The middle-aged steward is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Every minute here is suffering, which makes him uneasy.

"Captain, that old man! When I go out, I will make him look good. I will never let him go easily!"

"Too much! Even I count!"

The chattering middle-aged steward walked around.

Lin Xiao was absorbed in invading the electronic door system. The middle-aged steward couldn't understand what he was doing.

"I don't understand. What's the use of you always working on that electronic door? Shouldn't you think about how to escape now? I think it's better to pry off the bottom plate and walk from the bottom of the ship!"

"But... In this way, there will be water leakage. Then we will be unlucky!"

"What should I do?"

The middle-aged steward seemed to have lost his mind and kept talking to himself.

Lin Xiao was too lazy to talk to him.

The middle-aged steward looked at Lin Xiao from time to time and found that he had been fiddling with the keyboard. Binary codes flashed quickly on the micro display screen. Anyway, he couldn't understand and didn't know what Lin Xiao was doing.

"Hey! You're here to find a way!" The middle-aged steward quarreled again.

"Shut up!" Lin Xiao was meditating. He was interrupted and was very impatient. "I ask you! What is the IP address of the captain's main control room, do you know?"

There are dozens of computers on board, one by one. It's a waste of time. If the middle-aged steward knows, it will save a lot of time.

"What IP address? I don't understand what you're talking about!" The middle-aged steward was stunned.

"Waste!" Lin Xiao turned back angrily, his fingers crackling on the keyboard.

The IP addresses of dozens of computers are displayed.

Lin Xiao intruded into the background server through the access control account of the electronic door, and then wrote a virus code through the nature of the above transmission of the server, which paralyzed the control system of the captain's room, so that he had the opportunity to turn off the defense system and open the iron door.

The tourists outside the door were egged on by intentional people and never dispersed. They moved a lot of sundries in front of the door, with an attitude of suffocating Lin Xiao inside.

"I think he can only be trapped and die in it!"

"The iron gate is one meter thick. He can't get out unless the whole ship is blown up!"

In another cabin, the old man with white hair stared at the monitor. He was a little strange about Lin Xiao's behavior, "what is he doing?"

The captain was also confused. "I don't quite understand. Even if he can crack the electronic door, there is still an iron door outside. What's the use?"

"Probably crazy?"

"Throne! Let him play slowly when he arrives at his destination in more than ten days! The speedboat and supply boat are ready and can start at any time!"

The white haired old man nodded slightly, "remember, the more people hold him, the greater the chance of our success."

"I see!"

The white haired old man turned and walked to the bulkhead. A secret door appeared. He stepped in.

Captain bearded straightened his back, his eyes fell on the monitoring screen and sneered, "look at your ability to escape. Even if you escape, everyone will shout like a street mouse!"


Before the voice of beard fell, the big iron door of the bottom cabin slowly rose.


All the tourists blocked outside were stunned and subconsciously stepped back.


Suddenly, the sundries in front of the door were kicked open, and the flying debris suddenly exploded into the crowd.

"He, he's out?" Someone exclaimed.

Lin Xiao was described as a murderous devil who intended to burn the whole ship. As soon as he appeared, he immediately aroused the common hatred of everyone.

"Don't let him run away!"

"Stop him!"

Relying on the large number of people, the tourists besieged Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiaoshun found the host IP of the captain's room according to the background server address of the access control, and successfully cracked the defense system. Only then did he open the door.

He just didn't expect to be denounced by the population as soon as he appeared.

Facing these ordinary people, he couldn't really kill them, so he had to be patient and asked, "what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? You still have the face to ask? Don't you know what you've done?"

"If you dare to run out and hide in it, you can live a few more days. If you come out, you will die!"

"Catch him!"

A group of people rushed up and wanted to fight Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao punched him several times. Seeing that he was so fierce, the people who were going to fight behind were frightened.

"Dare you beat people? You killed us all!" Someone shouted fiercely, but he didn't dare to come out.

"So ferocious, it's really the murderer who set fire to the ship!"

This group of people don't ask anything, and no matter what the truth is, as long as someone makes a voice, they will echo.

Seeing the noise becoming more and more serious, Lin Xiao frowned and said loudly, "shut up!"

When a lion roared, people's eardrums hurt and their heads hummed. Many people even knelt down on their knees.

In the face of Lin Xiao's divine power, these people were scared to death.

"I didn't set the fire, but the captain. You'd better find out. As for his conspiracy, I don't know yet. If you don't want to die, find the captain quickly!" Lin Xiao's voice was cold and spread in all directions, like thunder.

From becoming a great master, Lin Xiao has become a real super soldier. He has made great progress in both physical quality and spiritual endurance. With more powerful internal breathing assistance, Dantian Gu swings like a startled Hong.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise on the deck.

The whole ship was shaken, and then a scream of ghosts crying and wolves howling was heard.

"It exploded!"

The tourists crowded on the deck into the hatch door were miserable.

I don't know who detonated a grenade and directly blew up the down stairs. The entrance was damaged. You can't get in or out.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

The tourists in the bottom cabin panicked and began to shout. Many people were eager to escape and crowded with each other, making the team more chaotic.


There was another explosion, the stumps and broken arms flew around, and the deck seemed to fall into Shura hell, with fireworks.

The tourists on the deck fled one after another, but the tourists blocked into the bottom cabin were completely stupid. The exit was blown up, and the bodies and hull fragments piled up together, becoming a greater obstacle.

"Who did it?"

"Shit! It must be the boy!"

Someone pointed at Lin Xiao and roared, "it must be his accomplices. Their purpose is to destroy the cruise ship and bury us all at the bottom of the sea. They are terrorists!"

The spearheads pointed at Lin Xiao one after another, which made him unable to argue.

He was also very worried. He pushed away several angry tourists and came to the exit.

The top of the deck was completely blown up, and the whole four floors were covered and pressed down. It's not so easy to get out.

"Are you silly than?" The middle-aged steward climbed out of the warehouse and shouted grimly, "if he were a murderer, would he bury himself under it? Think about it with your pig head!"

Everyone knows the middle-aged steward. He is equivalent to the Housekeeper on the ship and is responsible for arranging accommodation and catering. As soon as he reminds us, everyone wakes up.

"Yang Wei!" Someone familiar with the middle-aged steward asked anxiously, "what's going on?"

Yang Wei said angrily, "it's the captain! He planned it all. I can't spare this old miscellaneous hair!"

At this moment, the captain and the white haired old man, with more than a dozen experts, sat on three speedboats and a supply boat prepared in advance, looking at the flaming Qinglong from a distance.

"Hum! This mess is enough for Lin Xiao to be busy for a while! When he settles down, we will have arrived at our destination long ago!" The old man with white hair smiled coldly.

"Let's go!" The captain gave a loud order.

The speedboat and supply boat quickly turned and headed for the Western sea at top speed.

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