"Do you take a bath every day?"

"Hey! What is Lord Lin looking for me?" DAGO's eyes were all squeezed into a seam and smiled.

"I ask you, whose is that Maserati outside? Why does it always stop at your door?" Lin Xiao asked directly.

DAGO was stunned. "Should it be the guest's? Although I'm small here, the service is very good. The VIP bathroom is on the ground floor. There are more than 100 members. It should be the guest's."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Is there another underground floor?"

"Of course!" DAGO smiled strangely, "you know, Lin Ye, women actually have a lot of needs, but some things are not suitable for the public..."

"Well..." Lin Xiao swept around, "where do you get into the underground floor?"

"Ouch!" DAGO said with a wry smile, "Lord Lin, do you want to break into the women's bathroom? There are all dignified ladies down there. People want face."

Lin Xiao thought for a moment. He was a big master. If he really broke into the women's bathroom, it would be really inappropriate.

The scene of breaking into the bathroom last time was still in front of him. That time, it was because he had to. He didn't want to be stared at by so many naked old women again.

"Then tell me if Fang Qing, who drives Maserati, is there!"

"Lin Ye, I really don't know who Fang Qing is. Maserati also stopped in recent days. I've never seen her before." DAGO stooped pitifully, and the fat on his chest and under his waist trembled.

Lin Xiao felt sick. He coughed quickly and walked out, "OK! I'll wait for her outside."

DAGO followed him and asked carefully, "Lord Lin, what are you looking for Fang Qing for?"

Lin Xiao asked casually, "is there any monitoring at the door?"


"Ask the waiter if you have any impression of Fang Qing!"

DAGO said quickly, "OK!"

They came to the front desk. DAGO picked up the bodyguard and the fat woman and asked about Fang Qing one by one.

Unfortunately, everyone shook their heads blankly and had no impression of the mysterious Maserati Fangqing.

Lin Xiao is surprised. Isn't Fang Qing a guest of Tianxiang bath center?

If it's not Tianxiang's bath guest, what does Fang Qing mean by parking at the door?

"Lin Ye, no one knows who Fang Qing is." Brother Da smiled carefully for fear that Lin Xiao would be angry.

Lin Xiao sat on the sofa and crossed his legs. "It's okay! I can wait! In addition, you send someone to watch outside and tell me when someone drives."

"OK!" DAGO pointed to a strong man, "you go!"


The strong man hurried out and carried out DAGO's words very thoroughly.

Lin Xiao glanced at the sleepy uncle at the shoe changing place, glanced again indoors and smiled at brother Da, "I'm very strange. You're a woman. Why do you call brother Da?"

"Hey! Lord Lin! Look at my fat body. How can a woman look like?" DAGO said mockingly, and then slowly squeezed into a chair.

Lin Xiao couldn't help smiling knowingly at her difficult appearance, and suddenly said meaningfully, "did you know that Wang Wei was arrested?"

"Which Wang Wei?" DAGO was stunned.

"Still loaded?"

"Oh..." DAGO suddenly said, "I've heard it. It seems that Wang Lun of Wang's group was involved."

"But..." Lin Xiao said faintly, "Wang Lun and Wang Wei were released yesterday. Do you know this?"

"Impossible? I heard that Wang Wei committed a lot of crimes, all of which are the evidence of stone hammer. And Wang Lun, who secretly engaged in a lot of shady business and was caught with stolen goods, how can he be released as soon as he was caught?"

Lin Xiao stared at brother DA and said with a smile, "I have to ask Fang Qing. She has a lot of skills. I don't know what they said and what conditions they talked about, but she let Zhou Changsheng let him go."

DAGO blurted out, "how does Mr. Lin know it's Fang Qing?"

"I guess!"

"Well..." DAGO was obviously restless and twisted his body slightly.

DAGO's huge body, as long as a little movement, will cause no small shaking range, and make a squeaking sound with the chair.

"I also know that Fang Qing gave Zhou Changsheng a list. The names on this list are famous' bandits' all over the world."

"These bandits were supposed to celebrate my marriage. Later, I thought that so many 'celebrities' would certainly cause unnecessary trouble, so I let people carry the bag and receive the intention..."

"Well, why did Lin tell me this?"

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I mean, I want you to send a message to Fang Qing. I should have no grievances with her. There's no need to make trouble in the dark. She can stand in the sun and talk to me about what she wants."

DAGO changed his face, "Lord Lin, I can't understand this..."

"Your feet are very slender!" Lin Xiao suddenly pointed at her feet and said.

DAGO subconsciously looked down, and his face suddenly changed.

When she first came out of the bathroom, she forgot to put on her shoes, and half of her calf and a pair of thin feet were completely exposed.

DAGO is so fat and strong that he weighs five or six hundred kilograms. To support such a large weight, you must need strong thighs, lower legs and a pair of big feet.

Otherwise, DAGO will break his ankle and become a useless man within a few steps.

However, although DAGO walked awkwardly, he was far from difficult, and even gave people a strange sense of lightness.

If the foot is really slim, it is impossible to support such a large volume.

In front of DAGO, he has a pair of slender feet. He not only supports a weight of 500 kilograms, but also walks fast.

It doesn't make sense at all.

Naturally, Lin Xiao's words are not aimless.

From DAGO's changing eyes and a little panic, we can see that there must be a ghost in her heart.

Lin Xiao continued, "there is fear, surprise and shock in your eyes. When so many expressions appear at the same time, your face should be distorted or wrinkled, but you don't."

"I've also observed your waist. The fat on both sides of your waist seems to be separated from the bones. It's naturally difficult for laymen to distinguish that weird, but I happen to know a human skeleton technology, which is very similar to your situation. That technology can change a person into any body shape."

"The seemingly fat body is actually a special fat cotton and carbon fiber structure, with an overall weight of no more than 100 kg. Moreover, there is a skeleton support inside, so you can easily put yourself in and disguise after a little training. Am I right? Fang Qing..."

"Lin, Lin Ye..." Da GE's voice changed.

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