Lin Xiao stared at the middle-aged men in black shirts and white shorts. He didn't take back his eyes until they went to the sixth deck.

The other party also glanced at Lin Xiao, but soon looked away as if nothing had happened and walked quickly towards the cabin.

"These people must be tourists in the ordinary class on the fourth floor. What are they doing up here?" Qi Zhengyi has been observing the floating tourists on the deck. These people have never logged in on the sixth floor at all.

"Follow up and have a look. With such strong strength, it may be the people of the evil house." Lin Xiao drank all the wine in the glass, threw the glass directly into the sea and swaggered down the cabin.

At this moment, Lin Tian and Fang Qing are "flirting" in cabin 1.

Fang Qing's bloated body was stuffed into the chair like a pool of mud, but Lin Tian liked it very much and walked around her.

"Miss Fang! Where are you from? I'm from Zhamu family in the western regions. Have you heard of Zhamu?" Lin Tian is elated. It seems that he is very proud to be in the Zamu family.

Fang Qing pretended to disdain and said, "I don't know what Zhamu family is very famous?"

"Of course, that's the most famous family in the western regions. I'm the young master of Zhamu family." Lin Tian proudly raised his chest, "I have a lot of money!"

"I don't like money!" Fang Qing looked at him with disdainful eyes, "don't use money to impress me!"

"Yes," said Lin Tian awkwardly, "how can an unparalleled beauty like Miss Fang be moved by money?"

Fang Qing almost threw up herself. Now her honor is indeed unparalleled in the world, but it is absolutely different from the beauty in the eyes of normal people.

"Cough..." Fang Qing smiled and pretended to feel free. "Lin Shao! You've traveled all the way from the western regions to Zhennan by boat. Are you lonely at home and want to get some air?"

Lin Tianyan turned his eyes and said with a meaningful smile, "I'm an important person in the family. How can I come out to play? Of course, there are important things to do!"

"What's up?" Fang Qingmiao's eyes turned.

"Hey! It's a secret. I can't tell you!" Lin Tianshan said with a smile, "by the way, Miss Fang, how old are you this year? Are you 20 years old? You look so young!"

"Hum!" Fang Qing's face immediately cooled down. "You're not honest at all. Since you're so defensive against me, what else to talk about? I'm gone..."

Fang Qing steps with big legs, shakes the elephant and is about to go out.

Lin Tian was worried. He quickly stopped in front of her and said with a bitter smile, "I'm not lying to you. It's important. I can't tell you. If you leak the news, you'll die!"

"So serious?" Fang Qing looked puzzled and asked, "you said you were from Zhamu family. Why did you have the surname Lin? Shouldn't you have the surname Zhamu?"

"Well... I can tell you," Lin Tian carefully glanced at the door, as if he was sure that no one would eavesdrop. Then he whispered, "the peripheral members of the Zhamu family naturally have the same surname as Zhamu, but the real core members are all surnamed Lin!"

"Oh?" Fang Qing's eyes lit up. "Is it so strange?"

"That's," Lin Tian proudly raised his head. "Rooting is just a cover up. All the people who are really in charge of the family are surnamed Lin!"

"I see!" Fang Qing nodded thoughtfully, and then continued to walk out. "It seems that your family does have a lot of secrets! Forget it, I won't disturb you, so as not to make you embarrassed by being curious!"

"Don't go..." Lin Tiangen couldn't stop Fang Qing. He grabbed her arm and was dragged to the door.

"Why did you stop me? Anyway, you just came for a secret mission. It has nothing to do with me. I don't want to know now. Let me leave!" Fang Qing's small eyes are almost out of sight. It seems that what stops in front of Lin Tian is just a round white cake.

But even so, Lin Tian still likes it very much. He can obviously see that his eyes are shining.

"Wait a minute..." Lin Tian seemed to hesitate, "do you really want to know?"

"No!" Fang Qing is very stubborn.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qing's "stubbornness" hurt Lin Tian so much that he scratched his ears and cheeks and fell into great hesitation.

"Get out of the way!" Fang Qing pushed Lin Tian away and was about to pull the door to leave.

"OK! I'll tell you!" Lin Tian bit his teeth and almost shouted out this sentence with a suppressed roar.

Fang Qing stopped decisively.

"Don't force!" Fang Qing said faintly.

"No, no..." Lin Tian said anxiously, "but you must promise me not to spread it, otherwise I will lose my head!"

Fang Qing opened half the door.

"Don't go!" Lin Tian was in a hurry. He grabbed Fang Qing's hand and said with a bitter smile, "can't I say it yet?"

"Actually..." Lin Tian said word by word, "my main purpose is to find an important son of the Lin family. It can be said that this man is the future owner of the Lin family and the future owner of the Zhamu family."

"Oh?" Fang Qing's heart jumped, "who?"

Lin Tian shook his head slowly. "I don't know his name. I only know that he should be 30 years old this year. We must find him before he is 30, otherwise it will lead to great disaster!"

Fang Qing was fascinated and quickly asked, "why did you have to find him before you were 30? Since this man is so important, why didn't you find him in the past?"

"I've looked for it in the past! It's just like looking for a needle in a haystack. There's no clue. Until a few days ago, the elders of the clan calculated a divination and said that the descendants of the Lin family are going through life and death. Let's find him."

"The clan sent more than a dozen teams, each with three people, dressed up as various characters and went around the world to find people. I happened to be assigned near Zhennan. According to the sacrificial calculation, the descendants of the Lin family may go to sea, so I went out of the sea."

"I see!" Fang Qing is more sure that the heir of the Lin family they are looking for is Lin Xiao.

But she couldn't confirm whether the other party's intention was evil or good, so she didn't mention a word about Lin Xiao.

"Now I have told you what I should say and what I shouldn't say. Is it enough to show my sincerity?"

"Yes!" Fang Qing nodded slowly, looking satisfied, "I have another question to ask you!"

"Miss Fang, just ask." Lin Tian relaxed a lot.

Since even the secret has been told, nothing else.

Fang Qing asked softly, "what does your Zamu family have to do with the 10000 families in Kyoto? I heard that the Zamu family secretly supported the 10000 families, caused great storms in Kyoto, and pulled Zhong wanjian off his horse, right?"

Lin Tian didn't care. When he heard Fang Qing's words, his face suddenly changed.

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