Lin Xiao said slowly, "he has no intention of fighting at all. It seems that this game is just a passing performance, which is not in line with the atmosphere of black fist duel."

"You know shit!" Mao Zi suddenly interrupted, "don't compare if you don't understand. Ali's fighting style is like this. He has always been famous for cold-blooded ferocity."

Fang Qing smiled awkwardly and reminded Lin Xiao, "I know this Ali too. His fighting style is very calm. He is not as crazy as an ordinary black boxer."

"Ha ha," said Lin Xiao with a smile. "It can't be wrong. Ali has no intention of war and no desire to win. He will lose this one!"


"Shit!" As soon as Mao Zi patted the table, he stood up. "Brother Da, where did this boy come from? How can he talk like farting? He also said that Ali would lose? Is there something wrong with your head?"

Fang Qing quickly winked at Lin Xiao, her lips moved and whispered, "don't talk nonsense."

"Don't you believe it? There will be results soon. If you don't want to lose too badly, you can bet on the little man to win. At least you can ensure that the loser doesn't lose money."

"Shut up." Mao Zi's hair blew up. "What are you? Tell me what to do here?"

"I'm the one who helped you win the game. Don't worry if Ali loses the game. I'll help you kill Zhao Zhilong and keep your territory." Lin Xiao said faintly.

Maozi's men laughed.

"DAGO, did you really bring this boy?" Mao Zi asked strangely.

If Da Ge hadn't brought him, Mao Zi would have let Lin Xiao out.

"Yes!" Fang Qing said with a dry smile, "my new boxer, he... Still has some strength."

Mao Zi frowned. "If you talk nonsense again, I'll be impolite."

Lin Xiao smiled, "I think this Ali should be bought off, so he will lose. But don't worry, I'm here today, and I'm sure you'll win..."

"Fuck you..." Mao Zi was upset. When he heard Lin Xiao's words, he slapped Lin Xiao in the face.


Lin Xiao flashed gently and said with a smile, "ah Li will lose in less than ten seconds!"

Maozi is more angry.

The showdown on the stage has already started. The offensives of both sides are very fierce. The little man is really very agile and keeps circling around Ali.

Ali was very calm, but his fist flickered. Every attack perfectly avoided the little man and hit in the air.

"Eh? What's the situation?"

"What's the matter?"

In just a few seconds, the situation on the field changed. The little man forced Ali to the cage corner, broke his head with a whip leg and knocked him down.


Ali fell to the ground unprepared.

The referee quickly came forward to check his condition. Three seconds later, his hands crossed, indicating that Ali had no power to fight again.

Mao Zi was about to catch up with Lin Xiao when he suddenly heard an abnormal noise. He looked back and was completely stunned.

"Ali lost?" Many of Mao Zi's men were stunned.

"Lost so quickly? How is this possible?"

"The boy didn't even sweat, and Ali lost?" Mao Zi seemed to be struck by thunder and stared at the octagonal cage for a moment.

Lin Xiao said, "I told you so!"

Mao Zi didn't care about Lin Xiao at all. He rushed frantically to the octagonal cage and shouted, "Ali! What the hell are you doing?"

Fang Qing pulled Lin Xiao aside. "How did you see it? Did you know something and deliberately didn't tell me?"

"It's easy," said Lin Xiao. "Ali has no desire to win in his eyes. A boxer, whether calm or calm, will become aggressive when entering the octagonal cage. That's what he should be."

"Can you see your eyes so far?" Fang Qing's face didn't believe, "you must be covered!"

"Don't you believe it..." Lin Xiao rolled his eyes.

The two are talking. The direction of the octagonal cage has been confused.

Ali woke up and looked indifferent. He was scolded by Mao Zi. If he hadn't been pulled away, it's estimated that both of them might have had a fight.

"Shit! Ali, you bastard, how dare you fight fake boxing!" Mao Zi roared like thunder, and all the dirty words came out. He was directly held back by his men.

As for Ali, he had long run away in despair.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Zhilong came over with a cigarette in his mouth. "Maozi, you said that if you promised my conditions just now, everything would be gone? Now it's good. There's no doubt that you will lose!"

"Asshole! Dare you play yin? Zhao Zhilong, I tell you, even if I have nothing, I will never let you go." Mao Zi said angrily.

"Hey!" Zhao Zhilong smiled contemptuously, "willing to gamble and admit defeat, but we have an agreement. Even if we get the God, the agreement is true and effective, right?"

Mao Ziqi's eyes are green, but the bet is the bet. They are willing to admit defeat in this line. As long as they get on the stage, everything is subject to the result.

In the third game, Zhao Zhilong will play in person.

Maozi's original intention is to win in the first two games. If he drags it to the third game, he will lose.

No one at the scene is Zhao Zhilong's opponent. Even in the underground boxing world in the south of the town, it is estimated that no underground boxer can beat Zhao Zhilong.

Zhao Zhilong, who has the winning ticket, said with a smile, "maozi, don't worry. You still have the chance to play the last game. You'll be ready in five minutes. It's no problem who you send."

"Hum!" Maozi has nothing to say.

He has no fighters to fight.

Even if one is reluctantly sent, it is cannon fodder.

Zhao Zhilong arrogantly dispersed with people.

The atmosphere on the field became more enthusiastic. The crowd's mood became unstable because of the last battle, and the voices of shouting and yelling came and went one after another.

"Brother Mao, let me go." A boxer behind Mao Zi stood out with a face of determination.

Against Zhao Zhilong, he knows the result.

Zhao Zhilong is cruel and ruthless. The boxers who fight with him are either dead or disabled.

In the past few days, maozi has lost several good players.

Mao Zi looked at him and said angrily, "you can't even stop a move up. What's the use? Die for nothing? Don't die for no reason!"


"But what? Keep the green mountains here. We're not afraid of no firewood. It's a big deal. We'll evacuate temporarily and come back when the right opportunity comes." Mao Zi stared at Zhao Zhilong's arrogant back.

Lin Xiao winked at Fang Qing.

"Maozi," said Fang Qing, with a strange smile on her fat face, "let my new boxer ah Lin go."

Mao Zi glanced at Lin Xiao and thought of Lin Xiao's analysis just now. He frowned and said, "how can you see that Ali has a problem?"

"Oh, my eyes are lax and have no fighting spirit. Fools can see it."

Mao Zi snorted coldly, "boy with sharp teeth, do you really dare to go?"

"Of course! I'll help you win. You have to promise me a condition."

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