Fang Qing swallowed a whole elbow with nausea. She felt her stomach full and couldn't help burping.


The loud noise made the tourists who were just eating sick.

Such a disgusting woman is still liked by others. The person who likes her is still a mysterious childe. This kind of thing has greatly refreshed everyone's three views.

When Fang Qing ate dry and wiped clean, Lin Tiancai came over carefully again, "what's the name of the beauty? Make a friend?"

Fang Qing glanced at him, "who are you? Why should I make friends with you?"

"I'm Lin Tian, from the Zhamu family in the western regions. I'm so lucky to meet such a beautiful girl when I go out to play!" Lin Tian turned arrogant, gentle and polite.

"Hum! I'm not interested in you!" Fang Qing is hard to get and continues to look for other food. She looks like she ignores Lin Tian's love.

The more Fang Qing was like this, the more Lin Tian scratched his ears and his face was nervous. He hurriedly said, "I'm just making friends. I'm talking and drinking. I don't mean any harm!"

"Sorry! I only like eating! I don't like drinking!" Fang Qing rolled her eyes and grabbed a sheep hoof.

It has to be said that there are many kinds of food on board. After Fang Qing ate an elbow, she suddenly had a big appetite.

"Eat? Great! We're really lucky! I like to eat, too!" In order to please Fang Qing, Lin Tian immediately grabbed an elbow and ate it like a model.

The tourists who watched the excitement felt that they had seen a ghost.

How did a rich boy who was obviously crazy suddenly become like this?

"Son, is this boy crazy?" I don't know when, Qi Zhengyi came over quietly and asked suspiciously.

Qi Zhengyi's eating is exaggerated enough. Unexpectedly, Lin Tian came from behind to catch up with Fang Qing.

Lin Tian's eating appearance is not simple. At first glance, he is a good eater.

Now only Lin Tian and Fang Qing eat in the catering area, and only they dare to eat.

Lin Xiao shook his head blankly, "I don't know. Let's wait and see what happens!"

"Who is that woman? She's so fat that Lin Tian likes this type?" Qi Zhengyi sighed with emotion on his face, "as expected, beauty is in the eyes of lovers. Even a pig will be liked!"

"Cough..." Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "her name is Fang Qing. She is my friend. This time, she boarded the ship to investigate Lin Tian. She must be helpful to us!"

"Oh? What's the origin of this boy?"

"From the Zhamu family in the western regions!" Lin Xiao said with a heavy heart.

"Zhamu family?" Qi Zhengyi was obviously stunned. "That family is not simple. When the old courtyard master was alive, he always told the disciples in the courtyard not to conflict with the Zhamu family. Now it seems that it makes sense!"

"So, the Zamu family has a deep heritage?" Lin Xiao was stunned. He didn't expect that the old courtyard master knew about the Zamu family long ago.

"It should be very deep. Otherwise, can the old courtyard master be so afraid? Moreover, the old courtyard master often says that everyone is very vigilant against the people of the Zhamu family in the East and Zhamu in the West." Qi Zhengyi frowned, "that boy is from Zhamu family. No wonder he is so arrogant!"

"I just didn't expect that the Zamu family had a great master!"

While talking, Fang Qing has been fighting with Lin Tian, talking and laughing, and seems to be making rapid progress.

Fang Qing has her own purpose to get close to Lin Tian, but she can't show too eager. The more hard to get, the more she makes Lin Tian scratch her heart and liver.

It was such a fat woman that Lin Tian was helpless.

Seeing that the two talked for most of the day, Fang Qing still ignored her love and didn't have any further consciousness. Lin Tian was in a hurry.

"Miss Fang! You are the richest and most likable woman I have ever seen. Are you married?"

"Get married?" Fang Qing stared. "I'm just 20 years old and haven't enjoyed my good years. How can I enter the grave of marriage? Are you cursing me?"

Lin Xiao smiled. This Fangqing play is really enough, but in this way, can you get Lin Tian's trust?

Unexpectedly, when Lin Tian heard this, his eyes suddenly brightened and he smiled, "Miss Fang agrees with me. Getting married and other vulgar things are simply suffering. It's better to be a friend. It's wonderful to be romantic and happy, isn't it?"

Lin Xiaozhen is speechless to Lin Tian. His love for exotic flowers doesn't count. He speaks so directly. If Fang Qing hadn't seen his value, he would have kicked him up.

Fang Qing deliberately stared at him, "hum!"

They didn't know what to say. Lin Tian took Fang Qing's hand and walked under the deck. They disappeared at the cabin door in the dull eyes of everyone.

"That's it?" Lin Xiao looked strange.

Lin Tian's two bodyguards also disappeared quickly. Cui Wanquan and Xu Jin quickly followed and kept an eye on their movements.

"Son, what now?" Qi Zhengyi asked suspiciously, "your friend won't have an accident? I think Lin Tian is very abnormal. In case of an accident, shall we help?"

"Hey! Don't worry! I'm afraid it's Lin Tian who has an accident..."

Fang Qing is the top soldier of gold. No one can get her except the great master.

Lin Tian, who was hollowed out by wealth, couldn't even move Fang Qing's finger.

As long as Lin Tian is in hand, the two great masters can't get close to the fire. It depends on Fang Qing's means to let Lin Tian tell the purpose of this trip.

Lin Tian swaggers through the market like this. Fang Qing follows closely. There must be some secret that Lin Xiao doesn't know.

But unexpectedly, Lin Tian might be related to his life experience, which made Lin Xiao feel uneasy inexplicably.

Is the front hall of the king finally coming?

For a long time, Lin Xiao kept his life secret and never dared to study it deeply.

When it was late at night, he would always try his best to recall things before he was six years old.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried and how to search his memory, it was difficult to remember even a little.


Suddenly, dark clouds rolled over the sea, filled with thunder and lightning.

It was a sunny day, and suddenly it changed color.

"Please note that there will be a storm at sea. Please return to the cabin as soon as possible!"

The broadcast platform on the deck began to broadcast.

The tourists returned in droves.

Soon the tourists on the deck were gone.

Lin Xiao and Qi Zhengyi were not in a hurry to leave. They were observing the personnel on the lower deck. Suddenly, they saw several suspicious people in black sneaking towards the upper deck.

"Holy Son, look at those people. It's strange!" Qi Zhengyi's eyes flashed, "from their actions, these people are practicing family, at least they are gold soldiers!"

Lin Xiao's mouth curved slightly, "it seems that this trip will not be so calm."

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