile, "did you give up on others and then encounter revenge?"

"Get out!" Lin Xiao shouted angrily, "are you too busy again? Have you finished what you have been asked to do?"

"Well, I'll ask casually. I'm worried about you. There must be a ghost in my heart!" Before the sound of Langyan's words fell, he had run away like a rabbit.

"I have your uncle!" Lin Xiao dragged his shoes and smashed them out.


The slippers hit the back of Langyan's head impartially.

”Ouch! “

The waves screamed.

A medicine dragon elite came up and asked, "boss! What about these boys? Locked in the yard? Or..."

"Throw it into the basement, find more people to guard it, and move the invincible to the entrance." Lin Xiao thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"I see!"

After settling down these people, Lin Xiao went out of the door and drove directly to Huanan street.

According to his memory, Lin Xiao came to Tianxiang bath center again.

The Maserati was still parked at the door.

This windy and dazzling Maserati often stops at the door of Tianxiang bath center, indicating that Fang Qing should live nearby or have her industry nearby.

The tiktok bath center, the fat woman still shakes her voice, looks at her mobile phone, and says, "go to the other side to change shoes!"

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "where's brother Da?"

"Who are you?" The fat woman looked up angrily and saw that it was Lin Xiao. Her eyes widened immediately and trembled with fear, "Mom! Why are you here again?"

Two strong men rushed out and watched Lin Xiao warily.

But they dare not move.

I remember being beaten very clearly last time. They know how good this master is at present.

"I'm looking for DAGO!"

Tianxiang bath center is not big, but Lin Xiao found that there are some secret compartments in it.

It's probably used to make dark transactions or escape the arrangement of the police.

"Da, Da Ge is taking a bath." The fat woman swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stammered in the direction of the bathroom.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao stepped in.

The two fat men quickly got out of the way and were afraid like a mouse seeing a cat.

Lin Xiao opened the curtain and the left and right channels led to the men's and women's bathrooms respectively.

This time, Lin Xiao didn't rush in recklessly.

Last time, DAGO's fat body like a cow was really disgusting and his eyes were too hot. He didn't want to have his vision impacted again.

"DAGO! I'm looking for you." Lin Xiao shouted.


The sound of heavy objects falling into the water was clearly heard.

"Lin, Lin Ye!" DAGO's rude voice came out in panic.

Lin Xiao waited patiently for a few minutes.

Boom, boom

DAGO, wearing a wet bathrobe, came out shaking.

Lin Xiao glanced at her and found that her skin seemed more relaxed than a few days ago. She had to carry the fat meat trembling at her waist to walk. She asked a strange question thoughtfully.

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