"No!" Xu Jin dragged Qi Zhengyi away and said in a deep voice, "don't miss the event of the son!"

"Shit! Can you bear it? Are you still not a man?" Qi Zhengyi roared like a lion, "I'm wrong about you!"

Xu Jin was angry and smiled, "do you want to destroy the event of the son? Now we don't know the enemy or ourselves. What if we let the evil house watch?"

"What are you afraid of? If you fight with them, aren't you afraid of them?"

Xu Jin couldn't say anything to him. He let go and said, "OK! Go! You're powerful, go!"

Qi Zhengyi blinked and didn't move under his feet.

"Go!" Seeing that Qi Zhengyi did not move, Xu Jin continued, "why didn't you move? Aren't you Niubi? Your name is Qi Zhengyi. You are just and do things just. Today I'll give you a chance to do justice. Go!"

"Shit!" Qi Zhengyi was stunned and scratched his head. "If the evil house finds out, we don't even have the supreme puppet with us. It's bad to be watched... After all, the enemy is dark and I know..."

"You know?" Xu Jin laughed angrily.

"Cough! I just talk casually!" Qi Zhengyi smiled awkwardly.


There was another scream in the corridor.

Little white face was still angry. He kicked the middle-aged man's teeth away, which relieved his anger.

"Shit! Let you change rooms, bitch! Find a fight, right? Be careful to throw you into the sea and feed old bastard!" Little white face spit cursed.

The two bodyguards carried the middle-aged man and threw him away arrogantly.

"I can't see it anymore," Qi Zhengyi said angrily. "Let's go! Let's get some air on the deck!"

Xu Jin looked cautiously at the corridor and found that the three little white faces had gone to other rooms.

Soon there was another flurry of chicken flying and dog jumping.

With the lessons of the middle-aged, the next room change was very easy. Xiaobailian comfortably occupied the best room.

Cabin eight.

Lin Xiao flipped the news with his mobile phone.

Xu Jin walked around the deck at will, went to the railing, turned on the mobile phone video function and recorded it.

There is another deck on the fourth floor. Compared with the deck on the sixth floor, it is much simpler. It is an ordinary area without catering area and entertainment area.

However, the number of people on the four decks is the largest.

The four decks surrounding the Qinglong can accommodate thousands of people and enjoy the beauty of the sea at the same time.



A long whistle roared out over the sea.

The green dragon ship was suddenly shocked, like a dormant giant beast in the sea, slowly woke up, then slowly turned around and set sail towards the deep sea.

Xu Jin has taken many video clips that can be used to screen suspects.

On this occasion, no one will pay attention to Xu Jin's behavior, because everyone is shooting, and it's fun to shoot.

"Xu Jin, have you found anything?" Qi Zhengyi was a little bored. He brought a glass of wine from the catering area and leaned against the railing to taste it slowly.

Xu Jin is very careful. All the people who appear on the deck have entered his video.

"Not yet, but there's good news..."

"What?" Qi Zhengyi stopped drinking.

"No sign of puppet supremacy!"

The puppet is very tall and looks strange. Even after camouflage, the target is very conspicuous and can be distinguished at a glance.

From the observation in the queue to the second observation at the moment, no movement of the puppet supreme was found.

"That's reassuring!" Xu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, "as long as there is no puppet supreme, with the strength of the son of God, it is useless to have more great masters!"

"Hey! That's good," Qi Zhengyi relaxed, drank all the wine in the cup and swaggered to the catering area. "I'll find something delicious. I didn't expect that the life outside is so wonderful, especially the sun. It's so comfortable!"

"Ha ha..." Xu Jin said with a smile, "it's really better than the city environment. I always feel no vitality in the city. It's much more fresh outside."

"Hey! It's time to travel. Let's relax. Anyway, there's our exploration station in the deep South China Sea. The supreme wooden tower can't run anywhere. As long as there's no accident, the puppet supreme is ours!" Qi Zhengyi patted Xu Jin on the shoulder, "go! Have a few drinks first!"

Xu Jin received his mobile phone and nodded, "OK!"

As soon as they turned to the dining area, they heard a loud click.


There were women screaming.

Catering area.

The little white face appeared again.

A waitress fell to the ground, covered her face and cried.

There are some tables and chairs next to it.

The little white face stepped on the waitress and said angrily, "do you have eyes? How do you do it? Can you afford to pay for my suit of millions?"

"Yes, sorry, it's my fault!" The waitress turned pale with fear and kept apologizing.

"Is it over if you're sorry? Call out the steward!" Little white face stepped on the maid and put his other foot on the table.

The tourists who were eating around were frightened by the boy's arrogance, and they saw these people in the queue. They knew they were all cruel people, so they got up and ran away.

More and more tourists came around to see the excitement. Although they were very disgusted with little white face, no one dared to stand up and make a noise.

The steward hurried to the deck.

"What happened?" The steward was wearing a military uniform and a sailor's hat. He looked at the little white face and looked a little unhappy. "Boss, why did you hit someone?"

The little white face raised her eyebrows and sneered, "why did you hit someone? The smelly girl spilled wine on my clothes. What do you say?"

The steward looked at the waitress and frowned, "what's going on?"

"No, obviously..."


"Dare you argue?" The little white face kicked the waitress again and angrily said, "give me shameless things. Am I wrong?"

When Qi Zhengyi saw the scene, he was angry again. "I can't stand it. I want to throw this bastard into the sea to feed bastard!"

"Don't worry!" Xu Jin tightened Qi Zhengyi, "I don't think it's quite right!"

"Nonsense! Of course something is wrong. Is it right to be so arrogant? This is the rhythm of looking for death!" Qi Zhengyi scratched his ears and cheeks and wanted to rush over and kick the little white face to death.

"First of all, how can an ordinary dandy have bodyguards such as a great master? He must have deep influence."

Qi Zhengyi was stunned. "What forces in the world can have a great master as a bodyguard?"

"Secondly, to say ten thousand steps back, even if he has deep influence and can be comparable to the heaven and earth court, such an arrogant and unreasonable way of doing things is not in line with common sense. The childe of great power should at least understand the rules and will not have the same general knowledge as ordinary people."

"I'm confused by you. I can't think of any forces that can have such details except the evil house!"

"If it's an evil house, shouldn't we keep a low profile? That's why I think there's something strange in it. We can't intervene!" Xu Jin pulled Qi Zhengyi back.

Qi Zhengyi's lungs were about to explode, but he couldn't intervene. He angrily said, "can you only watch?"

"Wait first, no hurry!"

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