It's certainly no problem to let him attack with all his strength, but every fist and palm should receive at least 70% or 80% of the strength, which is more tired than going all out.

Lin Xiao can't be too amazing. Even if he wins, he can only be weak, otherwise it's easy to be seen.

There are only a few experts in Zhennan. If you come up and kill Zhao Zhilong, it will certainly arouse suspicion.

He wants to get close to Mao Zi, and then break into Wang Wei and Wang Lun to find out the "fifth in the world" intelligence.

So the more low-key and deep the better, the greater the chance of success.

"Shit, pretending to be a grandson is so tired." Lin Xiao's head was sweating.

People thought he was tired, but in fact he was suffocating.

After playing for a long time, I feel almost finished. It's time to end.

"Drink!" Lin Xiao suddenly roared and startled the people.

"This, this boy is crazy?"

Lin Xiao rushed to Zhao Zhilong with teeth and claws, flashed the other party's attack a little, and then slapped him on his angry face.

Lin Xiao wanted to shoot him just now. He just endured it in order to play more.


Zhao Zhilong fell straight to the ground in front of him.

Lin Xiao gasped and shouted arrogantly, "hahaha... I won!"

The people were stunned and stared at Lin Xiao without blinking. They didn't expect that the boy really won.

"Win, win?" Mao Zi jumped high like his ass was electrified.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Lin Xiao came down triumphantly and shouted to Mao Zi, "what did I say? I said I would help you win back."

At a loss, Mao Zi suddenly reacted and rushed over, "brother, what's your name? Brother, you're my brother..."


Mao Zi hugged Lin Xiao.

"I love you so much."

"Go..." Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and pushed him away. "Big masters, what are you doing?"

Mao Zi jumped and jumped excitedly and asked Fang Qing, "brother Da, where did you measure this brother? It's too powerful."

"I was introduced by a friend in business." Fang Qing said casually.

"I've made up my mind about this brother." Mao Zi ran over Lin Xiao's shoulder. "You helped me win the game. I'll give you all my income tonight. How about it?"

"Today's income?" Lin Xiao deliberately pretended to be insatiable. "It was agreed before that if I win, I will participate in all your transactions and transactions. Don't try to deceive me with some petty profits."

"It's easy to say..." Mao Zi laughed. "It's easy to say anything. I like your greedy appearance. Let's talk about it in detail when we drink later."

"Eh? Maozi, I brought people. Do you have my share?" Fang Qing smiled.

"Yes, yes, it's easy to say anything." Maozi is in a good mood.

"You guys, go ask Zhao Zhilong for money and inform him to get out of East China Street immediately, otherwise he will look good!" Mao Zi turned back and shouted to his opponent.

"I know, brother Mao!"

Mao Zi took Lin Xiao in his arms and said enthusiastically, "I'll host this evening and invite my brother to dinner. Let's discuss the cooperation in detail. How about it?"

"OK, no problem." Lin Xiao smiled.

A group of people surrounded Mao Zi and left, and Lin Xiao obviously became Mao Zi's guest of honor and was regarded as Mao Zi's hero tonight.

Maozi took Lin Xiao and others to a hot pot shop and said carelessly, "jufuxin is my maozi's territory. In the future, its income will also be shared by your brother."

"Then I'll thank brother Mao in advance." Lin Xiao smiled.

"What are you talking about? Brother is so powerful that he will be popular with me in the future. If there is mine, there will be yours." Mao Zi laughed.

When the party entered the hot pot shop, the clerk immediately arranged a private room.

Fang Qing's DAGO is so fat that one person occupies three seats.

Everyone smiled at DAGO on the surface, but they sold horse batches in their hearts. DAGO's power is not weak. He is a dignified woman on South China street. They dare not show disrespect.

"DAGO, come on, you should sit in the first place today." Mao Zi smiled and invited Fang Qing to the throne.

Fang Qing was not vague. She sat down and almost broke the extra large chair.

Thanks to Mao Zi's early preparation, he got Fang Qing a hard iron chair.

"Brother, come on, sit down!" Mao Zi invited Lin Xiao to the left, while he sat on Fang Qing's right.

There were six or seven maozi's confidants at the table. The expressions on everyone's faces were quite complex.

Lin Xiao, an expert, suddenly appeared and defeated Zhao Zhilong. No matter how you look at it, it's a little strange.

Since Zhao Zhilong came here, he has maintained an unbeaten record. No one in the underground boxers is his opponent.

Therefore, everyone wondered where this Alin jumped out.

"Arlene, I haven't seen you before. Where are you boxing?" After the wine and dishes were served, Mao Zi seemed to return to normal and approached Lin Xiao with a glass of wine.

"Wind market!" Lin Xiao has long thought of a set of words.

"Oh?" Mao Zi blinked. "The wind market is so far away, how can you think of coming to Zhennan for development? With your strength, you have long been famous in the wind market."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "have you heard of double headed death?"

"The wind in the wind market is full of buildings and Jiannan mountain?" Maozi stared in surprise.

"Yes! It's a pity that I used to hang out with Lord Feng..." Lin Xiao pretended to be very distressed, took a sip of wine and said in a deep voice, "Lord Feng died, and I was chased by my enemies, so I had to flee all the way to the south of town."

"No wonder my brother is so powerful. It turned out that he followed the wind Lord of the wind market. I admire him." Mao Zi quickly grabbed the wine glass and said respectfully, "come on! I respect my brother for this glass of wine. We will be our own people in the future. Don't worry, I won't bury my brother's strength."

"Thank you!" Lin Xiao drank it all at once.

After drinking the wine, Mao Zi looked at Fang Qing again and asked with a smile, "brother Da, you are so lucky to find an expert like the arlin brothers. I respect you for this wine."

"Well said! Just don't forget my benefits. Arlene was supposed to help me fight today, but he let you get ahead of me. You have to compensate me." Fang Qing smiled.

"Ouch! Whatever you say, we will be a family in the future. We must carry out in-depth cooperation. DAGO's brother is my brother." Mao Zi laughed.

"By the way," Fang Qing suddenly asked tentatively, "do you know Wang Wei very well? I heard he was caught and released again, didn't he?"

"It's very complicated..." Mao Zi put down his glass. "It's said that Viagra was guaranteed by a woman named Fang Qing. Fang Qing's identity is too mysterious. The brothers haven't found out her origin."

"So Wang Wei is all right?"

"Fang Qing has a lot of energy. Those cases committed by Viagra have been eliminated, and even the matter of director Wang has disappeared. Don't you think it's strange?"

Fang Qing pretended to be surprised and asked, "it's so powerful? You should check it carefully. People have helped so much. Isn't it the picture?"

"It's strange. It's strange here," Mao Zi scratched his head. "Fang Qing disappeared after saving people. How can we find her whereabouts."

"Well..." Fang Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Her identity was not revealed. She can act as Fang Qing in the future.

Mao Zi put down his glass and suddenly changed the subject, "brother Alin, my business is very complicated, and I still have Viagra, so it's not so easy for you to come in and step in."

"Maozi! What do you mean by that? Cross the river and tear down the bridge, don't you?" Lin Xiao stared at the boss.

"Well, don't worry. I mean, I have to discuss with Viagra. After all, you're new here..." Mao Zi said in embarrassment.

"That's natural, brother Mao. What do you need me to do?"

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