"Because the recent underground competition is very tight in China, the competition venue is temporarily changed to a ship on the high seas. Let's talk while walking on the road." Wang Wei grabbed his clothes and handed Lin Xiao an identity plate. "Put this away and check it when you enter."

Lin Xiao took a look at the nameplate, which was engraved with a name: God of war. He couldn't help laughing, "this is my nickname?"

"Yes!" Wang Wei led the way in front, and the three walked out of the office with their front and rear feet. "Each player will have a nickname. This nickname is your eternal nickname on the live broadcasting platform, as well as the corresponding digital code and two-dimensional code to facilitate identification."

Lin Xiao put away the nameplate.

"In addition, after each game, the electronic chip on the nameplate will record your achievements and accumulate corresponding points. Once you die, the nameplate information will be erased from the computer."

"I see!" Lin Xiao nodded, "it's quite formal!"

"Hehe, there are many big men involved in this business all over the world. They are all rich people on the rich side. In order to make the competition more gimmicky and look better, they don't care about the money invested. The return rate of this kind of competition is too high. Think about how huge the funds will be if millions of people bet at the same time?"

Lin Xiao calculated a little in his mind and found that this kind of business casually opened a gambling disc, which was tens of billions of rounds. As a dealer, one can imagine the profits.

However, to build such a huge network, we also need a lot of money. In addition to money, we also need contacts and publicity resources. Each content is a top priority.


A helicopter slowly descended.

"Let's go. We'll be there in half an hour." Wang Wei shouted to Lin Xiao.

The south of the town is adjacent to the sea, so it's very close to the high sea from the city. It only takes half an hour by helicopter.

The sea is vast. A refitted oil tanker is quietly moored at sea. There is no abnormality from the appearance, which is no different from the oil tanker of oil companies.

However, there are holes inside the tanker.

The helicopter put Lin Xiao down and flew away.

A team of bodyguards escorted the three down to the ground floor.

The bottom floor is designed with a wrestling cage and an auditorium.

Some big guys don't want to sit behind the screen and watch the game. They will spend a lot of money on live tickets.

However, there are not many people, no more than 50, who can come to the scene to watch the game, because the ticket price is very expensive, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of yuan. If the boxer you bet on loses, you will lose everything.

One hour before the game, the scene was full.

In the exquisite and spacious arena, rich people from all over the world sit in their own positions with enthusiasm, with excited smiles on their faces. Even if they don't know each other, they will talk from time to time.

Three three three-dimensional triangular LED displays are hung above the corner cage, which can let the audience from any angle see the information scrolled above.

At the moment, the information of two boxers tonight is playing on the display screen.

"Butcher, male, 26 years old, 1.90 meters tall and 120 kilograms in weight. He has won 14 victories, killed his opponent ten times and won TKO four times. His specialty is whip leg and heavy fist."

"God of war, male, 29 years old, 1.80 meters tall and weighs 74 kilograms. He has no record. His specialty is unknown."

As soon as these two news were released, the audience, both inside and outside, were shocked.

Butcher is an old fighter. Many people spend a lot of money to enter the live studio today to watch his game.

According to the butcher's winning rate, at least boxers with similar winning rates should be arranged.

However, the organizer even arranged a new person for the butcher?

According to the Convention, newcomers will have a buffer period and try to arrange the fight between newcomers, which is conducive to protecting boxers. Secondly, they can better explore real powerful boxers.

After all, an underground boxer, even if he has strength, rashly fights without being familiar with the rules and venues, but also faces an experienced veteran, with a high probability of failure.

In the annular glass room on the second floor of the arena, several big men gathered together and talked strangely about today's game.

One of the easterners has a fat face, big ears and tiny eyes. He smiles like Maitreya Buddha, but his voice is gloomy. "The quality of Wang Lun's boxer is getting worse and worse recently. This time, he sent a novice directly, hehe..."

The Western man sitting next to him, eating fruit in his mouth, said vaguely, "if Wang Lun's boxer loses again this time, he will be kicked out of the board of directors, so there will be less money."

The third man, wearing a pair of gentle glasses, smiled and said, "Mr. Huang, is the butcher your man?"

The fat man called Mr. Huang rolled his eyes. "What do you mean? You mean I'm abusing power for personal gain?"

"No, I mean, it's not good for you to calculate Wang Lun like this. After all, he is the initiator of the whole live boxing match. How can you cooperate with him in the future?"

"If you can't cooperate, don't cooperate? Anyway, his shares are less and less in the live broadcasting platform. If you lose a few more games, you should paste it upside down." The yellow fat man sneered.

The Western man said, "in underground boxing, strength is the key. Since Wang Lun dares to send new people, he must have the consciousness of failure. No one can blame him."

"Having said that, it doesn't make sense for Mr. Huang to send a butcher who has the strength to participate in the official competition?"

"Now that the matter is over, don't discuss it more. You'd better wait for the result of the game." The Western man said faintly.

The gentle man shook his head and said in a deep voice, "do you still need to see this kind of competition? From the data, the newcomers sent by Wang Lun can't have beaten the Butcher at all."

"That can only blame Wang Lun's improper employment. What's none of my business?" The yellow fat man sneered.

The Western man smiled, "that's right. We didn't give Wang Lun a chance. He didn't know how to grasp it. Who can blame?"

Huang pangzi laughed, "well, what are you doing with so much discussion? When Wang Lun arrives, just tell him straight. If he loses this time, he will consider abdicating his position and giving up his position."

"I think so!" The Western man smiled.

The gentle man gently raised his glasses and frowned deeply.

The four of them are the initiator and the largest shareholder of the whole live broadcasting platform.

The gentle man has a close relationship with Wang Lun and can be regarded as a sincere collaborator.

Fat yellow and Western men are people of common interest.

If Wang Lun is brought down by them, I'm afraid the gentle man will soon follow in his footsteps.

Pedal pedal

The door opened and Wang Lun came in appropriately.

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