"What is Lin Tian doing?"

Lin Xiao was angry and smiling. He found that Lin Tian always wanted to attract others' attention on purpose.

"I'll meet him!" Fang Qing stood up and took the initiative to walk towards the catering area.

Lin Tian is angry again.

Just now, a beautiful waitress wanted to get close to Lin Tian and took the initiative to bring a glass of wine. Unexpectedly, Lin Tian didn't pity her at all and regarded her as a thief.

Not to mention that, he slapped the little girl and overturned several tables, just like a furious mad dog.

"Roll, roll, roll! It looks like a Damascus monkey and wants to seduce me?" Lin Tian was outspoken and didn't give the little girl face at all. He was angry and tears kept rolling in each other's eyes.

Everyone was speechless.

The little girl is very beautiful. Even if she is not a big beauty, she is definitely a small jasper type.

But in Lin Tian's mouth, such a beautiful little girl turned into an ugly monkey, which made people cry and laugh.

The steward has been watching Lin Tian from a distance for fear that he will make trouble again. Now he has learned well. He knows that this boy is a prick and must not be provoked.

He didn't dare to say anything when he saw the crew being bullied, but if he didn't take care of it, it would certainly panic the people on board. Then there would be a riot. If something happened, it would be a big deal.

Considering for a long time, the middle-aged steward had to walk over carefully.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Tian raised his eyebrows, "don't let some ugly women approach me. I'm bored when I look!"

At this time, Fang Qing had come near, and the beautiful woman attracted the attention of many men.

Lin Tian also noticed, but he just glanced in a hurry and turned his eyes back. There was no fluctuation in his eyes.

Fang Qing, who was full of confidence, was stunned at that time, and her raised feet moved back slowly.

"What happened?" Fang Qing muttered in her heart.

According to the clues, Lin Tian is keen on women's color, especially hunting outside.

So Fang Qingcai dressed up as a more beautiful woman and tried to seduce Lin Tian for the next action.

But now it seems that Lin Tian not only has no interest in her, but also has a slight contempt in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Fang Qing slowly retreated into the group of tourists, and her self-esteem was greatly hurt.

Lin tiandanger sat on the chair and looked contemptuously at the middle-aged steward, "did you hear me clearly?"

"...." the middle-aged steward thinks Lin Tian is looking for trouble on purpose.

A bodyguard came to the middle-aged steward and whispered, "our young master likes different types. If you can find a girl who satisfies him, the trip will be no trouble. Even if there is trouble, the young master will help you."

The middle-aged steward was stunned, "what type?"

The bodyguard smiled viciously and said a few words in his ear.

After listening to the middle-aged steward, his expression suddenly became strange, "and this hobby? It's really different!"

The bodyguard patted the middle-aged steward on the shoulder, "it depends on your performance now. The young master has been very crazy recently. If there is no suitable woman, the whole ship will be unlucky!"

The middle-aged steward is very helpless. It's easy for him to find a beautiful woman, but it's really difficult to find a "type" Lin Tian likes.

Fang Qing read their lips and made things very clear. The whole person was also confused.

"Is this Lin Tian a pervert?" Fang Qing murmured.

Lin Xiao came over with an odd expression. "I didn't expect that I guessed right. The boy's taste is really different."

"Hum!" Fang Qing was angry and smiled, "is my mother going to change back to that big fat pig?"

"I think that leather bag is very suitable for you." Lin Xiao joked.

"Get out!" Fang Qing left unhappily.

Before long, a fat woman weighing 300 kilograms came out of the cabin.

Fang Qing really has a way of dressing up as a fat woman. She can't move her feet, but she wants to show her elegant embarrassment.

The key is that this fat woman has a very long logo. There is no wrinkle on her smooth and tender face. The light is like light on it.

Fang Qing attracted a lot of attention as soon as she appeared.

However, the vast majority of men have a disdain on their face. Some even look at them and spit up exaggeratedly.

"Oh! What the hell is this!"

Fang Qing's face was black at that time, but she endured the impulse of kicking each other and walked into the dining area without expression.

First, he picked up a big pig elbow, the one bigger than his face, and ate it without hesitation.

Lin Xiao's eyelids jumped. If he hadn't been familiar with Fang Qing, I'm afraid he would think that this woman who can eat like a pig is the reincarnation of pig essence.

Lin Tian's eyes lit up, as if he had found a treasure. He jumped up from the chair, carefully arranged his clothes, and then walked towards Fang Qing.

"My God! This taste is really different!" Lin Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Lin Tian strangely.

Men like beautiful women and beautiful women with good figure, but this boy actually likes a woman like a fat pig.

"Beauty!" Lin Tian said a word and everyone nearby threw up.

However, Lin Tianshi didn't care, smiled... To be exact, she said with a smile, "is she alone?"

Fang Qing glanced contemptuously at him while gnawing at her elbow and said vaguely, "what are you doing? Don't disturb me to eat!"

If other people had been so rude to him, Lin Tian would have kicked him.

However, in the face of Fang Qing, Lin Tian was very careful. For fear of making the other party unhappy, he smiled and said, "it's okay, it's okay, you eat yours, I'll just enjoy the beauty next to you!"

"Are you sick?" Fang Qing stared at him, "go away!"

"Well, well, I'll stay away..." Lin Tian was like a grandson, which surprised everyone.

Since getting on the boat, Lin Tian has been arrogant and domineering. Even the security personnel on the cruise ship have been thrown into the sea, but he looks at a woman like a fat pig. This picture is too scary.

From Lin Tian's performance and expression, it's not like pretending to be artificial, completely from the heart.

"This... Is really the Lin family?" Lin Xiao's face twitched involuntarily, and his heart was suddenly very uneasy.

Fang Qing continued to eat, and there was almost only her chewing sound on the whole deck.

Lin Tian was really obedient. He squatted aside and quietly looked at Fang Qing. The divine color in his eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he had found a treasure.

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