Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly and didn't take the woman doctor's words seriously. Now it's important to save people.

Quickly open the medicine bottle and sprinkle the golden wound medicine on the injured person's wound, and then hear the injured person's stuffy hum.

"What are you doing?" The female doctor was so angry that she went up to grab the medicine in Lin Xiao's hand, but before she touched the medicine bottle, she found that the wounded's wound had changed. It was obviously bleeding, but she was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing such a magical scene, the female doctor was stunned.

"Give me a hand and clean up the clothes near the wound," Lin Xiao said, pointing to the others who were moaning and waiting for first aid.

The female doctor panicked and looked at Lin Xiao as if she had seen a ghost. She nodded hurriedly, "Oh, OK!"

Lin Xiao took out the silver needle and gave acupuncture treatment to the seriously injured. Soon more than a dozen people were treated one by one.

Several of the wounded who seemed to be too seriously injured and almost dying woke up miraculously under the treatment of Lin Xiao's magical acupuncture.

Since he became a great master, he can use Dantian internal breathing at will, Lin Xiao's acupuncture level has also increased, and the effect is more powerful.

The female doctor was completely convinced and asked dumbfounded, "this, this is traditional Chinese medicine?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "well, don't say this first. You have the injured carried to the infirmary for infusion. They still need a second operation."

"Good!" The woman doctor hurried to ask for help.

The fire is being put out. With the help of several great masters such as Qi Zhengyi, the fire caused by the explosion is getting smaller and smaller.

Just then, the captain rushed down with many people.

Seeing the scene in a mess, Captain bearded was very angry.

"Did you find out? Who did it?"

Many people gathered in the VIP Hall. The middle-aged steward was also there. He was dejected. He kept wiping his cold sweat, his eyes turned around, and quickly organized language in his head. "According to the witness report, it seemed that it was a young man's fire."

"Where is he?" Beard pinched his waist with both hands and cried, "did you catch someone?"

The middle-aged steward shook his head quickly. "He's calling for monitoring. Maybe he can find some clues!"

"Hum! A bunch of waste! What do you want?" Beard paced up and down the room. After a few minutes, he said in a harsh voice, "call up the tourists on the sixth floor immediately. We must find out who is the murderer behind the scenes!"


The middle-aged steward took a group of sailors and hurried to inform the tourists to meet on the sixth deck.

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and walked quickly to the captain. In the other party's unexpected eyes, he took the initiative to say, "Captain, maybe I have a clue to provide!"

"Who are you?" The captain frowned and said very impolitely, "what clues do you have?"

Obviously, we can see the vigilance and caution in the captain's eyes, as if he had a skeptical attitude towards everyone.

There were so many accidents on the ship that even the ship was almost bombed this time, which made him very nervous.

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I saw several men in black coming up from the fourth floor and acting furtively. Maybe I can find something from them!"

"The man in black?" The captain was stunned and suddenly said angrily, "how can you be sure that it was the murderer? Do you mean them?"

"Who?" Lin Xiaowei was stunned.

The captain waved to the cabin door.

Several experts in black whom Lin Xiao had seen came in together.

Black clothes and black trousers, capable and strong.

"That's them!" Qi Zhengyi frowned slightly, "golden warriors! They are all experts!"

Lin Xiao frowned, "not bad!"

"Hum! They are my personal bodyguards and experts I invited back at a high price. How can they be murderers?" The captain waved angrily, "don't talk nonsense if you don't know the situation!"

The middle-aged steward hurried back with a disappointed look on his face. "Captain, I checked the monitoring. The other party is very cunning. What he left in the monitoring is his back. I can't see his face!"

"Shit!" Beard pulled his beard hard, and some impatient roared, "which bastard is it? Have all the tourists gathered?"

"It's being notified. We should get together soon!"

"Hum!" Bearded turned and looked at Lin Xiao and others. He scolded angrily, "what are you still doing here? Go up for inspection immediately!"

Lin Xiao didn't feel anything. He understood this very well, but Lin Tian's eyebrows stood up, "old man, you want to die? How can you talk?"

The captain found that Lin Tian was standing behind Lin Xiao, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Lin Tian made trouble on the ship with two experts. Captain bearded didn't even dare to show up. Obviously, he knew that the other party was not small and couldn't offend him.


"Cough..." Lin Xiao interrupted Lin Tian and said with a smile, "let's go up! Cooperate with the ship!"

Pedal pedal

Just now the woman doctor ran back and said breathlessly, "Captain, a seriously injured man woke up and said he saw the murderer's face!"

"Oh?" The captain's eyes were bright and asked excitedly, "now let him recognize it. Can you recognize the murderer?"

"It should be!" The female doctor looked at Lin Xiao, "thanks to the miracle doctor's action, he woke up the injured man. As soon as he woke up, he shouted 'catch him'. I asked carefully, and then I probably understood the situation!"

The captain immediately turned, "what are you waiting for? Carry the injured to the deck and let him identify him on the spot!"

Hundreds of tourists were gathered on the deck, making a noise, all of them very impatient.

When something happens to the cruise ship, it's natural to find out the truth, but it's impolite to gather everyone for no reason.

Someone stood in the crowd angrily, pointing and scolding, "why should people identify us? What crime have we committed? I spent a high price on a luxury cruise ship, spent a high price in a VIP cabin, and spent money to enjoy treatment. What's going on now?"

"Yes! Why did you trap us?"

Seeing dozens or hundreds of heavily armed mercenaries surround everyone, many people feel insulted and speak out one after another.

Seeing that there was going to be trouble, the captain directly stood on a chair and said in a condescending voice, "please be quiet. Something bad happened on the ship is closely related to you. If the ship sinks, no one can live!"

After half a day's driving, the cruise ship has sailed into the depths of the high seas. It is vast on all sides, connected to heaven and earth. If the ship sinks here, no one can live.

Fortunately, the impact of the explosion was not large, and it was rescued in time.

When the captain yelled, everyone calmed down. Although everyone was still angry, their mood was finally calmed down.

"Who did it? It's so immoral?"

"This is murder!"

"It's cruel to want to murder the whole ship!"

"We must find out the culprit!"

"Must be severely punished!"

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