Everyone's attention began to focus on the murderer hidden in the dark, shouting to find the culprit.

Captain bearded raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet and waved back. Then everyone saw them carrying an injured man with several bandages on his body onto the deck.

Although many bandages were wrapped around the injured person, he was in good spirits and his eyes were rolling around.

"Everyone, if the murderer hides in the crowd, the gentleman will recognize him!" Captain bearded said in a deep voice, "he saw the murderer set fire with his own eyes. He wanted to stop it, but he was almost killed on the spot."

The crowd was in an uproar and the team looked a little flustered.

"What are you waiting for? Let him recognize it!"

"Yes! Catch the murderer early so that we won't be frightened and restless!"

Beard slightly jawed his head and motioned two bodyguards in black to carry a stretcher and identify them in the crowd.

The injured were carried by two people and began to walk one by one in front of the tourists in the front row of the crowd.

Everyone subconsciously calmed down and waited for the results.

"Is that him?"

Beard followed him and asked as he walked.

The injured man's eyes swept from each face and shook his head anxiously.


"Not him!"


In half an hour.

The front row was almost filtered out and no suspects were found.

While everyone was relieved, it also made the atmosphere more tense.

People who didn't know each other began to be on guard, and subconsciously dispersed to both sides to prevent being attacked by the murderer.

At this time, if the murderer hides in the crowd, he will not be caught without a hand.

Hundreds of the people were identified and worked for more than two hours. The injured rested several times. After the final completion, no suspect was found.

Because Lin Tian and Lin Xiao were together, Captain bearded didn't dare to get too close, so he didn't let the wounded identify them.

"Strange, isn't it among these people?" The captain's eyes were dim and kept scanning the crowd.

There are mercenaries standing around. It's impossible to sneak away.

However, the tourists in the VIP cabin on the sixth floor have been identified.

Except Lin Xiao and his party.

Captain bearded hesitated and glanced at Lin Tian's direction.

Lin Tian has taken Lin Xiao to the dining area.

Just after the heavy rain, the food in the catering area was withdrawn, only some simple fruits and drinks.

Lin Tianzheng carefully waited on Lin Xiao and brought him fruit and water. He looked attentive.

"Captain, you've checked everything. Do you want to check the fourth floor?"

There is a passage partition between the sixth and fourth floors. If you want to pass through, you must provide a ticket.

Therefore, if the people on the fourth floor want to come up, they will be found unless they belong to the captain's confidant like a bodyguard in black.

Since there are no strangers from the fourth floor, nine out of ten the suspects are still in the crowd.

The captain shook his head and mused, "don't worry first! I always think the murderer is among these people, but it's hard to say who it is!"

"However, it has been screened all over, no!" The middle-aged steward was a little nervous. "What if the suspect runs to the fourth floor? There are thousands of people on the fourth floor, which is more difficult to investigate!"

"And the sixth floor is almost checked now. There is a great chance that the suspect has sneaked to the fourth floor!" The middle-aged steward said confidently.

"If you don't find out the people, there may be accidents. Now people are in panic. Even if it's too late to return, Captain, do something." A middle-aged steward is more urgent than a captain.

"Don't consider the fourth floor for the time being. The probability of escaping is not great!"

The captain hesitated and said in a deep voice, "I guess there are only Lin Tian's people on the sixth floor. Will the suspect be among them?"

"But..." the middle-aged steward said in a low voice, "that's Lin Tian. We haven't got the news. It's the young master from Zhamu family. We can't afford it!"

"Besides, a big man like Lin Tian won't do such things that harm others and don't benefit himself?"

"He has no need and no motive. Why should such a big man do such a thing?"

The captain frowned deeply, "yes, but... What are those people with Lin Tian?"

The middle-aged steward glanced quietly and found that Lin Tian was very respectful to Lin Xiao. He was stunned, "I don't know! It seems that he is a big man. I'll check it!"

After a few minutes, the middle-aged steward came back quickly, shook his head with the captain and said, "they are all insignificant people. We can't find out the origin. Why don't... Check them?"

The captain hesitated for a few seconds. "OK! Just check them. We can't delay any more! If we delay any more, it's estimated that the murderer will really slip away."

The middle-aged steward winked at the two people carrying the stretcher and let them follow behind him.

The group headed for the dining area.

When he came near, the middle-aged steward smiled politely, "Lin Shao! Everyone has identified it, and there is only..."

"What are you talking about?" Lin Tian raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "do you mean to check me?"

"No, no, no..." the middle-aged steward quickly explained, "it's not to check you, it's just a routine identification, so it's better to explain to everyone!"

"Tell me a fart!" Lin Tian shouted, "what are they? I need to tell you? Get out of here! Don't affect us to eat fruit!"

The middle-aged steward blushed and had a thick neck, but he didn't dare to be hard, so he had to say in a gentle tone, "please help Lin Shao. This is a matter related to everyone. He's not afraid of ten thousand, just in case..."

"What one, one, two, two? You mean the suspect is among us?" Lin Tian squinted at the middle-aged steward and pointed to six or seven people such as Lin Xiao, "are they? Or myself?"

"I can tell you! These are all my distinguished guests. How can they be murderers? Don't say I didn't warn you. I disturbed my distinguished guests. I asked all the crew of Qinglong to go to the sea to feed fish!"

The middle-aged steward smiled and hesitated for a moment.

Look at this situation. If a suspect is not found out, he will be unlucky. Maybe he will be directly thrown into the sea by the furious Lin Tian to feed Wang ba.

"Hum! Don't you get out?" Lin Tian stared at the middle-aged steward, "nonsense again, throw you into the sea to feed bastard!"

The middle-aged steward looked back at the captain. The latter's eyes were a little gloomy, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, the injured man suddenly stared round. He was weak and looked lazy. He suddenly sat up, pointed to a direction and stammered, "yes, it's him, it's him!"

Everyone was attracted by the injured man and looked in the direction of his fingers. They were stunned.

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