Little white face obviously didn't pay attention to the steward on the ship, and continued to say arrogantly, "I tell you! If you don't pay for this dress today, I'll smash your ship!"

The middle-aged man in charge had a livid face and said angrily, "you're a guest. We're service personnel. We shouldn't face you, but you're too much!"

The noise here attracted the attention of many people.

Even the tourists in the cabin came out to see the excitement.

The six deck area soon gathered hundreds of people around.

"Too much?" The little white face's eyebrows raised Lao Gao, crooked his mouth and said with a smile, "I'm going too far. What do you want?"

"Hum!" The middle-aged man took out his walkie talkie and said, "Captain, someone is making trouble on the sixth deck!"

The captain's voice soon came out. It was a very rough man's voice.

"Who dares to make trouble on the Qinglong? Are you tired of living?"

The middle-aged man looked at the little white face coldly, "you were noticed by the captain when you got on the ship. You robbed other VIP rooms in the cabin, and now you bully us. It's unreasonable!"

Little white face and two bodyguards didn't move. They didn't care about middle-aged people at all.

"Don't think we are easy to bully! Dare to operate such a huge merchant ship as Qinglong to travel around the world? Are you vegetarian?"

The sound of dense and hurried footsteps soon came from the deck.

A dozen heavily armed mercenaries rushed up in a murderous manner.

"Brother Jun! Who's making trouble?" The leading mercenary, with a submachine gun in his hand, roared in the crowd.

As soon as the tourists saw that these people were not good stubble, they were scared and hurried back. They just wanted to see the excitement and didn't want to be involved.

The middle-aged man is the military elder brother. He slowly raised a disdainful arc at the corner of his mouth, looked at the little white face and said in a deep voice, "friend! Now take back your arrogance and stay on the ship until the end of the voyage! Otherwise, you and your dog legs can only go to the sea to feed Wang Ba!"

"Yo!" The little white face smiled disdainfully, "just a few miscellaneous fish, trying to scare me? That's interesting! I think you don't know heaven and earth!"

"Hum!" The Mercenary Captain loaded the gun with a click, put the submachine gun on the little white face's head and said with a grim smile, "I don't know where you have the courage to shout on the ship. I just want to ask you, do you want to die or live?"

I thought the little white faced man was a dandy. Unexpectedly, he didn't change his face at the head of the gun. People admire his courage and insight alone.

"Ouch! I'm scared to death!" The little white face deliberately touched his chest and pretended to be frightened and pale, "you shoot! If you don't shoot me, you're my grandson!"

"You really want to die?" The Mercenary Captain was stunned. He had been scared to death when he met such a person, but the boy didn't know what danger was. It seemed that what stood on his head was just a fake gun.

"It's not that I despise you!" The little white face sneered, reached out and poked the barrel of the gun, slowly stood up, "you don't dare to shoot!"



A dozen mercenaries nearby raised their guns together. Now they have reached the high seas. Even if they kill people, no one will take care of them.

However, little white face still looked like a fool. He glanced at them contemptuously and said faintly, "I don't want to see them. I'm upset when I see them!"

Before they knew what they meant, the two bodyguards around xiaobailian moved, with a momentum as fierce as thunder and lightning.

Bang bang!

Except Qi Zhengyi and Xu Jin, no one could see their actions clearly at the scene.


"Lying trough!"

Screams came and went.

Dada dada

Someone involuntarily fired a gun, but the muzzle of the gun burst into the sky and didn't hurt anyone.

In just ten seconds, a dozen heavily armed bodyguards screamed and fell to the ground.

"Tut tut..." the little white face spit and looked at the stunned middle-aged steward with a sneer. "Just these losers deserve to fight with me? It's beyond our power!"

The tourists were shocked and looked at the two strong men strangely.

After their hands were negative, they calmly stood back behind Xiao Bailian and stood still.

Qi Zhengyi and Xu Jin looked at each other.

"It's really a great master!"

"The origin is certainly not simple! Are they really from the evil house?" Qi Zhengyi scratched his head, "what now?"

Xu Jin said in a deep voice, "they don't look like the people of the evil house! They shouldn't be so high-profile. Moreover, the young man looks weak and weak. He obviously doesn't know any martial arts, but he is calm and terrible. His mind is really evil. What's the origin?"

"Go! Go back and report to the son first!" Qi Zhengyi pulled Xu Jin out of the crowd and walked quickly towards the cabin.

In cabin 8, Lin Xiao is studying with Cui Wanquan the location information sent by the survey platform and the seabed coordinates of the wooden tower that may be found.

After studying the coordinates, they chatted one after another along the topic.

"Master Cui! You have experience in going to sea. The wooden tower stands at the bottom of the sea. It must be under unimaginable pressure, but can the puppet supreme survive under the sea for thousands of years?"

Cui Wanquan quickly shook his head, "son of God! Don't call me an elder! How can I call an elder in front of you with my humble Taoist practice?"

"Elder, you are so modest! You also said that you had a friendship with my master, that is my elder!"

"Hey!" Cui Wan sighed, "it's really a blessing for jianwuji to have an apprentice like you in a previous life. At the beginning, I searched for the supreme wooden tower with him and found nothing on overseas islands. I didn't expect to go to treasure hunt with his apprentice again today. Do you think this is fate?"

"Hehe, what the elder said is very true. I believe I will succeed this time!"

"I hope so!" Cui Wanquan said in a deep voice, "the puppet supreme is actually a machine, but he has a certain intelligence and combat power through special methods, so it's no problem to exist in the sea for many years. Have you heard of the puppet core?"

"Of course!" Lin Xiao nodded. "The puppet core comes from ancient times and is the foundation for the establishment of the first generation of puppets. There is no such manufacturing technology in modern times."

"Hmm! But the evil house has a puppet core. We don't know how many, but it's definitely beyond our imagination!"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "No wonder they made Ding Qiu and the madman into puppets. But... Since the puppet core has disappeared for so long, where did they get it?"

"The great master of the evil Academy was the top expert of the heaven and earth Academy. His strength was only a little worse than Zhan Qingyi. Moreover, he also had an important identity, which was the treasure keeper of the heaven and earth academy!"

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