"Treasure house?" Lin Xiao thought.

"Well, there are many treasures from the king's front hall hidden in the treasure house of the Qiankun Academy. The great master stole all the treasures without everyone's knowledge, and joined many great masters to betray the Qiankun Academy."

"There is a puppet core in the treasure house. We don't know how many there are!"

Cui Wanquan was very indignant when he mentioned this matter. "The great master took away more than 40 great masters, set up his own house and hid it for decades. Now he has developed and grown, and finally can't help it. He wants to fight the Qiankun court. Once he succeeds, the Qiankun court will no longer exist!"

"There is another reason why the great master defected from the heaven and earth courtyard, that is, he has some disagreements with the old courtyard master!"

Lin Xiao asked suspiciously, "what's their disagreement?"

"The old courtyard master believes that the gratitude and resentment with the king's front hall should have faded with the passage of time. Moreover, the Qiankun courtyard is originally a vassal of the king's front hall, and we should follow the wishes of our ancestors!"

"However, the great venerable felt that the princes would rather have seed. If they had the opportunity, they would destroy the king's front hall and be the master of the world!"

"As a result, the differences are getting bigger and bigger, and the hatred between the two sides has become more profound in the confrontation and killing again and again!"

"Hey!" Cui Wanquan sighed, "are we really too conservative? But the gratitude and resentment of our predecessors is just because there is a relationship that shouldn't happen. Why does it rise to the life and death of the two forces?"

Lin Xiao's heart moved, "so now the heaven and earth court doesn't hate the king's front hall?"

"At least the hatred is not so deep. Even if you meet people in the front hall of the king now, you may not really face each other! But..."

Cui Wanquan said, "if the people in the front hall of the king are found by the evil house, they will never die. There is no second way to go!"

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed fiercely and asked in a deep voice, "but where are the people in the king's front hall? Why have I never seen them?"

"The organization of the front hall of the king is too mysterious. They don't have many personnel, but they are all elites, and they were the masters of the world thousands of years ago. I guess the front hall of the king must be hidden in a corner of the world and waiting for something to happen."


While they were talking, Qi Zhengyi and Xu Jin hurriedly pushed the door in.

"Son of God! That little white face is too arrogant. He's making trouble outside again!" As soon as Qi Zhengyi came in, he touched his head irritably and said angrily, "and his two bodyguards are really great masters."

Lin Xiao's heart moved, "did you find out their identity?"

Xu Jin said in a deep voice, "there is no clue yet. It doesn't look like it was sent by the evil house, but apart from the evil house, what forces can have great masters?"

Everyone looked at each other and thought it was too strange.

"Wait and see what happens first!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "don't conflict with them. Make a decision after finding the supreme Wooden Tower!"

"Holy... Lin Shao," was stared at by Lin Xiao, and Qi Zhengyi quickly changed his words with a dry smile, "will they affect our plan? Although the two great masters are not afraid, it will be very difficult if they destroy secretly!"

Lin Xiao looked at Xu Jin. "Master Xu, you and master Cui stare at the two great masters one by one. Remember, it's completely locked. As long as you're in sight, you should pay attention to the trend at any time!"

"Yes!" They nodded in response.

"Me, me?" Qi Zhengyi was stunned and hurriedly said, "what task do I have? Do I want to stare at that little white face? That feeling is good. I think he is the most unpleasant."

"No!" Lin Xiao shook his head decisively. "Your task is to eat, drink and have fun. Don't let anyone notice your special!"

"Ah? Eat, eat, drink?"

Xu Jin and Cui Wanquan couldn't help smiling.

Lin Xiao wants Qi Zhengyi to eat and drink just to distract him from being too emotional.

To avoid being noticed, Qi Zhengyi is naturally regarded as a strange soldier.

In addition to Lin Xiao, Qi Zhengyi is the strongest of the three. He is definitely a good fighter.

This arrangement also shows that Lin Xiao has a strong view of the overall situation and can give full play to everyone's advantages and strength.

In fact, the main reason is the fear of justice

Qi Zhengyi scratched his ears and cheeks, "why?"

"Do what you're asked to do? What nonsense?" Xu Jin stared at him, "don't even listen to the son?"

"Oh!" Qi Zhengyi's face turned red and stammered, "just listen, what's fierce!"

"Let's go now!" Xu Jin immediately got up, "I always think those guys have an unknown origin and may become a stumbling block for us. We must keep a good eye on them!"

"Yes!" Cui Wanquan nodded slightly.

"Go, go!" Qi Zhengyi wanted to fight and his hands itched, but due to Lin Xiao's orders, he had to eat and drink. He was very upset, so he waved impatiently.

They smiled at each other and walked out with their front and rear feet.

Qi Zhengyi looked at Lin Xiao expectantly, "Holy... Lin Shao! Do you have a special task for me?"

"There's a fart!" Lin Xiao was amused by him. "Go eat and drink quickly. I have something else to do!"

"Ah?" Watching Lin Xiao float away, Qi Zhengyi scratched his ears and cheeks again, roared loudly as thunder, "what are you going to do? Am I a food boy?"

The little white face and his party threw the bodyguards into the sea.

The captain was shocked and chose to hide from the door.

Now, no one in the whole six deck area dared to provoke the little white face.

However, there is one exception.

An old man with a big arm and a round waist pestles in the catering area. He eats what he sees, catches what he drinks. He's just a foodie.

Little white face also noticed the "food" and frowned slightly.

I thought he would take the opportunity to find some trouble, but I didn't expect to look away soon. It seemed that he didn't see anything.

"Shit! What's all this crap?" Qi Zhengyi was already angry. He swears around the buffet area and sits on the edge of the deck with two bottles of beer.

Lin Xiao gave him the task of keeping a low profile. When he arrived, everyone in the deck area knew him.

Cui Wanquan and Xu Jin, hiding in the corner, have a black line.

"This old Qi..."

Lin Xiao, leaning against the railing, has been observing Xiaobai's face for a long time, but he can't find any suspicious clues.

"What on earth did this boy come from?"

Lin Xiao pinched his chin and kept thinking. He didn't notice that an enchanting young woman came next, holding champagne in her hand, smiled at him, "handsome boy, alone?"

Lin Xiao was stunned, then turned back and smiled.

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