Lin Xiao changed his leg and said with a smile, "as a woman, even if you have a big nerve, you will subconsciously cover up or avoid being seen naked by a man. Last time I rushed into the bathroom, your first reaction was not shy. I thought later, maybe it was because you subconsciously didn't think you were naked, but wearing clothes..."

"Your clothes are the human skeleton outside, aren't they, Fang Qing?"

Lin Xiao carries Fang Qing in every sentence. Each "Fang Qing" is a hidden weapon that touches the bottom of each other's heart, which makes DAGO more and more flustered.

DAGO struggled hard for a few times, stood up from his chair and looked at Lin Xiao unexpectedly. After a long time, he suddenly grinned and said, "Lord Lin, you are so smart. I like you more and more."

"Fang Qing! What the hell are you doing? Do we know each other?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"Since you see through me, I have nothing to hide. It's so boring to be seen through by you so soon." Fang Qing seemed to laugh at herself and stretched out her hand to pull at a part of her waist. Her huge body fell off like a dress, revealing the tight blue fiber clothes inside.

Fang Qing threw away her long hair and revealed her true face. Compared with the fat image just now, it's just like a sky and a ground.

"This technology is not common in China." Lin Xiao said meaningfully, "it is usually used in secret service organizations... So, are you Zhong wanjian's man?"

Zhong wanjian was transferred from the General Department of the southeast military region to the post of the major department of the Security Bureau and began to control the secret service personnel in China.

If Fang Qing is really a secret service, she must have something to do with Zhong wanjian.

Fang Qing looked at Lin Xiao bitterly and said, "Duan San said a word to me when I came..."


"Duan San said that Lin Xiao should never be underestimated. But I don't believe in evil. Now it seems that it's better to meet him than to be famous..."

"Paragraph three?" Lin xiaolue thought and suddenly said, "the Duan San who is mixed with the double headed God of death in the wind market?"

"Yes, Duan San finally broke into the double headed God of death. He saw that he was about to contact the trial Council, but you destroyed the plan. In the end, he had to retreat reluctantly and all his efforts were in vain!"

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "so, are you looking for a venue for Duan San?"

"Duan San's failure naturally requires someone to carry the pot." Fang Qing was not nervous. She kicked the human skeleton aside, showed her little daughter's posture, and exaggerated her face. "Wearing this thing all day is killing me. It's as beautiful as flowers, but she has to pretend to be a fat woman and waste my beautiful face. It's all that three!"

"It seems that you deliberately put me at the wedding banquet just to see my jokes, right?"

Fang Qingbai glanced at him, "I know you'll be fine, but it's good to disgust you. I just didn't expect that waste Zhou Changsheng is really... I don't want to talk about him."

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "but I don't understand one thing. Why did I release Wang Wei and Wang Lun?"

Fang Qing was silent for a moment, "because Wang Lun has a relationship with a giant in the trial, we are ready to find a breakthrough in him."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao frowned and asked, "is Zhong wanjian going to fight the trial Council?"

Fang Qing said unhappily, "isn't it for you?"

"For me?" Lin Xiao was confused.

"Hum! Do you know the main reason why the dragon and tiger team was dissolved?"

"Know one or two!" Lin Xiao frowned. It was Dugu Weiyi's plot.

Fang Qing didn't seem to be prepared for Lin Xiao. She said what she had to say.

"When investigating Dugu Weiyi's death, Zhong found several ancient secret letters in his secret room."

"The secret letter is compiled from a special ciphertext, which comes from the trial Council..."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said, "is Dugu Weiyi related to the trial Council?"

"Mr. Zhong now suspects that Dugu Weiyi is one of the five giants of the trial Council!"

"Evidence?" Lin Xiao straightened up.

Fang Qing said in a deep voice, "the first evidence is that the final signatures of those secret letters are honorifics, in order to let Dugu Weiyi reply to some important things. Second, Dugu Weiyi has a USB flash disk in his secret room. After decryption, it is found that there are a lot of information about training killers, and these killer organizations have a unified Name: subverter."

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed.

"It is now known that the organization that surrounded and killed the dragon and tiger team was the subversive. The subversive has been working for the trial parliament through various signs."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao took a breath. "So, the subversive has something to do with the trial of the Parliament?"

Fang Qing continued, "since the subverter is the judge of the parliament, it is very likely that Dugu Weiyi is one of the five giants."

"If all the conjectures are true," said Lin Xiao Youyou, "the old man Yao, the master of consciousness, Duan Muyi and Dugu Weiyi are real. Who else will be the mysterious giant?"

"This is exactly what we want to find out." Fang Qing said in a deep voice, "recently, there has been an abnormal move in the underground world of the delta. Many underground leaders have begun to close the whole site and forcibly subdue many small forces. We believe that the trial Council must take action."

Lin Xiao thought of one thing. Recently, the Deng family of the wind market has made great moves, almost unifying the underground forces of the whole wind market.

With the strength of the Deng family, there is a gap compared with the double headed God of death in the past. Why can Deng Kunlun swallow the underground forces of the whole wind market?

Is there a shadow of the trial parliament behind Deng Kunlun?

Fengshi, Zhennan and Beijiang are the largest underground cities in the delta.

Zhennan is now Guo Tian's world and Lin Xiao's territory.

On the surface, Deng Kunlun of Fengshi also expressed his loyalty to Lin Xiao.

Only the situation in Beijiang is not clear.

Beijiang is the nest of the trial Council, and naturally it is also the territory of the trial Council.

The original God of wind, who wanted wind and rain in Beijiang, may also have been blessed by the trial Council.

In this way, nine times out of ten subversives are the power to try Parliament.

The subversive is also the power of Dugu Aotian. It can be inferred that Dugu Aotian has an inseparable relationship with the trial Council.


What is the position of the ultimate leader of the subversive and the leader behind Dugu Aotian in the trial Council?

"I believe Lord Lin has figured out something. The fifth mysterious leader of the trial Council may be behind the killing of the dragon and tiger team. It is because of his guilt that Zhong Dasi decided to find out the secret of the trial Council and find the mysterious leader at all costs." Fang Qing said in a deep voice.

Lin Xiao nodded silently, "what does Wang Lun have to do with the mysterious leader of the trial Council?"

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