Lin Xiao frowned and looked at the captain's meaning. He had regarded himself as a murderer and had no room for maneuver.

The mercenaries around were eyeing, and someone had put up a gun and aimed at Lin Xiao's position.

If they fight, Lin Xiao is not afraid of them.

But being wronged in vain is hard for anyone.

"Is there nothing to say?" The captain said coldly, "if you say your purpose now, there may be a chance to save it. If you insist on your own way and refuse to admit it, you are against thousands of tourists on board!"

"Even if you have some strength, how dare you kill us all?" Captain bearded expected that Lin Xiao didn't dare to do it and spoke recklessly, "I tell you! It's not so easy to do damage quietly on my cruise ship! I will never allow it!"

"Also," Captain bearded raised his eyebrows, "there is a big boss behind this cruise ship. You can't afford it. If you insist on going your own way, you will only have more serious consequences!"

Captain bearded said everything to put pressure on Lin Xiao not to resist. It's good for everyone.

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, "I repeat, it's not me. There's someone else. I'm also curious. Who's pretending to be me!"

"Still arguing!" The middle-aged steward was impatient and waved his big hand, "come!"


Dozens of mercenaries rushed over with guns and surrounded Lin Xiao and his party at the muzzle.

"Looking for death?" Lin Tian was angry when he saw this formation. "I really thought I didn't dare to throw you all into the sea to feed Wang Ba?"

"Lin Shao!" Captain bearded said in a deep voice, "this is a matter of thousands of lives, including yourself. Do you want everyone to be buried at the bottom of the sea? If you can't find out the truth and people are in danger, can you bear the consequences if there is unrest?"

"You threaten me?" Lin Tian's eyes stared round. He was about to attack and was pulled back by Lin Xiao.

"Captain! What do you want to do?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

Captain bearded said coldly, "tell us your motives, or your accomplices, and give us an account!"

"I said, I didn't do it. Someone pretended to be framed!"

The middle-aged steward knew that the confrontation between the two sides was not the way. In this way, it would not solve the problem, and more serious conflicts were likely to occur. He turned his eyes and said loudly, "since you say you are not the murderer and someone pretended to be you, do you know who the murderer is? As long as you can find out the murderer and give everyone an explanation, we will not pursue your affairs!"

"Holy Son! There's something strange about this matter. I think it's better to take the plan. Let's act separately. Maybe we can find a clue!" Xu Jin came to Lin Xiao and whispered.

"That's what I mean." Lin Xiao nodded silently, then said loudly, "OK! Give me some time, and I will catch the murderer myself and return my innocence!"

Captain bearded thought for a moment. This should be the best solution. At least he can stabilize Lin Xiao first.

"OK! Give you a day! If you can't find the murderer, you have nothing to say? Thousands of tourists on board will be witnesses. How can you argue!" Captain bearded deliberately amplified his voice so that everyone could hear him in order to get the support of tourists.

Lin Xiao doesn't think so. It's useless to argue with each other. Finding the real murderer is the key.


When Lin Xiao finished, he stepped down the deck.

Captain bearded motioned the middle-aged steward to follow Lin Xiao with a team of mercenaries to monitor his every move.

Lin Xiao is going to check the explosion site first.

At Lin Xiao's command, Qi Zhengyi and others went deep among tourists to find suspicious people.

The two sides acted separately.

When I came to the back kitchen of the cabin, the dark cabin was messy and full of burning smell.

At the intersection of gas pipelines, a large pit on the bulkhead was very obvious, and the damage was very serious. Another half a foot had blown through the ship wall.

Following the crisscross of pipes, Lin Xiao walked deep into the kitchen. When he was about to enter the storage room, he found that a section of pipe had been forcibly cut off to stop the leakage of gas.

After entering the storeroom, Lin Xiao saw a large amount of fuel stacked in the storeroom and couldn't help but be startled.

"One step later, when the fire enters the storage room, it will ignite a large amount of stored fuel. At that time, there will be an explosion and the whole sixth floor will be over!"

The storeroom should have stored all kinds of food materials. I don't know why it stored a lot of fuel.

Lin Xiao looked back at the middle-aged steward and asked, "how can there be so much fuel in this storage room?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" The middle-aged steward said impatiently, "what do you want to do?"

"Of course, it's an investigation clue..." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "there are so many fuel in the storage room, ten thousand fires cause an explosion, and the whole ship may be blown through. Isn't this a hidden danger? I suspect someone deliberately put oil here to create explosion conditions for arson!"

"Fart!" The middle-aged steward angrily said, "these oils are stored to make navigation more convenient. What you said seems to be a conspiracy! Don't you know I asked them to be stored?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao looked at him meaningfully. "You asked me to store it? Why do you want to store it?"

The middle-aged steward smiled angrily, "do I have to go through your consent to do anything?"


Lin Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He directly came forward and grabbed his neck. He said gloomily, "don't be ashamed! I'll ask you again, why do you want to store oil? Don't you know there will be potential safety hazards here? Don't think I don't know. The normal standby fuel is in the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship!"

"You..." the middle-aged steward was frightened.

Several mercenaries wanted to do it. Lin Xiao resolutely raised his feet and kicked them away. At the same time, he pressed the middle-aged steward on the bulkhead.



"Cough......" the middle-aged steward didn't expect Lin Xiao to start with him. He was not convinced when he was frightened. "Let me go!"


Lin Xiao hit the bulkhead next to him. At that time, he hit a big hole with a bowl. The metal material was exposed. It was dark and frightening.

"Say it or not?"

The middle-aged steward wanted to call for help, but there was no one here for a long time, and the mercenaries protecting him screamed and fell to the ground. No one could help him.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was so cruel, he confessed his life here. The middle-aged steward was anxious.

"I, I said!" The middle-aged steward gave in and stammered, "before leaving, the captain said that the voyage took a long time and I'm afraid the stored fuel was not enough. Let me save more. But there were a lot of sundries in the cabin reservoir area, which occupied the space, so I put the reservoir in the sixth floor storage area..."

Lin Xiao pushed him away and asked in a deep voice, "didn't you consider the danger before you stored it?"

"Ouch!" The middle-aged steward looked sad. "What danger can there be in the storage area of the kitchen? It has been stored before, but without this scale, who would have thought that someone would dare to set fire on the ship?"

Lin Xiao snorted coldly and walked around the storage room. He found that the amount of fuel was more than 20 barrels, which was enough for the cruise ship to sail for more than a month.

Not to mention the fuel in the bilge storage area, it can run for as long as two months.

It takes only one month to travel back and forth, but two months of fuel needs to be prepared. In addition to preventing accidents, the amount of spare fuel is too much, which is not in line with the rules.

Lin Xiao vaguely felt that it must have something to do with arson.

"You just said that the captain asked you to do so?" Lin Xiao asked youyou as soon as he turned around.

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