Lin Xiao put a black scarf on his head and left in a black Buick business car.

However, Lin Xiao already knew where Wang Wei was hiding.

Wang Wei is really cunning. He often works in nanhuai temple, but he lives far away in the ancient city area in the north of the city.

The ancient city area in the north of the city used to be the land of the royal family. There are many other hospitals here, one of which belongs to the Wang family in Wangchao village.

When Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin took over Wangchao village, they counted some assets, and this other courtyard was listed in the list of old industries.

However, the other hospital had been transferred at that time, and Lin Xiao didn't care.

After hearing what Wang Wei said today, he determined this place.

Wang Wei's whereabouts and ending are not important. What Lin Xiao values is Wang Lun's secret.

How to get close to Wang Lun and find out his relationship and secret with the fifth in the world is the most important thing.

First of all, we must win Wang Lun's trust.

Therefore, Lin Xiao still needs to take the integral battle of the live boxing match seriously and give Wang Lun an amazing start.

After arriving at Fang Qing's place, Lin Xiao simply shared information with her and agreed on the next cooperation details. Then he recovered his true colors and quietly returned home.

As soon as I entered the manor gate, I saw two trucks carrying a large amount of furniture heading for the internal park.

Two bodyguards trotted after him.

Lin Xiao was surprised to leave one person and asked, "what's the situation?"

"Boss, my sister-in-law told us to go out and buy furniture for Xiaosu and Xiaowu."

"Oh? Xiaowu moved here?" Lin Xiao nodded.

"Yes, the girl Xiaowu is very real. She has been reluctant to move to the villa area. She said she would like to live in the peripheral servant area. Later, she agreed to enter the villa area after her sister-in-law ordered it."

"Let's go and have a look!" Lin Xiao smiled.

Xiaowu is Xiaosu's playmate. They should have a good relationship. Lin Xiao doesn't want to break them up.

When they came to the villa, a group of people were moving furniture. Xiaosu and Xiaowu were also busy with excitement. Seeing that they were sweating but happy, Lin Xiao felt in a good mood.

Seeing Lin Xiao's appearance, their eyes brightened. They immediately put down their objects and ran over like a gust of wind.

"Master!" Xiaosu jumped up happily.

"Why not practice Kung Fu?" Lin Xiao pretended to be angry and asked.

"As soon as master Zhang came back, he said to help me reschedule a set of training methods and let me rest for half a day, so I helped Xiaowu move furniture." Xiaosu smiled shyly.

Xiaowu bit her lips and suddenly walked up to Lin Xiao and fell on her knees with a thump.

"Brother Lin!"

"Eh? What are you doing?" Lin Xiao hurried forward to pull her up.

Xiaowu knelt back, waved her hands and said, "no! I must thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Lin Xiao lost his smile.

"Thank you for saving my mother." Xiaowu respectfully kowtowed his head, and then didn't lift it up for a long time. "If it weren't for brother Lin, my mother couldn't get good treatment, and maybe she wouldn't live long."

"Your mother has been sent to the group medical department?"

"Well, I was admitted by several experts and gave a good treatment plan. My condition is obviously improving. Thank you, brother Lin!"

Lin Xiao waved his hand indifferently. "Get up quickly. You are Xiaosu's friend and will be a family in the future. Let the doctor help your mother regulate her body first. I'll help her treat herself in a few days."

Xiaowu kowtows again excitedly, and her eyes are wet.

She is a small person at the bottom. She has never expected to make progress one day and live in such a luxurious villa as in front of her.

She always thought it was a dream.

Now, she not only lives in a villa that she can't even think of, but also her mother's illness will be well dealt with, and her gratitude is beyond measure.

"All right, get up quickly. Don't always kneel." Lin Xiao walked over and pulled Xiao Wu up. After touching the bone of her arm, he looked a little stunned.

"Eh?" Lin Xiao slid up the arm bone of Xiaowu.

Xiao Wu blushed.

Xiaosu blinked. "Hey, master, what are you touching?"

"Cough!" Lin Xiao glared at him. "What do you know? I'm touching my bones to see if Xiaowu is suitable for practicing martial arts."

"Ah? Can Xiaowu practice martial arts with me?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "Xiaowu's bone mineral density is very high, and her arms are slightly longer than ordinary people, and her legs are also longer..."

With that, Lin Xiao turned to Xiaowu's back, stuck his hands on her waist and said in a deep voice, "the waist ligament is naturally stronger than ordinary people. It's really suitable for learning martial arts, but..."

"But what, master!" Xiaosu jumped to Lin Xiao and asked anxiously.

"She is 18 years old, her bones are basically shaped, and her achievements will not be too great. Even if she catches up now, there will be a big gap with you in the future." Lin Xiao told the truth.

Xiaowu's eyes flashed with expectation, "brother Lin, I'm not afraid of hardship. I also want to practice martial arts. I want to protect my mother and myself, so I don't need others to worry."

"OK! As long as you can bear the hardships, I'd like to teach you, but it takes great willpower to open your muscles and pulse. Can you bear it?" Lin Xiao asked earnestly.

"Yes!" Xiaowu nodded without hesitation, with a firm look in her eyes.

"Xiao Su trained with a little dance these days to improve her physical quality. When the time was ripe, I asked Lao Zhang to start teaching her." Lin Xiao looked at Xiao su.

Xiaosu jumped three feet high and shouted excitedly, long live master.

"Well, you help Xiaowu clean up the house first." Lin Xiao patted Xiaosu on the head.

"Yes!" Xiaosu nodded hard, pulled up a little dance and ran away.

There is a difference of five years between the two, but there is no gap between them.

Lin Xiao was lonely when he was a child, and he worked hard to support him when he practiced martial arts. Therefore, in his heart, he regarded the days spent with Nangong Jin as the biggest spiritual pillar.

Sometimes it is so simple for people to live. With a belief in their head and a pillar, they can continue to move forward.

This belief or pillar will be engraved in the mind and become the most important thing in life.

Lin Xiao knows very well how important a spiritual pillar is when a person is young.

And Xiaowu is now Xiaosu's spiritual pillar.

"Brother Lin!" Just then, a weak voice sounded from behind.

"Huh?" Lin Xiao looked back and was stunned, "Nangong Dadong?"

"Uh huh!" Nangong Dadong was very shy. He smiled shyly and hurriedly explained, "I've come to see Xiaosu and Xiaowu. I've told them that I didn't break in without permission."

Nangong Dadong knew that he had some misunderstanding with Lin Xiao in the past, so he would avoid Lin Xiao every time he came. It's not a coincidence today. He met Lin Xiao as soon as he arrived.

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