"What happened?"

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and walked quickly. Finally, he determined that the cab was empty.

"Anyone?" Lin Xiao deliberately raised his voice and looked around with vigilance.

The sound echoed in the hall.

No response.

The silence is terrible.

You can hear your heart beating clearly.

According to the agreement between Lin Xiao and maozi, they meet at Tonghui station of Metro Line 2. Maozi gave the goods to Lin Xiao and told him the specific trading place.

Then Lin Xiao went to trade, grabbed all the money and goods, and finally withdrew at the exit of Qianjin station.

Maozi stopped a gray van at the exit to meet him.

However, the plan doesn't seem quite right

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and stepped into the carriage.


The door seemed to have eyes. After Lin Xiao had just stepped into the car, it closed slowly.

Lin Xiao looked around for a few times and didn't find any figure or abnormality.


The subway opened and started slowly in the opposite direction as it had just come.


The subway moves forward very fast, the windows on both sides fall into darkness instantly, and the bright advertisements on the tunnel walls show that the subway is entering a state of acceleration.

Lin Xiao frowned and stood still in response to changes.

Since Mao Zi asked him to meet him at the subway station, nine times out of ten this situation has something to do with him.

As for what will happen, Lin Xiao doesn't care.

Click, click!

Suddenly, Lin Xiao heard a slight sound of the machine starting.

He quickly looked up at the corner of the car.

A camera set in advance slowly stretched out.

"Huh?" Lin Xiao frowned slightly.

Pedal pedal

In the distant carriage, there was a noisy sound of footsteps coming in the direction of Lin Xiao.

The line of sight vaguely passed through the car and saw someone crossing the porch and appearing in the field of vision.

"Bozi and owl?"

The two people at the top of the line are under the double headed God of death, Bozi and owl.

"What's wrong with Mao Zi? He traded without giving me the goods? This is for me to rob directly..." Lin Xiao laughed angrily.

In a few seconds, the two sides met face to face.

Bo Zi had yellow hair and stared at Lin Xiao motionless.

Owls do look similar to owls, especially with dark eyes.

Two groups of people stared at each other. After a few seconds, Lin Xiao suddenly shouted, "Bozi? Owl? Why are you?"

Both of them and a dozen of their men were stunned.

Bo Zi frowned, "who are you? Maozi asked you to come?"

"Ouch, I'll go!" Lin Xiao seemed a little excited. He ran and jumped at Bo Zi, startling the other party.


They aimed their guns at Lin Xiao.

"Bo Zi, don't you know me? You used to drive to the boxing hall when you were driving to the sword master. Did you forget? I'm a boxer, ah Lin."

Bo Zi is a little confused. Since the other party knows that he drives for Jianye, he should be a familiar person. However, why don't he have an impression?

"I'm Lin, the boxer under Lord Feng." Lin Xiao confirmed loudly again, "can't you really forget? Last time I took a car to see Jianye with you."

At the beginning, there were too many people coming and going every day. How can you remember them all?

"And you owl," said Lin Xiao, pretending to be very angry. "When you went to the airport to meet the special envoy of the trial Council, Zhang beizhou, I was one of the bodyguards. He negotiated with the wind master on the roof, and I was watching outside the door. Did you forget?"

"Arlene?" The owl blinked. He really didn't remember. Lin Xiao said he had a nose and eyes, which confused him.

"Yes, you finally remember." Lin Xiao excitedly rushed to the owl and gave him a warm hug.

The owl is a little stiff. I remember a piece of wool. Who are you?

"Don't talk nonsense! I don't care who you are, where are the goods!" Bo Zi pulled Lin Xiao apart and looked at him warily.

Lin Xiao smiled and said meaningfully, "if I had known to trade with you, I would advise maozi not to do so."

The camera in the corner kept flashing.

Cross the camera and come to a big house behind the surveillance line.

Mao Zi stood behind Wang Wei and said carefully, "Viagra, I'll say this boy is OK. You see, he is indeed a double headed God of death. I asked the brothers of Fengshi to check. There are many boxers under the wind and rain building. Now they are scattered. This boy should be one of them."

"A silver boxer should not be unknown. Go check it for me again. I'll see the details of Arlene tomorrow." Wang Wei said in a deep voice.

"Rest assured, Viagra."

"Yes!" Wang Wei nodded slightly, loosened his plaster cast left arm, and asked, "does Miss Fang Qing have any news?"

"Not yet."

"Who is Miss Fang Qing? Why did she disappear after saving uncle Lun and me?" Wang Wei looked puzzled.

"I think so..." Mao Zi turned his eyes and said with a smile, "it must be Miss Fang Qing who admires your heroism, so she secretly promised to help..."

Looking at Wang Wei's increasingly dangerous eyes, Mao Zi felt his body was cold. He couldn't help shaking. He quickly stepped back, "I'll send more people to find Miss Fang Qing early tomorrow morning!"

Wang Wei said angrily, "and ah Lin, if the action is successful at night, give him some benefits first. When the wind market returns the news, make sure it's all right, and bring him to see me."

"I see!"

Mao Zi hurried out of the room.

Wang Wei has been staring at the monitoring, as if to see some abnormal clues.

Lin Xiao's words stunned Bozi and Owl for a long time.

"Arlene! What do you mean?"

Without much explanation, Lin Xiao asked with a smile, "where's the money? Have you brought it?"

Bozi looked back.

The two men stood out, holding two large boxes in their hands, held them in front of them and clicked the unpacking lock to reveal two boxes full of attractive RMB.

"It's easy to say when you bring the money." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Where are the goods?" Bo Zi stepped forward. "There's not much time. Let's get off at the next stop. Don't waste time."

Lin Xiao glanced at the monitor hanging on the side wall of the carriage and said, "there are still three minutes, enough."

Bo Zi and owl were confused, and Zhang Er monk couldn't figure it out.

"Arlene, where are the goods we want?" Bo Zi shouted again.

Bo Zi doesn't care who the other party is. Now he and the owl have made a new start. They have long had nothing to do with double headed death.

The other party's friendship is nothing more than to make the transaction more smooth, but the boy has no goods in his hands and talks strangely. He can't be careless.

Thinking of this, the owl winked at his men, "search him!"

They rushed out and came to Lin Xiao.

"Hey!" Lin Xiao raised his hand cooperatively and said with a smile, "I didn't bring a gun, a knife or goods..."

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