Although the other party's disguise was exquisite, Lin Xiao recognized her true identity at a glance.

Because Lin Xiao is too familiar with her every move.

Fang Qing!

"Why did you come with me?" Although Lin Xiao knew that Fang Qing had great powers, he was still surprised.

The secret service was banned, Zhong wanjian stepped down, Fang Qing, these agents dispersed and left, and may have been added to the wanted list.

At this time, Fang Qing suddenly followed Lin Xiao and didn't know what the woman wanted to do.

"An accident?" Fang Qingmiao's eyes moved, "I'm afraid you'll be lonely on the journey, so I came with you. How about it? Do you feel very warm!"

"Warm fart!" Lin Xiao said angrily, "you must have a purpose. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Fang Qing turned her eyes. "Can't I just come to worry about you?"

"Believe you, there is a ghost!" While sipping the wine in the glass, Lin Xiao paid attention to the trend of little white face, "clarify your purpose as soon as possible, otherwise I can't guarantee to help you!"

Fang Qing took the initiative to clink a glass with him, pointed to the little white face in the distance and said, "I'm here to follow him!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "do you know his identity?"

Fang Qing turned to lie on the railing, looked at the vast sea, let the sea breeze blow her hair, and said with a smile, "I know some, but it's not comprehensive. If you cooperate with me, I'll share the news with you. How about it?"

"Talk about the terms again..." Lin Xiao glanced. "Anyway, he has nothing to do with me. Why should I cooperate with you?"

"Hey!" Fang Qing smiled strangely, "maybe after I say it, you will be interested, maybe!"

"Then say it!"

"Promise to cooperate with me first, and I'll tell you!"

Lin Xiao stared at her, "what do you cooperate with?"

"Help me investigate his purpose!" Fang Qing smiled.

"I always feel you're weird..." Lin Xiao looked at Fang Qing. "For the sake of your past help, cooperate, but you should ensure that it won't affect my action!"

Fang Qing waved her hand casually, "don't worry, I know what you want to do. You go to find the supreme wooden tower, right? I'm not interested in that!"

"How do you know everything?" Lin Xiao felt a little wary. It was not good to be controlled at any time.

"Ha ha..." Fang Qing smiled mysteriously. "Everyone is an old acquaintance, and I won't hide it from you. The Security Bureau has a system called Tianyan. You are on the list. Through the summary of big data, you can infer your whereabouts!"

"Of course," Fang Qing said, "knowing your whereabouts doesn't mean that you can be found. I just know you very well, so I guessed it!"

"That's enough!" Lin Xiao didn't expect to be monitored. He said angrily, "your confidentiality bureau is violating privacy!"

Fang Qing smiled, "this is the meaning of the high level. It has nothing to do with me!"

"Believe you, there is a ghost!" Lin Xiao glanced at her, "come on, what's his identity?"

"I only know his last name is Chen!" Fang Qing looked at Lin Xiao with a smile. "Is it an accident?"

"Surname Lin? What's so unexpected?" Lin Xiao was stunned, "what do you want to say?"

Fang Qingshen said mysteriously, "according to some clues, this person may have something to do with your life experience!"

"What?" Lin Xiao was surprised, "my life experience?"

"Yes!" Fang Qing vowed, "the Security Bureau has always had information about you. You were brought down from Kunlun Mountain at the age of six. Can't you remember what happened before?"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly. His memory before he met master was really vague. He couldn't even remember how he spent his years in the mountains.

When Fang Qing mentioned it, the blood in his body seemed to boil, and there was a strong feeling of eager to try.

"What's going on?" Lin Xiaochao glanced around to make sure that no one was paying attention to this side. He pulled Fang Qing up and walked to a rest area on the deck.

Scattered tourists rest here, and no one cares. Suddenly there are two more people.

After they sat down, Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice, "say it!"

Fang Qing crossed her legs and said in a deep voice, "according to the information we currently have, the little white face is Lin Tian, from the Zhamu family in the western regions!"

"Wood?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Zha mu, the largest family in the western regions (Zha Mu family mentioned in Chapter 1772)?"


"His surname is Lin. how could he be mixed with the Zamu family? Besides, he also has two great master bodyguards. He should have a high status..."

Fang Qing nodded, "of course! We don't quite understand why he is in the Zamu family, but the clue is so clear."

"Fang Qing! Since you are no longer in the Security Bureau, why should you investigate him? It has something to do with you?"

"This is a secret order given to me by Mr. Zhong! As for why, I heard that it has something to do with the Wan family. It seems that this Chen Tian secretly supports the Wan family Wanquan. As long as we find out his origin, it is possible to overthrow the Wan family and let Mr. Zhong rise again!"

"So, Chen Tianlai is not small!" Lin Xiao's eyes were a little vague, "but how do you know it has something to do with my life experience?"

"According to the survey, when you were in the western regions, you stayed in the Zamu family, so Zhong Dasi guessed that since Lin Tian came from the Zamu family and his surname was Chen, maybe it has something to do with you!"

Although this speculation is wonderful, it is not impossible.

Lin Xiao is a descendant of the king's front hall and has a noble status.

If Chen Tian comes from the Zamu family, is it possible that the Zamu family is related to the king's front hall?

Zhamu family is the first family in the western regions. It has a very profound heritage, no less than the three aristocratic families in Kyoto.

Moreover, the Zamu family is very low-key, and it is difficult to see their people exposed in public.

"Tie wood, tie wood..." Lin Xiao said faintly, "groups of trees, piles of trees, isn't this forest?"

Fang Qing's eyes brightened. "Yes! Why didn't I think of it? It really means gathering trees. It seems that Chen Tian may really have something to do with your life experience!"

Lin Xiao looked back thoughtfully. Chen Tian had stopped and was drinking freely.

"In this way, Chen Tian has two great masters as bodyguards. Probably only the front hall of the king can have such forces!"

"What are you going to do now?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"I'm going to get close to him. I heard that the boy likes women..." Fang Qing winked at Lin Xiao. "What do you think of me? Can you attract his attention?"

After camouflage, Fang Qing is more beautiful than before, and has a great figure. She is naturally very conspicuous in the crowd.

Lin Xiao said half jokingly and half seriously, "I think you might as well dress up as fat as before. Maybe you still have a chance..."

Fang Qing rolled her eyes and said, "roll!"


There's another accident over the catering.

Several tables were severely overturned by Chen Tian.

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