The middle-aged steward said with a bitter smile, "it was the captain's decision to prepare for the voyage. He said that the voyage took a long time and needed to prepare more fuel. I wanted to put the fuel in the bottom cabin, but it was occupied by groceries, so I had to put it in the storage room on the sixth floor."

"What are the groceries in the bilge?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"Some old kayaks and life jackets are all defective products that have been eliminated. Few of them can be used. I don't know why the captain put so many junk things."

Lin Xiao pondered for a long time, "take me to have a look!"

"Good!" The middle-aged steward now dared not listen to Lin Xiao. He glanced at the fallen mercenaries and knew that resistance would only bring bad luck, so he said timidly, "do you want to tell the captain?"

"Fart!" Lin Xiao carried him unhappily, "go!"

With his quick mind, Lin Xiao noticed that the captain's actions were wrong.

Because everything seems to be accidental, but it has a certain necessity.

The captain has all the initiative, so if he arranges anything at will, the servants have to prepare.

When he came to the bottom cabin, Lin Xiao entered the warehouse under the guidance of the middle-aged steward. In front of him, the sundries were almost filled with the whole warehouse.

Sure enough, as the middle-aged steward said, most of them are useless things, which are almost useless for long-distance sailing.

Apart from a few intact kayaks and life-saving equipment, everything else can be called garbage.

As for the fuel stock is less, it is simply not enough to supply cruise ships for long-distance voyage.

"There is so much rubbish in the bottom tank, but it is inexplicable to put the most important fuel oil in the sixth floor storage room!"

The middle-aged steward rolled his eyes. "So what? The captain put so many groceries in, I can't throw them out!"

Lin Xiao ignored him. He seemed to be lost in thought and frowned. "Why should he pretend to be me? It can only explain one thing. The other party not only knows me, but also knows me very well."

Although there is no easy dress, few people on the cruise ship know Lin Xiao's real identity. It is impossible to choose at will. That means someone wants to trap Lin Xiao in injustice by making a layout in advance.

While setting up Lin Xiao, he also killed the whole ship. His heart is cruel and makes people angry.

If Lin Xiao were to speculate, the only person with such convenience was the captain.

The captain has information about the tourists on board.

When boarding, the inspection was so rigorous that everyone's identity information was in the hands of the captain.

Moreover, the gold soldiers around the captain are one of the doubts.

How can an ordinary man like the captain afford to hire an expert like the golden warrior.

The golden warrior is not a cabbage. It is difficult to find it in the secular world. It is only found in some major forces.

The captain has four gold soldiers as bodyguards. This specification is somewhat luxurious.

Thinking through these problems, Lin Xiao looked at the middle-aged steward and asked with a smile, "what's the origin of your captain, you know?"

"This..." the middle-aged steward hesitated for a few seconds. "I'm not sure, because this voyage is a temporary team, supported by the big boss in the background, and recruited elites! I only heard that the captain comes from the western regions. It seems that he used to be an expert in sea transportation."

"Western regions?" Lin Xiao's eyes flashed and his heart became more determined.

From the western regions, he has a golden warrior as a bodyguard and can master Lin Xiao's whereabouts. Combined with these three points, the captain is likely to be a spy sent by the evil house.

"It should be!" The middle-aged steward seemed to have inaccurate information and said vaguely.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao walked around the warehouse again. After confirming that there was no clue, he was about to leave when he heard a squeak outside the door.


The middle-aged steward suddenly turned back and stared round after a long time. "What's the matter? The defense system has started?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao came to the door with an arrow step and found that the cabin door was locked from the outside, and a heavier metal door was pressed down.

The middle-aged steward rushed frantically, slapped the hatch door desperately and shouted, "Hey! What the hell? I'm still inside. Open the door!"

Bang bang!

There were obviously messy footsteps outside, but no one responded to the words of the middle-aged steward.


The whole warehouse area emits a beep similar to the fire alarm, and there are flashing red lights all around, which makes people dizzy.

"What the hell?" Lin Xiao tried to open the hatch door. The powerful force made the wrench bend with a squeak, but the door was safe.

"Fuck!" The middle-aged steward seemed to have lost his mind. He grabbed his hair and shouted, "which bastard turned on the defense system. Does he want us to die in it?"

"Defense system? What's going on?" Lin Xiao felt a little creepy.

Because the temperature in the warehouse suddenly dropped, bursts of cold air shrouded from all directions.

In addition to air conditioning, there is poison gas.

Lin Xiao was naturally not afraid of poison gas, but the middle-aged steward obviously knew this situation and his face changed greatly.

"It's the defense and counterattack system of the warehouse. It's exclusive to Qinglong! The setting to protect the warehouse resources." The middle-aged steward scratched his ears and cheeks urgently, and his sneaky eyes turned around the room for several times. "It's over. These poisonous gases can diffuse into the whole cabin in five minutes. Then we'll all die!"

"Is there any other way out?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"No! Only the front door can go out!" The middle-aged steward was about to cry. "If only this iron door is OK, maybe it can break through. As soon as the defense system starts, the iron door outside will fall, and the shells can't be blown through."

Lin Xiao frowned, "it's really bad!"

"It's over, it's really over," the middle-aged steward wailed. "Which bastard wants to hurt me!"

"Can this defense system be started at will?"

"Of course, it's impossible to start it casually, only..." the middle-aged steward said, and his eyes widened, "Captain!?"

"Shit!" The middle-aged steward was not stupid. He immediately woke up and shouted, "I see! The captain deliberately asked me to prepare fuel. He was trying to plot an evil plan. Maybe he asked someone to blow up the ship. What is he going to do?"


The poison gas has begun to spread. The middle-aged steward quickly grabbed a towel and shouted, "come on! Wet your mouth and nose with urine!"

Lin Xiao didn't care at all. From the beginning of his action in the poisonous smoke, these nerve paralyzing toxins were pediatrics to him.

"Hurry up, it's too late." the middle-aged steward finally peed a towel and tried to block his mouth and nose. He found that Lin Xiao looked as usual and even took a deep breath. He was stunned at that time. "What are you doing? You're not dying?"

Lin Xiao was calm in the poisonous smoke and asked in a deep voice, "should there be a control room in this warehouse?"

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