Bo Zi stared at Lin Xiao, "what are you talking about?"

Lin Xiao said, "I didn't bring anything, but I want your money. For the sake of being brothers in the past, leaving the money can let you live."

"You..." the owl's expression changed very complex and couldn't help laughing, "hahaha... Are you fucking funny?"

Many thugs also laughed.

"Is this boy crazy?"

"Do you want to be funny?"

"Is it stupid to fight? Start talking nonsense?"

Bo Zi was more calm. He frowned and stepped over to Lin Xiao. Holding his neck, he shouted, "what are you doing with the plane? The goods! I'll give you three seconds..."


Lin Xiao raised his hand and knocked Bo Zi down, while flying his legs across both sides.


Three people fell down in the blink of an eye.

"Lying trough!" Before the owl's smile disappeared, there was a change in front of him, so fast that he had no time to respond.

Lin Xiao's figure was close. He fiercely held the owl's throat, took advantage of the situation and lifted him into the air. He shouted in a deep voice, "do you want money or life?"

More than a dozen thugs behind the owl were stunned. They were stunned for three seconds before they remembered the resistance. They shouted and rushed up to Lin Xiao.

Bang bang!

After Lin Xiao knocked them down, he grabbed a gun and put it on the owl's head. He said fiercely, "do you want him to die?"

Everyone dared not move.


The owl knelt down and said in a trembling voice, "brother Alin, we used to be a family. Don't be impulsive. Don't be impulsive. Show mercy. You stay the money and we don't want the goods."

"Really? Honestly?" Lin Xiao joked.

"Really, really!" Owls kowtow like garlic.

Lin Xiao sneered, "let them roll first, and you stay as a hostage."

The owl roared, "you go first and take Bo Zi."

The thugs did not dare to neglect, raised their unconscious brothers and rushed to the door.


The car just arrived and the thugs rushed out of the door.

Lin Xiao picked up the owl and whispered, "let me find out later that you are engaged in white goods business. Be careful of dog life."

"I see, alingo, spare me this time."

"Get out!" Lin Xiao threw the owl out of the door.


The door closes quickly.

The subway started again and plunged into the tunnel.

The carriage fell into a quiet state again. Lin Xiao put two money boxes in his hands and was ready to get off at the next stop.

make love!

"That's perfect, brother arlin!"

An excited voice came from the radio.

"Maozi, what do you mean?" Lin Xiao deliberately pretended to be very angry, "want to hurt me?"

"No, no, how could it be, brother Alin? I'm also trying to be careful. After all, there are always risks in our business."

"Hum! Since you don't believe me, our cooperation will stop here. I took the money!" Lin Xiao then strode towards the cab.

"Don't say that, brother Alin, you can take the money, but we have to continue this cooperation. How about I take you to Viagra tomorrow?" Mao Zi was a little anxious. He managed to attract such a great God. How could he let go easily.

According to the on-site situation of the carriage, maozi basically concluded that this Alin was no problem and was definitely a perfect partner to cooperate with.

As for going to the wind market to check the news, maozi also thinks there will be no problem. As long as the news comes back, he will take Alin to see Viagra immediately.

Lin Xiao stopped and frowned, "tomorrow?"

"Yes... Viagra has something to do today. Go out and come back tomorrow." Mao Zi smiled.

Lin Xiao frowned and meditated for a few minutes. Then he said angrily, "OK! I'll trust you again. If you dare to play any tricks with me, don't blame me for being rude."

"Ouch! Brother Alin, how dare I play tricks with you? We will be a family in the future. We can make money together." Mao Zi kept explaining, "don't be careless. In order to show your brother's apology to you, you can take all the money traded today."

Lin Xiao looked at the cash box. It was more than two million yuan. Then he turned his anger into a smile. "Hey! I'll accept it."

"Yes, yes..." Mao Zi smiled.

"Then stop the car." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"No problem. You get off directly at the next stop. I'll send a car to wait for you at the exit. Just tell the driver where to go."


The broadcast sound disappeared.

Maozi is in a secret office. There are some machines and equipment on the table. He presses the call off button and breathes a sigh of relief.

A thug behind him frowned and asked, "brother Mao, he has all the millions? We have lost a lot."

"You know what a fart! This boy is so greedy for money. If he doesn't give him some benefits, he will turn around and leave. At that time, there will be no money and no people." Maozi glared at him.

"But... What if he really runs away with the money?" My men still don't understand.

Mao Zi smiled angrily, "if you don't have enough brains, you'll be a thug all your life. The more greedy he is, the more he won't escape. He still expects me to share more business with him."

"Oh!" Although the silly thug couldn't understand it, he nodded affectably.

After thinking about it, Mao Zi suddenly stood up and pushed him out. At the same time, he said in a deep voice, "go to Da Fu Gui and open a presidential suit."


Mao Zi hurried out of the house. He was just near the subway station.

Across the street is a reliable van parked in advance.

Lin Xiao came out of the platform, and the driver met him at the side of the train as ordered.

A very clever young man trotted to meet him, "brother Lin, brother Mao asked me to take you to Da Fu Gui!"

Lin Xiao was a little stunned, "what are you doing to be rich?"

"Brother Mao said that he left a presidential suite in dafengui. All the projects are ready and waiting for you to have a rest." The young man's face was full of laughter.

Lin Xiao thought, "all right!"

The young man quickly opened the door, helped Lin Xiao in, and then moved the two money boxes to the back.

Lin Xiao got on the bus and sat down. He took out two wads of money from the money box and handed it to him, "little brother, it's hard."

"Ouch! How can I do this? I can't take it..." the young man swallowed his saliva, his excited face turned red, said he couldn't take it, but he didn't leave the money.

Lin Xiao pretended to be angry and said, "don't look down on me? Take it if you want."

"How dare I despise alingo? Well, if alingo has anything to say in the future, I will never frown when I go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire." The driver boy excitedly put tens of thousands of dollars in his pocket and swore.

The vehicle opened slowly, entered the highway and drove towards the direction of great wealth.

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