The butcher seemed to have the advantage and had been beating Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's several counterattacks all declared "failure", which helped to increase the arrogance of the butcher.

"Boy! Dare to come to the corner cage competition. Grandpa butcher will let you know the taste of death!"

"The butcher killed him!"

"Kill him!"

In the glass stand, the expressions of the four big men were different.

The yellow fat man's eyes were slightly bright, grinned and said, "Mr. Wang, I didn't expect your new man to be able to fight and carry so many whip legs of the butcher?"

"Hey! It's just the end of a powerful crossbow." The Western man smiled, "I don't think he can last a minute."

The gentle man looked at Wang Lun anxiously and found that although he looked calm, his forehead was full of sweat and he was nervous.

This game is very important for Wang Lun. It's easy to say what you win and Waterloo if you lose.

"Hum! Wait and see." Wang Lun encouraged himself.

The scene was crying and howling, and the audience were cheering the butcher.

"Kill him!"


The butcher punched Lin Xiao to fly.

Lin Xiao fell to the ground motionless.


The crowd was quiet.



The butcher rushed to Lin Xiao with great strides, raised his legs and stepped down on Lin Xiao's head.


Suddenly, Lin Xiao turned upside down, wrapped his legs like a spirit snake, and directly twisted the butcher to the ground.

The butcher smiled contemptuously. From the battle just now, he knew that his strength was much greater than that of the other party. He believed that he could break free easily.

However, at the next moment, the butcher found that his body was hard to resist under the attack of Lin Xiao's legs.

Under the cover of the butcher's huge body, the audience could not see Lin Xiao's expression on the side.

Lin Xiao smiled and whispered, "just now I said, one mouthful of saliva and one arm. Now it's time to cash it."

"You..." the butcher was surprised and felt a chill.

Lin Xiao stretched his arm forward, grabbed the butcher's right arm with one hand and yanked it back.


"Ah!" The butcher's scream shocked the whole audience.


Lin Xiao curled up and leaned his arm around the butcher's head.

The butcher struggled violently.

Lin Xiao also pretended to support hard and slowly tightened his arm.

"What happened?"

All the audience stood up and looked at the battle in the cage strangely.

Huang pangzi and others rushed to the glass window and stared at the horn cage in amazement.

Online comments fried the pot, marveling at the reversal of the whole battle.

"The butcher wants to lose? How is this possible?"

"It's twisted and locked. It's hard to get rid of it..."

"A little hanging!"

The most urgent thing is Huang pangzi. He has invested hundreds of millions in the butcher. If he loses, he will lose.

The audience's breath was deliberately held.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath slowly and shouted, "die!"


The butcher's eyes turned over and his neck was broken.


Lin Xiao kicked the butcher away, turned over, pretended to be out of strength, gasped and shouted, "old man, I won!"

"Win!" Wang Wei was so happy that he shouted, "hahaha... Brother Alin, you fucking won, won, hahaha..."

There was hardly any sound except Wang Wei's shrill laughter.

Everyone is stupid.

In particular, those who bet heavily on the butcher looked very sad.

The lucky guy with online ID brushed the screen like crazy.

"Hahaha, I bet on the right treasure, I won..."

Countless exclamation points and ellipsis flashed like rain on the chat room screen.

Lin Xiao held up his hands, arrogantly turned around the stage, and then raised a middle finger towards the glass stand.

Huang pangzi's face is green.

Wang Lun held his emotions for a long time and suddenly burst out at this moment.

"Ha ha... Fat Huang, you must have lost miserably this time?"

Wang Lun, who was gloating at the misfortune, walked quickly to the fat yellow man and asked provocatively, "your capable boxer is dead. It's estimated that you have lost a lot? I think you'd better abdicate and give way to the virtuous. This is also an explanation to many shareholders."

"Hum!" Huang pangzi's angry face was livid, and he didn't quarrel with Wang Lun, so he turned and left.

The Western man's expression was also not very good. He also made a big bet. Even if there was no more yellow fat man, the loss was enough for him to drink a pot.

"Mr. Wang, you have already calculated." The gentle man came over excitedly, pointed to Lin Xiao and asked, "where did you get this boxer? Baby..."

"Ha ha... I said, let you wait and see!" Wang Lun was a little proud of his excitement.

The audience was so angry that they all bet their money on the butcher. Unfortunately, the final result was shocking.

Lin Xiao jumped down and joined Wang Wei. The latter jumped up excitedly, "brother Alin, you're too powerful."

"Good to say, good to say, just luck." Lin Xiao said modestly.

"Now I'm rich, I'm rich!" Wang Wei danced excitedly.

Lin Xiao was joking in his eyes and sneered in his heart. Fool, you should keep the money first. It will be mine sooner or later.

"Brother Alin, wait for me to exchange gambling money and take you to record your achievements later."

"OK!" Lin Xiao smiled.

Wang Wei rushed to the office.

The spectators in the stands were already in a mess. They were very angry and asked the organizer whether the butcher was playing fake boxing in the game.

However, no one can say the reason for fake boxing, whether from video surveillance or the scene.

The butcher and the God of war fought fiercely, and the butcher died miserably. The probability of beating fake punches to get himself in is too low.

After a while, Wang Weixing hurried back with a list in his hand and said to Lin Xiao, "this is the credential. With it, I can get the liquidation gambling money in a month. I'm rich."

"Hehe, where's my share?" Lin Xiao asked faintly.

"Er..." Wang Wei laughed, "don't worry. When the money comes down, we'll divide it into six and four according to the agreed proportion."

"OK! Take me to record my achievements." Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

After going to the office to record the achievements, the chip inside Lin Xiaoming brand updated the data, and the data displayed on the big screen also changed.

"God of war, age 29, height 180, weight 74 kg, win 1, kill 1, score 10, and his specialty is ground twisting."

Wang Wei put his arm around Lin Xiao's shoulder. "Brother Alin, you are famous this time. Killing the butcher who is likely to win the monthly Championship will certainly be easier in the next game. The players in this month's integral competition, except the butcher, are porcupines who can fight with you. The others are rookies."

"Help me arrange the game as soon as possible. I want to get 100 points to play the official game." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange it. By the way..." Wang Wei said with a smile, "Uncle Lun wants to see you."

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