Mao Zi groaned and smiled, "ah Lin is very emotional. He will lose in the face of beautiful women, hey hey..."

The beauty raised her head and said bitterly, "brother Mao, is it uncomfortable for me to serve? I'm still in the mood to see other women."

"Hey, hey..." Mao Zi said with a sly smile, "baby, you are most comfortable to serve. Come and watch a good play together."

"Hum! What a good play! People want to have a good play with you!" When a beautiful woman rides on Mao Zi, she will take off his clothes.

"Don't worry, wait a minute." Mao Zi smiled and held the beauty in his arms. Pointing to the monitor screen, he said, "let's see how it helps."

The beauty looked at him, leaned lazily in her arms, and reluctantly looked at the monitor screen.

Lin Xiao is having a drink with the short haired beauty. They seem to be addicted, one cup after another.

Drinking, the short haired beauty had taken off, and they took off Lin Xiao. They were "honest" with each other, and as soon as the dry firewood and fire touched their hair.

Suddenly, the short haired beauty seemed to be too excited. After a glass of wine, she fainted to the ground.

"Ah?" Lin Xiao pretended to help, but the beauty opened her mouth and spewed out a lot of filth, which instantly polluted half of Lin Xiao's body.

"Lying trough!" Lin Xiao jumped up directly and said angrily, "what's the matter? Don't drink if you can't drink. I'm not interested in it."

Looking at the video, Mao Zi couldn't help but say 'lying in the slot'.

"Women who don't succeed enough and fail more than enough."

"Hey!" The beauty beside Mao Zi smiled with glee.

Lin Xiao hugged the beautiful woman and threw her into the bathroom. He swears all the way. Then after taking a shower, he staggered back to the room and went to sleep with his head covered.

A good play ended hastily after the beauty got drunk and vomited, making Mao Zi beat his chest and feet waiting to see the good play.

"Shit! These women are so careless. They can't do this well." Mao Zi said angrily.

"Brother Mao, leave them alone. We haven't done anything serious yet." The beauty came up softly and breathed the aroma in her mouth.

Mao Zi seemed to be affected by his interest and pushed away the beauty, "OK, you go back first."

"What are you doing? Really." The beauty is also angry.

"All right, all right." Maozi angrily grabbed a pile of money and threw it to her.

The beauty smiled for a moment, but pretended to be angry and said, "hum! You're still not a man. You've provoked people to fire, but you've withered?"

Mao Zi stared at her, "there's so much nonsense. Believe it or not, I'll kill you next time?"

"Giggle, I can't believe you have that ability. Come now." The beautiful woman turned her clean body and gave him a provocative twist.


Suddenly, the video went black.

Mao Zi didn't care to quarrel with the beauty. He waved like a fly and stared at the monitoring picture.

The beautiful woman quickly put on her clothes, left her bag behind, lit a cigarette and walked out while smoking. "I'll go and serve uncle Alin. You'll wait here for a good play."

"You dare!" Mao Zi shouted fiercely.

"Giggle..." the beauty laughed away, and then heard the sound of the door closing.

Maozi tossed and tampered with the surveillance video. A few seconds later, the picture came back with a slap.

Lin Xiao is still sleeping in bed. His snoring is very stable and has entered a state of sleep.

Mao Zi smiled, "this boy is also very good at drinking."

Wang Wei asked Mao Zi to monitor Lin Xiao just to see if this ah Lin came from the right way. After all, Alin appeared too abrupt and had too many doubts.

From the analysis of Arlene's actions today, there should be no big doubt. As long as reliable news comes from the wind market, cooperation can be carried out immediately.

A silver top-level soldier is like adding wings to today's Wang Wei.

Mao Zi stared at the surveillance for most of the day. He didn't find that the camera had long been tampered with by Lin Xiao. He just made sure that Lin Xiao was asleep, so he yawned and lay in bed.

At this moment, Lin Xiao leaned against the window and was calling Nangong Jin.

"Wife, can't you sleep without me at night?"

Opening the window, the wind blew, and Lin Xiao's short hair on his forehead blew in the wind, revealing a pair of shining eyes.

"Are you doing dangerous things again?" Nangong Jin lies on the bed, wearing only one Pajama, two long legs naked outside, holding a flat plate in his hand, and is carefully checking the relevant engineering data.

"I want to check Wang Lun. There is my big enemy behind this old man." Lin Xiao smiled, "there is no danger. Don't worry."

"Where are you now?" Nangong Jin asked casually.

"Er... Great wealth!" Lin Xiao glanced guilty at the bathroom.

"Great wealth?" Nangong Jin stopped and sat up slowly. "What are you doing in that place? It's a place of fireworks. Open a video for me and let me see."

"Ah?" Lin Xiao panicked, "open the video?"

"What?" Nangong brocade suddenly became vigilant, "something must be hiding from me, right?"

"No, no..."

Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, Nangong Jin's video came to the top.

Lin Xiao can only connect.


"Who are you?" Seeing a strange face, Nangong Jin was stunned.

"Don't be nervous. I just dressed up to get close to the enemy." Lin Xiao laughed.

Nangong Jin blinked. Seeing Lin Xiao naked, he became alert, "why do you take off your clothes?"

Lin Xiao regretted it. Why did he forget to put on his clothes just now?

"Wife, listen to me. I'm not trying to make the enemy relax their vigilance, so..."

Nangong Jin Bingxue is smart. She thinks there is a problem in Lin Xiao's words. "You open the video and turn around the room."

"Er... It's not necessary." Lin Xiao was really flustered.

"Guilty conscience! Don't force me to rush over." Nangong brocade pretended to be angry.

"OK, ok..." Lin Xiao smiled, raised his cell phone and began shooting from the bedroom.

"You see, this is the bedroom, only my clothes, right? Only a pair of shoes..."

"This is the living room. There is nothing. The second bedroom here..."

Lin Xiao turned around and said with a smile, "how's it going? No problem? I really want to paralyze the enemy, not what you think."

"Really?" Nangong brocade eyebrows picked, "no... you don't seem to show me the bathroom?"

"Ah? The bathroom stinks. What's good?"

"No! I want to see!" Nangong Jin pursed her lips.

Lin Xiao panicked. If Nangong Jin saw the naked beauty lying on her back in the bathroom, it was estimated that she would kill her directly. At that time, he could not speak clearly.

Just got married, he was caught by his wife as a junior. Lin Xiao is expected to cry to death and be laughed to death by outsiders.

If this is true, it's all right, but Lin Xiao didn't do anything. It's called losing his wife and breaking his army.

"Really want to see?" Lin Xiao looked sad.

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