
A big black man with two assistants came in arrogantly.

Lin Xiao glanced back. It was his opponent today, the butcher.

When he found someone in the lounge, the butcher was stunned and asked the assistant, "this is not my lounge?"

As soon as the assistant's face changed, he quickly took out the tablet and looked it up. He said, "we're wrong. This is your opponent's' God of war 'lounge."

"What do you eat?" The butcher stared at his assistant and said in a cold voice, "don't come tomorrow, get out!"

The assistant was so frightened that he was sweating that he didn't even dare to fart. He ran away trembling.

Another assistant was also afraid and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "Mr. butcher, do you want to..."

The butcher pushed him away, went to Lin Xiao and said condescending, "God of war?"

"What?" Lin Xiao smiled.

The butcher tightened his body, showed his muscles and said with a grim smile, "God of war? A nickname like shit. Today I will tear you to pieces!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao sneered, "boxing may not be big enough to win."

"Hum!" The butcher pointed out the door and said in an indisputable tone, "now you can get out. I've requisitioned your lounge."

Lin Xiao frowned and took a step forward, but Wang Wei pulled him back.

"Brother Alin, don't be impulsive. Fighting here will be punished. Even if you win, there will be no bonus and points."

"Win?" The butcher laughed, his voice vibrated, and the lights in the room flashed, "big talker."

"Let's go!" Wang Wei dragged Lin Xiao out and whispered, "don't tell him the same thing. Kill him in the challenge arena!"

"I bah!" The butcher turned back and vomited thick phlegm to the back of Lin Xiao's head.

Lin Xiao stopped, slowly raised his hand to wipe off his saliva, looked back at him deeply, and said with an inexplicable smile, "let's... See you in the corner cage!"

The butcher held his chest in his hands and looked at Lin Xiao provocatively. "I hope you can be so arrogant after you enter the horn cage."

Without saying a word, Lin Xiao turned and walked out.

The voice on the corner cage field suddenly rose, because the countdown reached the last minute.

The boxer is coming on.

Most of the audience left now come to see the butcher, and many people are his loyal fans.

In the live broadcast platform, the audience's message quickly brushed up the screen.

"Butcher, butcher!"

"The butcher has won 14 consecutive victories. This record and strength will certainly win the official competition this month!"

"I just feel that the newcomer is very poor. I don't know whose cannon fodder it is. It must have been pushed out on purpose to die."

"It's a point giver."

"After this competition, the butcher will have 58 points and can participate in the official competition in a month at most."

"If you win the official competition, it is the monthly champion. It is not impossible to win the annual champion."

"The annual champion takes a little effort, but the monthly champion is still possible."

"Another live studio has been finished. The butcher's former opponent 'porcupine' won."

"It seems that the next game is the duel between the butcher and the porcupine. That's the fight between dragons and tigers?"

"But speaking of it, the new 'God of war' is also very interesting. Isn't it too high-profile to name it?"

"I think I have followed Niu Bi's name?"

"Ha ha, I hope he doesn't lose too badly."

"Hey, have you ever thought about a possibility?"

Suddenly, a paragraph of text jumped into everyone's eyes and immediately aroused the interest of many people.

"Do you think this' God of war 'is really a master, but he is not famous, so no one knows him?"




"What if?"

"If he is a real expert, then we all bet on the butcher, in case the butcher loses..."

Someone issued a question mark vigilantly, "are you true or false? Do you have an inside story?"

"There's no inside story. I'm just guessing. I'm going to bet on the God of war to win!"


"Take a look first..."

No one cares what Id says for a lucky audience.

The probability that the newcomer can win is infinitely close to zero.

The noisy live studio slowly became quiet.

The bell of war rings

After the host's passionate statement, the audience also sat upright and slightly inspired.

The butcher came out of the passage in red.

The cheers at the scene were not high, but the sound effects made earth shaking noises.

Music and drums raised the atmosphere of the whole scene several levels.

The audience in front of the live broadcast screen widened their eyes and became excited.

"Butcher! Butcher!"

"The butcher will win!"

"The butcher killed him!"

With the noise rising gradually, Lin Xiao also slowly walked out of the passage, dressed in a black cloak, and calmly walked into the corner cage.


The butcher threw off his red cloak and looked at Lin Xiao with a smile.

Lin Xiao's body stood straight. He only needed one hand to deal with the butcher in front of him.

However, Lin Xiao can't be too strong.

We must show our strength step by step.

Therefore, Lin Xiao still used the old tactics to fight with the butcher this time. He could barely win.

However, just now the butcher spat on Lin Xiao, which must be retaliated.

"Butcher, just now you spit on me. Before you were killed, you lost your arm. Is that ok?" Lin Xiao whispered.

The butcher grinned. "You probably don't understand where this is."

"I know where this is," Lin Xiao said faintly. "This is your burial place."

"Hahaha..." the butcher laughed and walked with strong legs to kill Lin Xiao.

The butcher's specialty is strength and whip leg attack, which can break gold and stone.


The butcher didn't intend to give Lin Xiao a chance to resist. He came up with a unique move, whistling his legs.


Lin Xiao raised his hand to resist and pretended to stagger to the side.


The audience took a breath of air conditioning.

The butcher's whip leg killed many good players. Everyone thought Lin Xiao would fall in response, but they didn't expect him to stop.

Lin Xiao bared his teeth and cried, "I'm ok!"

The butcher was stunned, roared angrily and jumped on him again.

Wang Wei was very nervous. He knew that Lin Xiao could defeat the top soldiers in silver, but it was difficult for Lin Xiao to win the last game with Zhao Zhilong.

The butcher is definitely an expert at the same level as Zhao Zhilong, and even has an advantage in attack power.

The outcome of the fight is only between the front lines. In case Lin Xiao makes a slight mistake and loses, it is not impossible to lose.

Wang Wei bet Lin Xiao 100 million. If he loses, he will lose his money.

However, if you win, you can win back billions. Just thinking about the odds makes people excited.

"Brother Alin, kill him!" Wang DAHAO.

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