Lin Xiao looked at Nangong Dadong thoughtfully and said with a smile, "are you mainly looking for Xiaowu?"

Nangong Dadong smiled shyly about being poked, but he didn't dodge. He scratched his head and said, "yes."

"Go in." Lin Xiao said casually.

"Good!" Nangong Dadong took out the flowers hidden behind him and ran excitedly to Xiaowu.

Lin Xiao frowned and thought, have these children begun to love such a complex thing?

He can see Xiaowu's feelings for Xiaosu.

Xiaosu is young, but he is mature. He is careless in character and straightforward. His feelings for small dance should be just brotherly feelings, without the relationship between men and women.

However, Nangong Dadong is deeply in love with Xiaowu. His eyes will never be wrong.

Lin Xiao is a little worried about the future relationship between the three.

But now forcibly intervening will only backfire. It's better to let them develop on their own.

At this time, Lin Xiao's cell phone rang.

"Brother Alin, your identity information has been prepared. It's the first point game. It's eight o'clock tonight. Come to the arena first and I'll send someone to pick you up."

The arena, as its name implies, is the place where underground boxers fight and kill.

The location of the arena is very special. Wang Lun built it in a super large base under Wang's building.

Lin Xiao didn't know that Wang Lun had such a big secret base.

Being allowed to come to this base is enough to show that Lin Xiao has received Wang Lun's initial trust.

On the 33rd floor of Wang's building, Wang Lun stood in front of the landing window of his office, looked at the red sun gradually falling, and said to Wang Wei behind him, "are you ready for the points game in the evening?"

"Uncle Lun! I'm ready. The new boxer has just registered. I'll see his performance in the evening." Wang Wei said with some excitement.

"This is Arlene. Have you found out?" Wang Lun looked a little tired and his beard was not trimmed. He was like a decadent middle-aged greasy uncle.

The death of Wang Siyin has always haunted Wang Lun.

Although Lin Xiao planted it for snake hall, which made Wang Lun angry, he always felt that things were not so simple.

After on-site investigation and multi-party investigation, Wang Lun determined that Wang Siyin fell off the bridge and died not by snake hall.

Even if it is not snake hall, Wang Siyin will not be foolish enough to commit suicide, so there must be someone else who killed him.

Wang Lun has been trying to track down the real murderer, but he still got nothing.

Maybe he was exhausted and in a trance, so Wang Lun made a mistake. He anxiously sent Wang Wei to deal with Lin Xiao and wanted to restore the order of underground white goods trading in the south of the town.

Unfortunately, the fish didn't eat. Instead, it was fishy and almost caught in prison by Zhou Changsheng.

If the mysterious Fang Qing didn't appear, Wang Lun would be really dangerous this time.

Therefore, Wang Lun is very careful now and has a strong vigilance against the sudden emergence of Alin.

"I've found out. It must be no problem. It's really the boxer before the storm building. That's right." Wang Wei said with certainty.

After several attempts and the news from the wind market, Alin's identity must be OK.

"Well, I'm relieved you do things." Wang Lun stretched out. "What about Miss Fang Qing? Is there any progress?"

"Not yet!" Wang Wei said with a bitter smile, "Miss Fang Qing seems to have suddenly evaporated from the world, leaving no trace."

"You said, could it be..." Wang Lun mused.

"Uncle Lun, do you mean that the adult specially arranged Miss Fang Qing to help us?" Wang Wei was stunned.

"It shouldn't be possible. The one who has been closed for nearly ten years doesn't know whether to live or die. I haven't heard from his old man for a long time. But Fang Qing's appearance is so strange. Who wants to help us so much?" Wang Lun frowned.

Wang Wei analyzed and said, "it's probably because it's really inconvenient that Miss Fang Qing was sent out?"

"In short, Miss Fang Qing has helped us a lot. We must find her and thank her again!" Wang Lun said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, uncle Lun, I'll hurry up."

Wang Lun looked at xianglou and got off the bus. His eyes flashed a lonely color. "Siyin is gone. You are my only relative now. Do a good job."

"Yes!" Wang Wei nodded heavily. "I'll go down first. After Arlene comes, I'll have to arrange relevant matters. It's broadcast live on time at 8 o'clock tonight. Uncle Lun can see his strength and won't let you down."

"I hope so! We have lost a lot of good players. If we continue like this and can't even enter the official game, those investors will certainly look ugly. I'm not easy to do."

"I see!" Wang Wei carefully withdrew from the room.

According to the agreement, Lin Xiao arrived at the entrance of the underground floor of Wang Group at 6:30 and waited.

Mao Zi personally led Lin Xiao into the underground base.

"Brother Alin, you are now a formal member of us. You will share your blessings and difficulties in the future." Mao Zi said excitedly, "with your strength, you can certainly play a famous role in the live boxing match. I'm afraid I'll need you to cover it in the future."

"I won't forget brother Mao." Lin Xiao smiled.

"Hahaha... I knew brother Alin was righteous!"

Between the two people chatting, we came to the entrance, and a gate moved sideways to open.


A big screen appeared in front of us.

All kinds of data flashed on the screen, including numbers, pictures and some strange formulas.

In front of us is an electronic office, with computers and transmission devices on the walls.

"This is the live broadcasting room. All data is collected here and then transmitted to all parts of the world." Mao Zi led Lin Xiao forward. "Go to Viagra's office first. He will tell you the information of the boxers fighting today and some precautions."


When he came to Wang Wei's office, he was sitting at his desk with his back to the door and looked at the huge display screen on the wall. On the screen was a black photo with dense numbers and data next to the photo.

"Viagra, the arlin brothers are coming."

Wang Wei quickly turned back, his eyes immediately became shining, and immediately stood up to welcome him out. "Brother arlin, come here, I'm about to tell you about the game tonight."

"Is that him?" Lin Xiao looked at the screen and asked with a smile.

"Yes! His name is Jerry, nicknamed butcher. He is an underground boxer from South America. He won 14 of 16 wars, one and one defeat."

"He was defeated once and was still alive, which shows that his strength is really strong." Lin Xiao joked, "I met a strong player in the first integral game. Did I start badly?"

Wang Wei smiled, "don't say that. It's easy to win the butcher with the strength of the Lin brothers. He's only a silver junior soldier at most. At present, he has 48 points and can only be regarded as a player with medium strength."

In fact, Wang Wei concealed some facts here. The butcher was not as bad as he said.

However, Wang Wei could not attack Lin Xiao's confidence, so he had to describe the butcher in an understatement as much as possible.

"What should I pay attention to?" Lin Xiao asked.

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