"Hurry up! Don't dawdle!"

Nangong Jin knew that there must be a problem here. She pinched her waist and got out of bed. She angrily came to the balcony and blew the night wind to calm herself. "Just get married, you go out and fool around!? I didn't say anything about your bachelor party the night before marriage. Now it's all mixed in the hotel, right?"

"No, no, wife, listen to me. In fact..." Lin Xiao was sweating. His usually brilliant head suddenly stopped turning and short circuited.

Ding Dong!

Suddenly, the door bell rang.

Lin Xiao was ecstatic. He was the Savior.

"Wife, someone is coming. I'm afraid the enemy will try. Wait a minute." Lin Xiao immediately became serious and said very carefully, "there may be experts. I must be careful. Wife, wait a minute."

Nangong Jin also heard the doorbell and immediately became nervous, "husband! Be careful."

"Don't worry." Lin Xiao nodded solemnly, his eyebrows twisted deeply, "if something happens to me..."

"What nonsense? How could something happen to you?" Nangong Jin was nervous. "Husband, you will be fine. I won't bother you. Look who it is."

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded hard, and then said very solemnly, "if it's the enemy, I'll talk to you after I solve it."

"Yes!" Nangong Jin's face is pretty white. She thinks Lin Xiao is in great danger.

Lin Xiao quickly hung up the video, rushed to the door, looked through the cat's eyes and opened the door.

"Mr. Alin, this is the supper and fruit that brother Mao asked me to send." A waiter was stunned when he saw Lin Xiao naked, and then showed a formulaic smile.

She was pushing a small metal cart filled with drinks and fruit.

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and dragged the car in directly. At the same time, he also dragged the waiter in.

The waiter was frightened and thought Lin Xiao was going to be unfaithful to her. His small face turned white.

"You came in time." Lin Xiao ran back excitedly, took a wad of money out and handed it to the waiter, "this is your reward."

"Ah?" The sudden happiness made the waiter can't believe it.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao rushed to the bathroom to carry the beauty out and handed it directly to the waiter. "You can open another room and send the beauty in. Also, you can't tell anyone about today, you know?"

Lin Xiao took out another wad of money and handed it to her.

Twenty thousand dollars.

"OK, OK, I see." The waiter's eyes are shining. I met a local tyrant today.

"I'm sure I won't tell anyone, will I?" Lin Xiao smiled and took out 10000 yuan and put it in the tray.

"No, no..."

"If you say so," Lin Xiao took out another 10000 yuan and put it in, "I will take back the money."

"Definitely not!" The waiter girl was already overjoyed.

Lin Xiao took out another 10000 yuan and put it in. "Now, all the money is yours, but if you want to talk about today, you can't get a penny, okay?"

"Understand! Understand! I promise not to mention a word. I said I sent you fruit and left, right?"

"Smart!" Lin Xiao snapped his fingers. "Sure enough, money sobers people."

"Then I'll go. I'll open another room to take this lady. When she wakes up, I'll say Mr. arlin has something to go first and let her have a good rest! Right?" The waiters will rush to answer.

"That's right! Let's go!" Lin Xiao urged.

"Yes!" The waitress looked soft and weak, but now she suddenly changed her natural power. She picked up the beauty and went out without stopping for a moment.

After the man left, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately opened Nangong Jin's video call.

"Wife, I guessed right. It's a killer!" Lin Xiao's face was very ugly, his hair was a little messy, and even there were some red things on his chest, like blood.

"Killer? Are you okay, husband?" Nangong Jin has been very nervous about Lin Xiao since she really became husband and wife with Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao had experienced so many dangerous things before. Although Nangong Jin was worried, he always felt that there was a layer of separation, as if outsiders were watching.

But now, even if Lin Xiao shows a sad or sinking expression, Nangong Jin will become very sensitive, even frightened.

"Don't worry, my husband is so powerful. Why is it a mere killer?" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "even for my wife, I will be careful."

"It's all right. I'm scared to death." Nangong Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wife, wait a minute. I'll take a picture of the bathroom for you. I almost forgot about it when I fought with the killer just now. I want to prove my innocence to you." Lin Xiao walked to the bathroom with dignity.

"What's the bathroom? Wash it quickly. Your body is full of blood. Don't be so scary, will you?" Nangong Jinbo road.

"I know, wife!"

Lin Xiao went to the bathroom and turned on the tap to wash away the blood on his chest. He smiled at Nangong Jin and said, "wife, do you want to take a bath together?"

"Go! Forget the danger just now?" Nangong tie was ashamed and annoyed and said angrily, "remember to protect yourself and don't always do dangerous things. You are married now and may be a father in a year. You should be responsible for our mother and son, okay?"

"Hey, hey..." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I know."

"You can have a rest as soon as you wash. It's more than two o'clock. Tomorrow I'll get up early and go to the company for a meeting. I won't talk to you." Nangong Jin relaxed. She was a little sleepy when she was tired. She yawned and said lazily.

"Wife, you wash and go to bed, and I won't talk to you."

"Well, good night, husband!"


Lin Xiao hung up the video and took a long breath, "thanks to my wit..."

When he came to the living room, Lin Xiao grabbed half a watermelon and sent it to his mouth. He murmured, "it almost revealed the stuffing. Although nothing happened, if he was seen, he would really be dead."

After tossing about all night, Lin Xiao was also a little hungry and wolfed down a lot of fruit. Only then did he lie back in bed satisfied.


Voice of wechat message.

Lin Xiao opened his cell phone and took a look at Langyan's text message.

"Boss, I've arranged for the wind market. They can't find anything."

"OK! Hard work!" The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth turned up and made a shallow arc.

Now, you can rest easy.

Lin Xiaomei slept all night.

According to the usual practice, Lin Xiao must have got up to exercise before six in the morning.

But it doesn't work here. Lin Xiao can't get up early. He must be decadent.

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