"Win?" People look strange.

Mao Zi sneered, "don't be ashamed, are you new?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao is really a newcomer in the underground boxing industry.

"How many fights have you fought?"

Lin Xiao carefully raised his finger and counted, "about ten games? I can't remember clearly."

"Ten games? Where?"

Lin Xiao thought, "I've played all over the world, with Pearson, Terry and Yasu..."

No one knows Pearson in the field of underground boxing.

He plays an important role in the underground boxing world all over the world and has never failed.

However, it is said that Pearson was defeated three years ago and has disappeared since then.

"You can really play Niubi and confuse my thinking..." Mao Zi was angry and smiled.

A man next to him asked jokingly, "how many games have you won?"

"Let me think..." Lin Xiao thought. He played in Zhennan Hefeng market and abroad, but he didn't win all. Once he lost to a woman.

This woman is Eliza.

It was because she deliberately lost the game that Eliza chose to follow Lin Xiao.

"Only lost once." Lin Xiao said seriously.

"NIMA, you can really boast about Niubi!" Mao Zi smiled contemptuously, "so you won the first nine games? Lost to Pearson?"

"No, no, no, Pearson lost, so he retired from the Jianghu. I just lost to a woman." Lin Xiao answered truthfully.

Even Fang Qing felt her cheeks hot and thought that Lin Xiao could blow too much.

Mao Zi's expression was ferocious. "Oh, I'll go! I met my opponent. How can you play better than me?"

Lin Xiao smiled dismissively, "hehe, are you afraid of anything after asking so many questions? Anyway, who you send will lose. What if I win? You not only have no loss, but also can win all the money back."

Mao Zi thought, "that's true. But I want to remind you that Zhao Zhilong will never keep his hand. If you enter the cage, you will die!"

"No harm! I am responsible for my life. But if I win by chance, you must promise me a condition!"

"Say!" Anyway, I didn't expect Lin Xiao to win. Maozi readily agreed.

"If I win, I'll take part in all your business."

"What?" Mao Zi stared in surprise. "Boy, your plot is not small. You want to participate in all my business? Your tone is really big."

"Don't you dare? Are you afraid I'll win?" Lin Xiao sneered.

"Joke!" Mao Zi angrily said, "since you want to die yourself, ask for your own blessings! If you really win, you will be my brother in the future. What's the point of sharing business?"

Lin Xiao glanced at Fang Qing.

Fang Qing pretended to be worried and said, "Arlene, this is not a children's play. It will kill people."

"Seek wealth and wealth. Even if I die, I will admit it." Lin Xiao made a generous appearance of dying and held his head high.

Fang Qing was amused by Lin Xiao's exaggerated acting skills.

Someone from Zhao Zhilong shouted, "maozi, are you ready? Who will be sent to die?"

His cry caused a burst of laughter.

Mao Zi's face turns blue and white. In the face of so many busy eyes, he feels hot on his face.

"What's your hurry?" Mao Zi roared back.

"I'm not in a hurry. I'm afraid you're afraid to run away." Zhao Zhilong sneered.

"Hum!" Mao Zi suddenly turned and looked at Lin Xiao, "boy, it's your turn."

"Don't worry!" Lin Xiao walked slowly towards the octagonal cage.

The sound of the scene suddenly disappeared. Maozi suddenly sent a very strange boxer, which surprised the audience.

Zhao Zhilong stared at Lin Xiao and observed for a long time. He scoffed and said, "where did the lengtouqing come from? He doesn't know whether to live or die."

"Brother long can kill him with a slap!" There's a flatterer nearby.

Zhao Zhilong sneered, "I will make his life worse than death!"

Zhao Zhilong then went into the octagonal cage. The cheers were like boiling water.

"Zhao Zhilong!"

"Zhao Zhilong!"

There were voices shouting Zhao Zhilong.

The audience regarded Lin Xiao as a little transparent.

Even if he had stood on the stage, no one paid attention.

"Mao Zi sent you to die. How much did he give you to settle down?" Zhao Zhilong asked with a smile.

Lin Xiao said faintly, "don't worry, I won't let you lose too ugly."

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Zhilong lost his smile. "It seems that you are very confident in your strength."

"Actually..." Lin Xiao hesitated, "I don't have much confidence."

"After all, you want to win just right, which is also a test of your acting skills, so you should try your best to cooperate, and you'd better try your best, so I can be a little sure..."

Zhao Zhilong: "??"

"All right!" Lin Xiao said, "let's start."

Zhao Zhilong scolded silly ratio, threw away the towel hanging around his neck, pointed to Lin Xiao's eyes and said, "one punch will let you see the king of hell!"

The referee went to the center of the two and looked around. "Are you ready? Do you understand the rules?"

This sentence mainly asks Lin Xiao, a newcomer.

"I see!"

"OK! Start!" The referee backed away decisively.

Zhao Zhilong rushed up in an instant. He just wanted to solve his opponent in the shortest time.

Maozi and others can't bear to see.

Since Zhao Zhilong came to the underground ring, he has won more than ten games in a row. The result of each game is the tragic death or serious injury of his opponent.

I believe today is no exception.


Sure enough, Lin Xiao was hit on the head with a punch, and then staggered and fell to the ground.

"I told him to go up and die. DAGO, you can't blame me?" Mao Zi looked at Fang Qing.

Fang Qing frowned and cluttered in her heart. What the hell is Lin Xiao doing?

The scene was booed.

It's pouring too fast.

Zhao Zhilong held his hands high and would accept everyone's cheers.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao stood up again.

"Huh?" Zhao Zhilong was stunned and hit his iron fist. He could still stand up.

Zhao Zhilong looked at Lin Xiao and found that there was no trace on his forehead. He couldn't help staring at Lin Xiao in surprise.

"I can still fight..." Lin Xiao pretended to be very difficult, and at the same time, his body had rushed forward.


The crowd exclaimed.

Lin Xiao rushed to Zhao Zhilong and took his strength to hit him.


Zhao Zhilong took a punch in the chest and shouted angrily, "how dare you hit me?"

Hoo Hoo!

The two of you come and I fight.

The audience was stunned. They didn't expect Lin Xiao to have the ability to draw with Zhao Zhilong.

A draw means that Zhao Zhilong has no possibility of winning.

The audience who just made the bet regretted it. If they bet on Lin Xiao, in case he wins, it will be full of money at the rate of one to twenty?

Lin Xiao is a little difficult.

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