"What the throne said is, I'll do the whole ship broadcast right away!"

The captain came to the broadcasting room and asked the sailors to broadcast the whole ship.

As soon as the broadcast came out, all the tourists became panic stricken.

Someone wants to set fire to the ship. This is the rhythm to kill the whole ship.

Qi Zhengyi and others were worried. When they heard the broadcast, they were angry and rushed to the broadcasting room to find the captain's trouble.

Unfortunately, the captain had long slipped away.

"If the son's contact is interrupted, will there be an accident?" Qi Zhengyi and Cui Wanquan gathered together and said anxiously, "the phone can't get through. It shows that there is no signal!"

"With the strength of the son, there should be no accident. Let's go to the bottom cabin!"

When they came to the bottom cabin, they found that there were a large number of people here, blocking all the cabins.

"What happened?" Qi Zhengyi was stunned.

Lin Tian came long ago, but he was still blocked on the deck. Hundreds of people blocked in front of him. He couldn't even see the hair in the warehouse.

"Shit! Will you let me?" Lin Tian wanted to push forward, but he was blocked by tourists. Even if he had a great master as a bodyguard, he couldn't really kill all these people.

"What are they doing together?" Qi Zhengyi looked confused.

Xu Jin frowned and was also shocked by the sea of people in front of him.

There is only such a long passage, the corridor and deck are full of people, and a large number of tourists are pouring here, which is very powerful.

At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "never let the boy run away. He wants to set fire to the ship and kill us all. Such a person will kill him!"

"Yes! Let's seal the door of the warehouse and let him suffocate in it!"

"And the window! Seal the window, and let him live and die!"

I don't know who opened the head, which ignited the mood of tourists. They intensified. Someone already rushed to the stairway of the lower bilge with tools, ready to seal all the exits in all directions.

Even with the iron gate of the defense system, they are still worried. Tourists seem to be drawn by a mysterious force and full of blood.

"What the hell are these guys doing?" Qi Zhengyi glanced around the crowd and suddenly found a sneaky man in black. As he swam through the crowd, he said something to the people around him.

The tourists he lobbied were obviously in high spirits and joined the team to denounce Lin Xiao.

Seeing the man in black, Qi Zhengyi's pupils narrowed and immediately recognized that it was the captain's bodyguard, a gold soldier.

"Stop!" Qi Zhengyi roared.

Far away, the man in black suddenly turned back, his head shrank, and immediately bent down to drill into the crowd.

The crowd was like a vast ocean. After the man in black drilled in, he couldn't even see a hair.

"Shit!" Qi Zhengyi angrily said, "it's the old man of the captain. They're setting up the son!"

"The son of God is trapped in the bottom cabin. We have to find a way to save him!" After listening for a long time, Xu Jin finally understood that someone must be secretly doing evil to frame Lin Xiao and put him into crisis at the same time.

Lin turned around in bad weather and said, "I just saw that the iron door of the cargo hold is more than one meter thick, and the shells can't be damaged. It's difficult to get in, but it's not without a chance."

Xu Jin said anxiously, "do you have a way?"

"There is a way," Lin Tian glanced at the crowd, "but you need your help. Success or failure depends on your strength!"

Xu Jin exchanged his eyes and said in the same voice, "you say!"

Lin Tian looked at Lin Lang and Lin Jian, "you all come with me!"

The five great masters followed Lin Tian, pushed into the crowd and soon came to the iron door of the cargo hold.

Lin Xiao and the middle-aged steward made three rounds around the cargo hold. After confirming that the defense machine guns at the four corners had failed, they also came to the electronic door at the exit.

The two sides stand across the door, but they don't know each other's existence.

Lin Tian pointed to the iron door and said, "although the door is one meter thick, it is not monolithic. I have seen it. This is a rear mounted defense door. The connection points around are not in close contact with the bulkhead. As long as you five work together, you can destroy the door and save people!"

The five great masters looked at each other and thought that Lin Tian's idea was really unrestrained and unconventional

The damage point means to damage the whole bulkhead, which is connected to the main structure of the hull. Once damaged, the huge weight of the upper layer will be pressed down, and the cruise ship will soon be fragmented in the turbulence of the sea.

Qi Zhengyi spoke quickly and youyou asked, "do you want to kill all of us?"

"What a fool!" Xu Jin smiled. He thought the other party really had a good idea. Unexpectedly, it was a bad idea.


"What else do you say?" Lin Tian was ridiculed and shouted angrily, "if something happens to the little Lord, you all have to be buried with him!"

"Little Lord?" Xu Jin was slightly stunned.

Lin Tian was in a hurry and blurted out the title of Lin Xiao, which surprised Xu Jin and them at the same time.

Being called the little Lord by Lin Tian can only show Lin Xiao's supreme position in the Lin family.

Lin Lang quickly rounded up the scene. "I think it's the best way to find the captain. Only he can open the door. Why don't we act separately and meet when we have news!"

"Yes! Let's go first!" Lin Jian pulls Lin Tian and the three quickly retreat into the crowd.

Xu Jin frowned, "Lin Tian calls young master Lin Xiao?"

"The Holy Son is the young master of the Lin family? Will he... Be the descendant of the king's front hall?"

"How could this be possible? The descendants of the king's front hall have become the Holy Son of our heaven and earth court? Isn't that a joke?"

Xu Jin's eyes were deep. "Are things that happened thousands of years ago going to happen again?"

Thousands of years ago, the Qiankun court was originally the old owner of the front hall of the king. Only because a supreme descendant of the front hall of the king fell in love with the saint of the Qiankun court, the two factions finally became sworn enemies.

Even if the relationship is eased now, once this happens again, it will be deliberately picked by people with a heart.

According to the rules of the king's front hall, you can't marry vassal forces. It's the biggest taboo for heirs to marry saints.

Xu Jin didn't feel much. Even if Lin Xiao was really a descendant of the front hall of the king, it wouldn't affect their attitude, but once it rose to the relationship between the two factions, there might be a big problem.

"What should I do?" Qi Zhengyi seems to be in a hurry.

"They are right. The key is to find the captain first. Let's go!" Xu Jin twisted his head into the crowd.

Lin Xiao stood in front of the electronic door, holding a miniature notebook from the control room, and led out several connecting wires from the access control circuit board.

"You don't want to crack the access control, do you? This is a 128 bit ask code compiled password, which is difficult for super hackers to crack!"

"I don't underestimate you. Even if you have a little computer level, you will never have a chance to succeed in the face of this international top access control system!"

When the middle-aged steward saw Lin Xiao's action, he couldn't help sneering.

Seeing that Lin Xiao ignored him, the middle-aged steward continued to talk endlessly.

"Ten thousand steps back, what if you can crack it? There is a big iron gate outside, which can't be blown through!"

Lin Xiao obviously had his own idea and focused on cracking the access control, ignoring the ridicule of the middle-aged steward.

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