Probably to further enhance the trust between the two people, Wang Wei pondered, "since the arlin brothers want to know, I'll talk about it. However, there's nothing to say."

"All ears!" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

Wang Wei organized language in his mind and said slowly, "the cause is the wooden tower in Wang Chao village..."

Lin Xiao felt a thump in his heart.

Wooden tower?

He remained silent and listened carefully.

"It is said that the Wooden Tower represents some kind of power and is the totem and belief of the Wang family. Others say that there are things that destroy the sky and the earth under the wooden tower. My great grandfather would like to open it to see what is hidden..."

"And then?" Lin Xiao couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, I don't know what happened later. I only know that my great grandfather tried to open it, but failed." Wang Wei smiled. "If you don't say this, it's all legends and stories. It's not necessarily true or false."

"Is your great grandfather... Still alive?"

"Died long ago?" Wang Wei thought, "I don't know. I'm over a hundred years old even if I'm alive."


"By the way, brother Alin," Wang Weiyan said, "I heard maozi say that you want to cooperate with me in the business of underground boxing and white goods, don't you?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "I heard that Viagra and your uncle Wang are always the biggest boss of underground boxing in the south of town. My martial arts are useless and can only be used in the boxing ring."

Wang Wei gently touched his finger on the table. "The underground boxing world in Zhennan is not as simple as you think. It's not worth mentioning that it's a small fight at ordinary times. In fact, ordinary people can't touch the business that really makes money."


"Well," said Wang Wei with a smile, "in fact, the real leaders of underground boxing have been connected to the Internet to develop members and establish gambling pools through webcast. Do you understand this?"

"A little knowledge!"

"That's good," Wang Wei said in a deep voice. "My uncle has been engaged in international internet live broadcasting. His live broadcasting platform has millions of members all over the world. Every formal boxing match will attract millions of members to watch. What a spectacular scene do you think?"

Speaking of the excitement, Wang Wei said with a smile, "so now we urgently need a good boxer. There are very few top gold and silver fighters like the arlin brothers. Once we enter the live boxing match, we will certainly make a big reputation and make more money than doing white goods."

"Interested?" Wang Wei asked.

"Yes," said Lin Xiao, "as long as it's a profitable business, I'll do anything."

"Hehe... With the strength of the Alin brothers, it's easy to make a name on the live broadcasting platform. After all, few gold level soldiers can fight a life-long business like black fist."

"Oh? And this kind of stress? Isn't it more likely that gold soldiers will win if they fight black fist? I believe no one will refuse this kind of profitable business?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Gold warriors are powerful fighters who are beyond mortals. They not only have their own pride, but also have a more convenient and easy way to make money. Why should they participate in the project of playing black boxing?"

Wang Wei continued, "to take a step back, even if gold soldiers lower their stature and want to make money, they can earn hundreds of millions a year by taking refuge in a large enterprise with strong financial power. Who will fight black boxing?"

Lin Xiao suddenly said, "I see!"

"So, in the business of underground black boxing, the top silver soldiers are the most popular." Wang Wei said with a smile, "of course! This kind of thing is not absolute. After all, there are some golden soldiers looking for stimulation and specialized in underground boxing to hunt the weak."

Lin Xiao thought carefully.

This is the best chance to break into Wang Lun's internal group. If you can help Wang Lun win a few games, you will certainly get his trust. At that time, you may be able to get access to the secret of "the fifth in the world".

The fifth in the world may be the real leader of the subversive. This possibility alone is enough for Lin Xiao.

"It's a good deal." Lin Xiao deliberately showed a fanatical look and asked with some expectation, "when will such a boxing match be held?"

Wang Wei saw that Lin Xiao was moved and quickly said, "due to the need to connect members all over the world, and the amount of prize money in the competition is relatively large, the corresponding bet will be astronomical and it will be troublesome to prepare, so the formal competition is only once a month."

"So little?" Lin Xiao frowned.

There is only one game a month. How long does it take to win Wang Lun's trust?

"Hehe, brother Alin, don't worry. In addition to the formal competition, there are some points competitions. Points competitions are held almost once a day. Points competitions are a bridge to the formal competition. Only by winning a certain amount of points can you be qualified to play the formal competition." Wang Wei explained to Lin Xiao.

"Let's talk about this point competition." Lin Xiao showed more and more interest.

Wang Wei knew that Lin Xiao had taken the bait, and a proud look flashed at the bottom of his eyes. He thought that he had finally found a powerful thug and the opportunity to make money

"The prize money of the official competition is as high as five million US dollars. Therefore, it is very attractive. The players leading to the official competition must accumulate enough 100 points every month. In each point competition, the winner can get 10 points, the tie can get five points, and the loser can only get three points."

Lin Xiao calculated silently. If he wanted to enter the official competition, he had to play at least ten games.

According to the calculation that ordinary boxers have to rest for two days to play a game, they play ten points games a month and must win all. This is indeed very difficult.

It is very likely that a boxer has accumulated enough points for several months to have a chance to play in a formal match.

"Brother Alin, do you understand? It's not so easy to play the official game. Points are a barrier." Wang Wei said in a deep voice, "don't think that even if you lose, you can have three points. Even if you lose all the time, you can get 100 points if you lose more than 30 games."

Lin Xiao smiled, "I know that underground boxing is different from ordinary boxing. Once you lose, 80% of the probability will be killed directly. Therefore, the probability of losing 30 games and still alive is almost zero."

"It's good for the arlin brothers to understand, so all those who can lead to the official competition are strong. Maybe there are hidden gold level experts." Wang Wei said with a smile, "how's it going? Am I clear enough? Brother arlin, what else do you want to ask?"

In Lin Xiao's eyes, there was a great sense of war. "My blood is boiling and I can't wait to go on stage to fight..."

"Hahaha..." Wang Wei laughed happily. "Brother Alin is really forthright, so let's make a decision. I'll start to help you arrange your registration and prepare for the point competition."

"OK!" Lin Xiao stretched out his hand.

Their hands were held together, and their eyes glittered with different looks.

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